Расследования 15.10.23 11:58

Nevzlin - organizer of extremely serious crimes involving death of five persons

The web-portal publishes fir the first time the text of the verdict of the Moscow City Court with regard to the ordering customer of murders and billionaire from the company Yukos Leonid Nevzlin*. Case No 2-38/08 from 01.08.2008.

Nevzlin - organizer of extremely serious crimes involving death of five persons

Investigation. Review by the web-portal FLB.ru

Recently it’s been 15 years since Leonid Nevzlin, partner and henchman of Mikhail Khodorkovsky received a live long term for ordering and executing murders. It’s been fifteen years that this trembling creature, having decided that it owns the right, as Dostoyevsky puts it, has been living in constant fear and hate. Nevzlin has fits of hysterics in social media dreaming of “eliminating Putin and his entourage, perhaps, physically, without thinking of possible consequences”. He is Jewish with double citizenships – Russian and Israelis, he personally finances Ukrainian nationalists from the ‘Azov’ regiment** and demands ‘to inflict a total defeat upon Russia in Ukraine’.

He lives in constant fear that sometimes he will be caught and extradited to a colony for murderers ‘White Swan’. That is why Nevzlin has been speaking ornately spatting with hatred. A month ago, he, at last, he talked into becoming the status of foreign agent, although he long since deserved another brand mark of Cain – a status of extremist.

Hiding in Israel, Leonid Nevzlin, living on oil-dollars stolen from Yukos shareholders, has been creating for himself an image of a tender-hearted philanthropist and patron of sciences.

Recently he took part in a permanent squabble of Russian immigrants and oppositionists and received a couple of commentaries in response from ‘liberal ragtag’ and wrote: ‘For the first time I definitely tell those trying to insult or humiliate me or my family members - my kindness doesn’t be applicable to you. I can fight with enemies. Do not take it as a threat, but some of you, alas, are already on the list of enemies. This is a premonition to those why has not yet crossed the border of normal discussion.’

Do not take it as a threat? We would like to remind everybody who, one way or other, interact with Nevzlin, that on the list of his enemies was Vladimir Petukhov, mayor of the town Nefteyugansk (murdered), director of a shop Valentina Korneyeva (murdered), oil-businessman Yevgeny Rybin (two attempted murders). Guys, when Nevzlin threatens, he speaks seriously. He is a murderer, guys.

This fact could not refute even the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) where ‘the Bloody Leonid’ went hoping ‘to revise his live long sentence of a Russian court. In the verdict from April 18, 2022, the ECtHR pointed out: ‘In the current case the Court points out that his accusation was based on separate set of proofs, witnesses, statements given by perpetrators and victims who had testified about the applicants role in the imputed crimes in the course of the investigation and the trial’.

I.e. contrary to declaration of the weaseling out Nevzlin, the European Court of Human Rights confirmed the decision of the Russian Court – Nevzlin is a murderer.

The Agency of Federal Investigation FLB.ru is publishing the full text of the Verdict of the Moscow City Court from 01.08.2008 with regard to Nevzlin L.B., case No 2-38/08 (It was noy easy to pull out this verdict from the archives, as it somehow ‘got lost’, so it was necessary to search for it persistently.


Case No 2-38/08

The Verdict

In the name of the Russian Federation

Moscow, of August 1, 2008.

The Moscow City Court with the following membership: Presiding Judge Novikova V.A.,
with participation of the public prosecutor Kublyakov A.A.,senior prosecutor of the Department for inurement of participation of prosecutors in dealing with criminal cases by court of the Office of the Prosecutor General,
lawyer of the defendant Nevzlin L.B. attorney Kharitonov D.V., who presented his certificate and order No 25 from March 7, 2008,
as well as the affected Dedova G.A., Kolesova V.L., Kornilova S.I., Ismailova D.A., Korneyev D.N., Kostina O.N., Rybin Y.L., Filippov Y.L., Islamova F.S.
with participating of secretaries of the Court Cherepasova N.V., and Kirichenko K.B.

- Having studied, in accordance with Article 247, Paragraph 5, of the Criminal-Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the criminal case with regard to Nevzlin Leonid Borisovich, native of Moscow, citizen of the Russian Federation, graduate degree, married and has two adult children, liable for call-up, previously holding managerial positions in companies Menatep, CJSC Rosprom, Oil Company Yukos (OJSC Yukos-Moscow), and also as rector of the Moscow State Humanities University, registered at the address: Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane, House XX*, App. 9-10, with no previous criminal charges, now residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation and put on the international wanted list.

- accused of committing crimes envisioned by Article 33, paragraph 3, subparagraphs b, zh, z; Article 105, paragraph 3; Article 105, paragraph 2, Article 30, paragraph 3, Article 33, paragraph 33, subparagraphs a, b, e, zh, z; Article 105, paragraph 2; Article 30, paragraph 3, Article 33, paragraph 3, subparagraphs b, e, zh, z; Article 105, paragraph 2; Article 33, paragraph 3, subparagraphs b.e.zh,z; Article 105, paragraph 2; Article 33, paragraph 3, subparagraphs a, b, e, zh, z; Article 105, paragraph 2; Article 33, paragraph 3, subparagraphs a,zh,z,k; Article 105, paragraph 2: Article 105, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (read with the Federal Laws No 162 FZ and 169 FZ from 08.12.2003.


