The list of contract murders of Leonid Nevzlin* Over the last 25 years, the style and methods of the maniac-billionaire have not change a bit. In the end of 1990s, Leonid Nevzlin also kept personally company with killers and discussed with them details of orders
Nightmare 9/16. ‘Nord Stream’ pipelines were intentionally blown up near underwater dumpsite of chemical weapons
The website has found out that, in order to blow up the ‘Nord Stream’ pipelines the Americans had laid explosives just in that place in the Baltic sea where, after the Second World war, tons of toxic agents had been sunk – rusted aviation bombs with yperite and chloracetophene
На зарплате у Ходорковского*. «Независимые дрессированные мопсы» Быков* и Плющев* Как «рефери» Александр Плющев* и «поэт оппозиции» Дмитрий Быков* зарабатывают через литовскую фирму Михаила Ходорковского*