EPISODE 1. (Here and elsewhere there is an activated link to the full text of a given part of the Verdict – notice of the Federal agency FLB.ru)

NEVZLIN TOGETHER WITH PICHUGIN ORGANIZED THE KILLING OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE SHOP ‘TCHAI’ (TEA) VALENTINA KORNEYEVA which was committed on January 21, 1998 in the town Moscow by Shapiro V.V. in collaboration with Ovsyannikov M.B.

Having accepted this proposal from Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V., Gorin S.V., at undisclosed time and in undisclosed location, for a reward, induced to murder Korneyeva V.A. his acquaintances Shapiro V.V. and Ossyannikov M.V (they have been accused in accordance with the Verdict of the Moscow City Court of 17.08.2006 which have become law); he passed over to each of them as a reward not less than 5000 US dollars (29,800,000 rubles) received from Nevzlin L.B. through Pichugin A.V., and later also an automobile ‘Hyundai Galloper’ which later was given to Shapiro V.V.

On January 21, 1998, between 20 and 21 o’clock, Gorin S.V., together with Shapiro V.V. and Ovsyannikov M.V., trying to carry out the assignment of Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V. directed at murdering Korneyeva V.A., accived by car to the house No4 on Chechulina Street in Moscow. Around 21 p.m. Shapiro V.V. being in stairwell landing near the door of the apartment No 57, second entrance, of the mentioned house, fired a shot to the head of Korneyeva V.A. making it in extremely brutal manner, in the presence of Korneyev D.N., husband of the victim, inflicted grievous bodily harm to Korneyeva V.A. in the form of a blunt fire arm wound of the head with a bad injury – the destruction of the brain, as the result of which the victim died on the scene of the event.

EPISODE 2. NEVZLIN L.B. TOGETHER WITH PICHUGIN A.V. ORGANIZED THE KILLING OF PETUKHOV A.V. wich were committed on June 26, 1998, in the town Nefteyugansk by Reshetnikov Y.V. in collaboration with Tsigelnik G.A. and Shapiro V.V. whose verdicts became final and binding.

«In addition, Pichugin A.V. in order to facilitate the carrying out of this crime, with knowledge of Nevzlin L.B., handed over to Gorin S.V. the photo of the affected, his residence and office addresses, he also carried out negotiations about the size of material remuneration for the murder of Petukhov V.A. to the amount of not less than 150 000 US dollars (927 000 rubles), as well as about time of its execution».

«…On June 26, 1998, about 8 o’clock, on the pedestrian path located between the crossroad of the Neftyanikov Street and Molodyozhnaya Street, along the wasteland up the Naberezhnaya street in the 2nd district of the town Nefteyugansk, at the moment when Tsigelnik G.A. armed for committing the crime with a short hunting rifle of the type ‘KO-8,2’, caliber 8,2 as well as with a grenade F-1, in accordance with his role in this crime, was tracking the setting and, if need be, he had to remove obstacles preventing the carrying out of this crime so, Reshetnikov Y.V. shot at least 18 times from the automatic gun Kb-92 ‘Volk’ (Borz), caliber 9 mm.

As the result of the shooting, Petukhov V.A. died in the after being delivered to the hospital; bodily damages of serious gravity were infringed on Kokoshkin V.Y. due to the blind would of the left buttock, and a grievous bodily harm, judging from the danger for life, was caused by a gunshot blind injury in the lumber region penetrating to spinal canal and damaging the spinal cord».

EPISODE 3. NEVZLIN L.B. TOGETHER WITH PICHUGIN A.V. ORGANIZED AN ASSAULT ON KOLESOV V.L., executive manager of the company ‘Rosprom’, that was committed on October 5, 1998, in the town Moscow by Reshetnikov Y.V. and Tsigelnik G.A.

«In order to fulfil this criminal intention, Pichugin A.V. acting at the direct behest of Nevzlin L.B. who took upon himself organizer’s functions of the assault on Kolesov V.L., in undisclosed time and location proposed to his acquaintance Gorin S.V. (the criminal prosecution against him was stopped because of his death) to find persons ready to commit this crime for remuneration. In addition, Pichugin A.V. with the knowledge of Nevzlin L.B., handed over to Gorin S.V. a photo and residence address of Kolesov V.L. in Moscow and proposed to make an assault on Kolesov and to get hold of his possessions and also carried out negotiations about material remuneration to the amount of 5000 US dollars (39 525 rubles) and about terms of committing this assault».

«Reshetnikov Y.N. and Tsigelnik G.A. while performing the assignment of Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V. pertaining to the criminal assault on Kolesov V.L., transferred to them by Goritovsky V.N. and Shapiro V.V., on October 5, 1998, about 20.30 p.m., in the vicinity of house No 4 on Marshall Biryusov in Moscow, carried out an assault on Kolesov V.L., and in order to facilitate it, they used a non-lethal weapon – a pepper spray canister, so they sprinkled the content of it on the dace of Kolesov V.L. They beat him, throwing punches with hands and feet on critical parts of the body and head, i.e. they used violence which was dangerous for the life and health of the victim.

With appearance of unrelated citizens, Reshetnikov Y.V. and Ysigelnik G.A. got hold of the brief case belonging to the affected, as well as documents and money to the whole amount of 1925 US dollars (that at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia is equal to 30 743 rubles and 41 kopeks) and after that they fled the scene of the event.

EPISODE 4. NEVZLIN L.B. TOGETHER WITH PICHIGIN A.V. ORGANIZED AN ATTEMPTED MURDER ON RYBIN Y.L. that was committed on November 24, 1998 in the town Moscow by Reshetnikov Y.V. in complicity with Tsigennik G.A. and Shapiro V.V.

«In addition, Pichugin A.V. to facilitate committing of this crime, with the knowledge of Nevzlin L.B., handed over to Gorin S.V. information about the place of residence and work of Rybin Y.L., about cars at his disposal, bodyguards and routes of movement, he also carried out negotiations about the amount of material remuneration for the killing of Rybin Y.L. to the amount of not less than 300 000 US dollars (6 942 000 rubles), as well as about dates of the committing of the crime.

… «About 22.05 p.m. of the same day, at the moment when Rybin Y.L. left the entrance of house No 30 on the Udaltsova Street and came up to his official vehicle of the type GAZ-3102, state registration number E 965 PH 50 РУС), in which there was the driver Galkin U.V., Tsigalnik G.A. armed with the gun PSM Makarov to committing the crime, kept watching over the situation and, in need be, he had to remove impeaching impediments as to committing this crime directed at murdering of Rybin Y.B., fired at close range not less than 6 shots from the machine-gun K6-92 ‘Volk’ (Borz) caliber 9 mm.

However, Tsigelnik G.A. and Reshetnikov Y.V. failed to accomplish their crime due to reasons beyond their control, as Rybin Y.L. managed to hide himself behind the car, and them in the entrance of the designated house. Tsigelnik G.A. fearing to inflict damage to this accomplice, could not fire a shot from the fire arm at his disposal. As Rybin Y.L. was of the same firing line with Reshetnikov Y.V. Not having a real possibility to bring to the end this crime, Tsigelnik G.A. and Reshetnikov Y.V. fled from the scene of the crime.»

EPISODE 5. NEVZLIN L.B. TOGETHER WITH PICHUGIN A.V. ORGANIZED AN ATTEMPTED MURDER OF KOSTINA O.N. which was carried out on November 28, 1998, in the town Moscow by Korovnikov I.O., Popov P.A., Kabatets V.N., Erbes D.P.

«Apart from that, Pichugin A.V. in order to facilitate the carrying out of this murder, with the knowledge of Nevzlin L.B., handed over to Gorin S.V. a photo of the affected, specified her place of domicile in Moscow, conducted negotiations about remuneration for the killing of Kostina O.N. to the amount of 15 000 US dollars (118 575 rubles), as well as about time schedule of its carrying out».

«As the result of the explosion, window glasses in the entrance of the house were destroyed, as well as inner door jams, door checks, door frames and locks, metal door blocks, armored concrete slab floors between third and fourth floors were damaged. However, nobody from the dwellers of the house suffered».

EPISODE 6. NEVZLIN L.B. TOGETHER WITH PICHUGIN A.V. ORGANIZED (A SECOND) AN ATTEMPTED MURDER OF RYBIN Y.L., the killing of Fedotov N.B. and an attempted murder of Filippov Y.L committed on March 5, 1999, between the Kiyevskoye highway and the village Nikolo-Khovanskoye of the Lenin’ district in the Moscow Region by Tsigelnik Y.A. and Reshetnikov Y.B. with collaboration of Shapiro V.V.

«In addition, Pichugin A.V. in order to facilitate carrying out of this crime, with the knowledge of Nevzlin L.B., handed over to Gorin S.V. information about the place of domicile and work of Rybin S.V., as well as cars at his disposal, bodyguards and itineraries, he also conducted negotiations about the amount of remuneration for the killing of Rybin Y.L. to the amount not less than 300 000 US dollars (6 942 000 rubles) and time of its execution».

… «On March 5, 1999, about 8.00 p.m., on the back road located between Kiyevskoye Highway and the village Nikolo-Khovandkoye in Leninsky District of the Moscow Area, opposite the concrete fence of Khovanskoye Cemetery’s wood-working department, Tsigelnik G.A., upon prior collusion with Reshetnikov Y.V., with the knowledge of Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V., acting together and in coordination, in a socially dangerous way, aware of the fact that, as the result of the explosion not only Rybin Y.L. could be killed, but also other persons accompanying him, set off, by way of providing electric power supply, the self-made explosive device that had been previously dug in the in the soil on the itinerary of movement of the car GAZ-3102, state registration number Н 216 АХ 99 РУС, at the disposal of Rybin Y.L. apart from that, Tsigelnik G.A. tried to fire a shot at the car and persons sitting in it from the antitank rocket grenade launcher RGTG-18 by pressing the trigger. Yet, contrary to his intention, the shot was a failure, as the grenade launcher was out of order…

Reshetnikov Y.V., at the behest of Tsigelnik G.A., threw an army frag hand grenade F-1, and then, Reshetnikov Y.V. and Tsigelnik G.A. from the assault guns AK-74 at their disposal fired not less than 54 shots at the car where there were Fedotov I.V., Filippov Y.L. and Ivanov A.Y., and after that they fled from the scene of the event.

Whereas Rybin Y.L. was not in that car at the moment of committing this crime, the criminal group with the lead of Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V. could not carry out its criminal intention to the end due to circumstances beyond their control».

EPISODE 7. NEVZLIN L.B. TOGETHER WITH PICHUGIN A.V. ORGANIZED THE MURDER OF WITNESSES WHO WERE DANGEROUS FOR HIM, SPECIFICALLY, OF GORIN S.V. AND GORINA O.M., committed on November 20, 2002, in the community Raduzhny of the town Tambov by persons undisclosed by the investigation.

«The same Nevzlin L.B., aware that Gorin S.V. disposed information about his (Nevzlin L.B.) connection with organizing of the mentioned above crimes, in particular crimes against of Korneyeva V.A., Petukhov V.A., Kokoshkin V.E., Kolesov V.L., Kostina O.N., Rebin Y.L., Fedotov N.V., Ivanov A.Y., Filippov Y.L. as well as of other his illegal actions, and was going to make these documents and information public, in November 2002, he (Nevzlin L.B.), at an undisclosed location, colluded with the head of the fourth Department of internal and economic security of the oil company Yukos (OJSC ‘Yukos-Moskva’) Pichugin A.V. … in order to conceal crimes committed by him (by Nevzlin L.B.) organized the murder of Gorin S.V. and his spouse Gorina O.M.»

… «On November 20, 2002, about 19.40 p.m., persons undisclosed by the investigation, in fulfilment of criminal intention, gained entry into the house No XX on Yasnaya Street of the community Raduzhny of the town Tambov, closed underage Gorin O.S., Gorin A.S. and Ismailov D.A. in the bathroom. One of the assailants hit over the head with the handle of the gun Ismailov D.A. who tried to resist, and caused him a craniocerebral injury as well as an injury of the right temporal area, which entailed a short-term health problem not more than 3 weeks but not less than 6 days. The assailants waited the return home of the Gorins and, in pursuance of the directions given by Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V., committed the murder of the Gorins with the use of fire arms, and after that transported the corpses to an undisclosed location.»

The culpability of the defendant Nevzlin L.B. of committing the mentioned above crimes has been established by the following proofs studied during the hearings.

An extract of the protocol of A.V. Pichugin’s interrogation of 27.05.2003


«Referring to the words of Gorin, he knows (Shapiro V.V.) for a fact that the ordering customers of this crime are leaders of the bank ‘Menatep’ and the oil company Yukos who, in case in his apprehension, would provide him a solid protection. The general guidance of organizing=g this crime was in the hands of Pichugin A.V. who acted under instructions of Nevzlin L.B. He also knows for a fact that the monetary means for the preparation and execution of the murder of Korneyeva came directly from, as well as further material remuneration for the persons who committed it. The money came directly from Nevzlin to Pichugin, and the latter, in his turn, handed it over to Gorin. (volume No 16, pages of the file 53-55, 90-98, 126-141, 142-152; volume 65, pages of the file 140-151; volume N 69, pages of the file 201-206; volume no 70, pages of the file 131-134).

‘About accomplished work he reported to Pichugin and the latter reported about it to his boss Nevzlin. From the words of Gorin he knows that all financial flows came through Navzlin, including payments for preliminary measures in connection with this crime, as well as remuneration for its execution. From talks with Gorin and his spouse he learned that for salving all problems with regard to Korneyeva, Gorin received 300 000 US dollars’.

…’ Then he learned from Gorin that Shapiro killed Korneyeva. After the murder of Korneyeva, he heard Goring saying that he now holds Nevzlin by the balls’

«Then, in March 1998, from the conversation from Gorin and his spouse, he learned that Nevzlin was to sign certain documents and after that they would receive money. On the next day, he drove Gorin to the office on Vavilova Street, house 23, in Moscow where Gorin met with Pichugin. After his meeting, inside the car, Gorin handed over to him 7000 US dollars as payment for work.

(volume No 15, pages of the file 59-70, 107-117, 118-128, 129-135, 141-144, 170-181, 195-197; т. № 70 л.д. 107-110)

«Later, from Gorin’s words, he learned that, in January 1998, the inhabitant of the town Volgograd Shapiro had committed the murder of a woman in Moscow. This woman had refused to sell a premises to one of the companies under control of the oil company Yukos. The order to kill that woman Gorin received from Pichugin who gave him 80 000 US dollars. Specially for committing this crime, Gorin bought a car…

Apart from that, Ovsyannikov complained to him that Gorin had not paid him additional 5000 US dollars for committing the murder of this woman. Later, from the words of Gorin and Ovsyannikov, he learned that Gorin had handed over to the latter this sum of money for account of remuneration for committing this crime.

(volume No 1, pages of the file 26-27, 254-258; volume No 7, pages of the file 221-221; volume No 11, pages of the file 174-178; volume No 9, pages of the file 197-208, 209-216, 290-294; volume No 18, pages of the file 102-106; volume No 60, pages of the file 144-157)

- «Protocol of presenting a person for identification with participation of the affected Korneyev D.N with a photoboard, according with which he, based on particularities and marks (height, body-build, face-oval, neck, shin, nose, eye shapes, eyes, lips and general features) recognized Shapiro V.V. as the man, who, January 21, 1998, in his resence, from a hand-gun with silencer, killed his spouse, and then, threatening, aimed his hand-gun at him in the direction of his forehead, saying ‘Quiet, quiet’, and after that he came into elevator’s cabin and disappeared.

Shapiro, after the process of identification organized by the investigation, said that he completely agreed with the affected Korneyev D.N., he leaded himself guilty of killing Ms. Korneyeva№»
(volume 16, pages of the file 27-34).

- «Testimony in court of the witness Bakulina A.A. According to her, the death of Korneyeva might be beneficial to somebody from the management of the bank ‘Menatep’, as she didn’t want to sell to this bank the premises of the shop ‘Tchai’, belonging to the company on the property rights. From 1993, the bank Menatep’ received the right to renovate the building at the address: Moscow, Pokrovka-Street, house 8/2, building 1. Representatives of the bank ‘Menatep’ often came to Korneyeva, once she saw Nevzlin himself, whom Korneyeva saw to the door, and, according to the latter, he had demanded to sell the premises or lease them».

2.2 EVIDENCE CORROBORATING THE ACCUSATION OF NEVZLIN OF ORGANIZING THE MURDER OF PETUKHOV V.A. As the result, the mayor of the town Nefteyugansk was killed, and his bodyguard will be an incapacitated person and wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life.

«Voluntary surrender of Reshetnikov Y.V. of April 28 and May 6, 2005, according to which Reshetnikov voluntary told about the crimes, committed in the interests of the oil company, OJSC Yukos, in particular Nevzlin and Pichugin, pertaining to the murder of the mayor of Nefteyugansk Petukhov that had taken place in June, 1998, and he also describes of circumstance of committing this crime. (volume No 67, pages of the file 84-85, 87-90)

… “Shapiro told him (Reshetnikov Y.V.) that the ordering customer of the crime Pichugin and Nevzlin, were joyous when they learned about the committing of the crime against Petukhov. For committing this crime, they receive monetary remuneration to the amount of 7 500 US dollars each”.
(volume No 32, pages of the file 140-142; volume No 68, pages of the file 8-24; volume No 69, pages of the file 8-13; volume No 70, pages of the file 79-88)

Testimony of the witness Golubovich A.D. The murder of the mayor of Nefteyugansk Petukhov V.A. was committed on June 26, 1998, when in their company they celebrated the birthday of Khodorkovsky M.B. He knows that Nevzlin L.B. had totally under his control the security service of the company, even when he had not worked in the system Menatep-Rosprom-Yukos. The head of the security service Shestopalov M.I. was subordinated only to Nevzlin L.B.

He totally refutes the evidence of Nevzlin L.V. given by him during the preliminary investigation, on July 4, 2003, (volume No 4, pages of the file 44-49) that he didn’t communicate with Pichugin A.V. and didn’t give him any assignment…

Nevzlin L.B. and Pichugin A.V. communicated with each other unofficially in Moscow, and also went together to the Caucasus.
(volume No 47, page of the file 249; volume No 76, pages of the file 122-131; 132-142)

Analysis of the budget performance of the town Nefteyugansk for the first half year of 1997-1998, according to which the OJSC Oil Company Yukos paid to the budget 4% of the plan for 1998”
(volume No 24, pages of the file 103-104)


“Testimony of Peshkun А.V. In august 1998, Gorin proposed to him monetary remuneration to the amount of 5 000 US dollars (at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia at the date was equal to 39 525 rubles) to commit a crime in Moscow against a man and a woman who allegedly, were engaged in business activities. He, in his turn, proposed to commit these crime s to Popov. Then, Popov introduced him to Korovnikov, as a person who would fix problems with regard to committing these crimes.

Later, he met with Korovnikov at a dacha located not far from the town Tambov, where Korovnikov informed about his consent to commit these crimes.

Having discussed conditions of the crimes – the sum of remuneration amounting to 3 000 US dollars - he handed over to Korovnikov addresses of the places of the domicile of Kolesov and Kostina, their photos from personal files that had been given to him (Peshkun) earlier by Gorin. Gorin himself was to become for committing these crimes 20 000 US dollars, and 6 000 US dollars from that sum Gorin planned to pat to actual perpetrators of these crimes…

The first talk with Gorin about the involvement of Nevzlin in the mentioned crimes, took place approximately in 1999, when he and Gorin S.V. were in Moscow, on the Sakharov Prospect, near the bank ‘Menatep’ Gorin S.V. came out from the premises of the bank and was waiting for someone. They started to talk about executants of orders pertaining to Kolesov and Kostina. In the words of Gorin, Pichugin handed over money to him and executed instructions of Nevzlin pertaining to carrying our ‘orders’. In particular, Gorin S.V. connected Nevzlin’s name with the attempted murders of Kolesov, Kostina and Rybin.

Before this conversation with Gorin, he had never heard the name Nevzlin, and he had not known who this man had been. He learned it only from Gorin that Nevzlin was Pichugin’s chief and that he stood behind all attempted murders of Kostina, Kolesov and Rybin.
(volume No 1, pages of the file 121-126, 219-227, 265-267; volume No 3, pages of the file 148-151; volume No 4, pages of the file 52-55; volume No 8, pages of the file 48-53, 57-64, 99-108, 114-118, 226-231; volume No 9, pages of the file 79-82, 110-124, 157-169; volume No 10, pages of the file 51-52, 86-95; volume No 11, pages of the file 198-202; volume No 60, pages of the file 29-42; volume No 41, pages of the file 33-64)

“Testimony of Korovnikov I.O. He came to the place of the meeting ahead of time, and, while he was approaching the central entrance, somebody called him by name. He looked back and saw Pichugin.

In the course of the talk, Pichigin, using harsh words for Gorin, gave to understand that Gorin had received considerable sums of money for committing crimes against Kostina and Kolesov, and explained that the executors who had committed the crime against Kolesov, had received a monetary remuneration to the amount of 5 000 US dollars. On the presented during the interrogation photos, he (Korovnikov) he pointed to Puchugin and Gorin as persons who had conducted negotiations with Peshkun about monetary remuneration for the execution of the murder of Kostina and Kolesov. Besides, Gorin, fearing for his life, was handing over to him bank documents and photos of the leadership of the bank ‘Menatep’ involved in the attempted murder of Kolesov and who had committed a series of other crimes”.

(volume No 3, pages of the file 179-186; volume No 4, pages of the file 104-106: volume No 6, pages of the file 42-51, 73-88, 174-178; volume No 7, pages of the file 82-88; volume No 8, pages of the file 247-251; volume No 9, pages of the file 87-95; volume No 61, pages of the file 59-66; volume No 41, pages of the file 75-113)

“Protocol of face to face confrontation of the witness Korovnikov I.O with the defendant Pichugin A.V. of 05.09.2003, according to which Korovnikov confirmed the evidence given by him earlier on the involvement of Pichugin in organizing the crime against Kolesov.
(volume No 7, pages of the file 42-57)


“Testimony of Peshkun А.V. He got acquainted with Pichugin in 1997-1998 through Gorin who said that Pichugin was the head of the security service of the oil company Yukos. The meeting took place near Pichugin’s office on Vavilov Street, house 23 in Moscow. The last several years Gorin and Pichugin were in close contact with each other, and they also dealt with illegal matters. After failed attempted murders against Kostina, conflicts arose between Gorin and Pichugin.

Later, there was a conflict between Gorin and Pichugin in connection with Gorin’s intention to blow a whistle about the involvement of Pichugin and his chief Nevzlin in organizing crimes against Kolesov and Kostina. Gorin started to fear for his life, in particular, when he was one again going to a regular meeting with Pichugin, and he warned that, in case he would not return, then it would be necessary to contact his (Gorin’s) wife, as she would know that to do in such a situation and was armed with information pertaining to Pichugin.
(volume No 1, pages of the file 121-126, 219-227, 265-267; volume No 3, pages of the file 148-151; volume No 4, pages of the file 52-55; volume No 8, pages of the file 48-53, 57-64, 99-108, 114-118, 226-231; volume No 9, pages of the file 79-82, 110-124, 157-169; volume No 10, pages of the file 51-52, 86-95; volume No 11, pages of the file 198-202; volume No 60, pages of the file 29-42; volume No 41, pages of the file 33-64; No 60, pages of the file 29-42)

“Testimony of Erbes D.P. Then Korovnikov, together with Kabanets and Popov, finished making the exploding device which they placed near the door of Kostina’s apartment, and then sounded an explosion. Korovnikov said that they would receive 3 000 US dollars, but later, in Tambov, he said they would not pay the promised money as they had not made their work to the end and the purpose had not been reached. In January 1999, he and Korovnikov came to the Paveletsky Rail Station in Moscow. Where he met the ordering customer (Pichugin). The the latter promised them for their work two cars that they later received.
(volume No 4, pages of the file 100-103; volume No 7, pages of the file 78-81; Volume No 10, pages of the file 268-269, 286-288)


‘Testimony of the affected Rybin Y.L…. During the period of the investigation, through his acquaintances in the oil company Yukos, he learned that the vice-president Yegorov, who had previously worked in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MUR), in every possible way, tried to influence offices of law enforcement agencies so that they would ‘run this criminal case into the ground’. Having decided to inspect the status of the investigation, he approached the Nikulinskaya Prosecution Office where he learned that the criminal case had been recharacterized from murder to hooliganism. Police offices, in their turn, exerted influence on him and demanded from him to write a request about non-launching a criminal case, as no bodily harm had been inflicted to him.

Having learned that representatives of the oil company Yukos were interfering in this criminal case, he assured himself about the involvement of representatives of the oil company Yukos in organizing the attempted murder against him…

His Rybin’s) close acquaintance and colleague, general director of the oil company ‘TNV’ Berlyand A.A., killed on 20.10.1998, told him about a constant pressure on him from the part of the oil company Yukos, in particular, he mentioned a man, representative of the security service of the oil company Yukos, who threatened him trying to tilt toward illegal actions to the benefit of the oil company Yukos. This man he later recognized as Pichugin A.V.

Rybin directly pointed at the leadership of the oil company Yukos, namely at Khodorkovsky M.B. and Nevzlin L.B. as ordering customers of the attempted murder against him, and at Reshetnikov Y.V. and Tsigelnik (Shevtsov) Y.A. as at executors.
(volume No 8, pages of the file 255-258; volume No 43, pages of the file 5, 16-19, 116, 127, 111-112, 154; volume No 44, pages of the file 83-91, 50-57, 110; volume No 44, pages of the file 181-183, 201-203, 215-218, 236-238, 239-244; volume No 42, pages of the file 55-58, 121, 125; volume No 45, pages of the file 187, 190-209, 215-218; volume No 47, pages of the file 38-70, 87-90, 91-93, 94097, 98-99, 100-102, 103-104, 106; volume No 50, pages of the file 38, 40-42, 46-50, , 53, 54, 76-81; volume No 53, pages of the file 1-7, 9-18, 19-23, 24-33,; volume No 54, pages of the file 1-6, 13-15, 89-91, 107-109, 118-122; volume 55, pages of the file 74-176, 177-178; volume 56, pages of the file 33-35, 160-162; volume No 60, pages of the file 116-118; volume No 61, pages of the file 16-18, 19-22, 141-142; volume 63, page of the file 1,2, 4-88 volume No 65, pages of the file 1-3, 11-14; volume No 73, pages of the file 21023; volume No 76, pages of the file 4-5, 6-16, 160-162; volume No 78, pages of the file 96-98)

“Protocol of presentation of a person for recognition of 10.03.2005, according to which the affected Rybin confidently pointed out to Tsigelnik (Shevtsov) G.A. as the man whom he had seen twice, approximately, in December 1998, in the car ‘Niva’, and, for the second time, ,approximately, in January 1999, in the car Toyota ‘Land Cruiser’ with the registration number ‘002’
(volume No 64, pages of the file 105-112)

“Testimony of the witness Avalishvili G.D. Rybin was the initiator of the battle against illegal activities of the oil company Yukos. Apart from that, his acquaintance, the head of the company “TNB’ Berlyand, in conversation with him, repeatedly expressed fears about his life and health and said that the danger came from employees of the security service of the oil company Yukos, who forced him to gather compromising materials on Rybin, Kalyuzhny, Filimonov and on him (Avalishvili). He was also repeatedly summoned to the security service of the oil company Yukos, where, in threatening form, they had proposed to present compromising materials on Rybin, Kalyuzhny, Filimonov, and, because he didn’t deliver such documents, threats started coming at his address.
(volume No 43, pages of the file 111-112; volume No 45. Pages of the file 83-86; volume No 47, pages of the file 212-213; volume no 58, pages of the file 43-45)

“Testimony of the witness Dobrovinsky A.A., according to which, for a long period of time, he took part in court sessions initiated by the company ‘Birkenholz’ and ‘East Petroleum Handelshaz m.B.H.’ in connection with illegal activities of the oil company Yukos. All cases were won by the company ‘Birkenholz’ and the company ‘East Petroleum Handelsgaz m.B.H.’, whose interests he represented.

He happened to talk by phone and meet personally with the leadership of the oil company Yukos, in particular with Khodorkovsky and Nevzlin, Moreover, he learned that the oil company Yukos would not agree with a voluntary settlement of the debt. He received a warning from an unknown man by the name Sergey that he should not communicate with Rybin Y.L. as he had got in the way of very influential people.

One of the leaders of the oil company Yukos Nevzlin, personally called him, expressed offences and threats in coarse language to the address of Rybin and to him personally. He also promised to make a reality his threats, if they didn’t stop their activities against the oil company Yukos. Earlier, while representing interests of different companies in courts against the oil company Yukos, her also received numerous threats to his address. According to him, the organizer and the bordering customer of the attempted murder against Rybin were leaders of the oil company Yukos, in particular, Nevzlin.


- “Testimony of the witness Peshkun A.V., The first conversation about the involvement of Nevzlin in the mentioned crimes took place with Gorin around 1999, when he and Gorin, while being in Moscow, on the Sakharov Prospect, near the bank ‘Menatep’. Gorin came out of the premises of the bank and was waiting for someone. They started to talk about executors of the orders with regard to Kolesov and Kostin. At that moment, Gorin, for the first time, said that, behind all these crimes stood not only Pichugin, but also the main organizer Nevzlin. From the words of Gorin, he knew that Pichugin was handing over money and fulfil the will of Nevzlin. In particular, he connected the name of Nevzlin with the attempted murders against Kolesov, Kostina and Rybin.

…Later on, between Gorin and Pichugin there was a conflict in connection with Gorin’s intention to make public the involvement of Pichugin in organization of crimes against Kolesov and Kostina. Gorin started to express fear for his life, specifically, when he was preparing for a regular meeting with Pichugin, he warned that, in case he didn’t return, it would be necessary to contact his (Gorin’s) wife, as she knew, what to be done in such a situation, and she disposed of some information with regard to Pichugin.

…The relations between them sharpened even more. In May 2002, Gorin met with Khodorkovsky B.M. (father of Mikhail Khodorkovsky – note by FLB.ru) and told him about what he had done for the oil company Yukos, and. after that they. refuse to pay him money and to provide help in finding a job. Having learned about this meeting, Pichugin started to voice his claims to Gorin.

Information about his meetings in Moscow Gorin wrote in a notebook that he kept in his safe, located in the basement of his house, and hid its content.
(volume No1, pages of the file 121-126, 219-227, 265-267; volume No 3, pages of the file 148-151; volume No 4, pages of the file 52-55; volume No 8, pages of the file 48-53, 57-64, 99-108, 1140118, 226-231; volume No 9, pages of the file 79-82, 110-124, 157-169; volume No 10, pages of the file 51-52, 86-95; volume No 11, pages of the file 198-202; volume No 60, pages of the file 29-42; volume No 41, pages of the file 33-64)

- “Testimony of the witness Smirnov O.M. In the middle of November 2002, Gorin called and said that it was necessary to go to Moscow, as Pichugin had said that the question with his employment had been resolved. Before the trip, Gorin said that, if Pichugin would not solve this question, he would go to a meeting with Nevzlin, explaining, that Nevzlin was ‘the gray cardinal’ of the company Yukos and that he (Gorin) had solved also Nevzlin’s questions”.
(volume No 1, pages of the file 26-27, 254-258; volume No 7, pages of the file 212-221; volume No 11, pages of the file 174-178; volume No 9, pages of the file 197-208, 209-216, 290-294; volume No 18, pages of the file 102-106; volumes No 41, pages of the file 144-157)

-“Testimony in court of the witness Shevelev S.G., according to which he, since 1983, has been working as director of the Caucasus state nature biosphere reserve that is located on the territories of three subjects of the Russian Federation, specifically: Krasnodar Region, Republic Adygeya, Republic Karachay-Cherkessia. In July 2002, at the request of representatives of the oil company Yukos, he took part in organizing on the territory of the reserve holidays of senior management of the company. About 12 representatives of the senior leadership came, and they lived in a hotel located on the territory of the Republic Adygeya. Together with them came several members of personnel, whereas on excursions went only members of the leadership, and the personnel was waiting in hotel’s yard.

He personally guided tourist itineraries with participation of the members of the leadership of the oil company Yukos. Together with other leaders of the oil company Yukos, also took part in them Pichugin A.V. who, as it became known from mass media, was arraigned on a criminal charge for committing a series of extremely grievous crimes. In his presence, Pichugin A.V. communicated with other leaders of the oil company Yukos on equal footing, including Khodorkovsky M.B. and Nevzlin L.B.

The motive for killing of the Gorins is, according to court, to present the dissemination of dangerous for Nevzlin and Pichugin information about committed crimes. Moreover, the organizers of the murder knew that this information was at the disposal of both spouses, and in could be in the house or in other place known to them, in written, electronic, audio or video formats. Thus, the murder of the Gorins was committed with the purpose both for finding the volume if known information and withdrawal of carrier of this information, as well as further extermination of its owners”.


“Argument of the defense of the defendant Nevzlin L.B. about the failure to prove the charge (the Court) holds for groundless, as these arguments are refuted by the evidence mentioned above.

Considering the evidence of the persons interrogated in connection with this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Shapiro, Reshetnikov and Tsigelnik personally saw Nevzlin (but didn’t communicate with him) at the moment, when he together with Pichugin came to the hotel ‘Salyut’ in Moscow and gave instructions with regard to the murder of Rybin.

The witness Korovnikov identified Nevzlin as a person, the photo of whom had been shown to him personally by Gorin, together with collected compromising materials, explaining thereupon that threats for him had been coming from that person.

The witness Rozhkova directly pointed at Nevzlin as the person who had obtained from the personal file of Kostina, in presence of Pichugin and Shestopalov, and later on, the photo from the personal file of Kostina was provided to the executors of the attempted murder against her.

The witness Golubovich A.D. was present at the conversation between Nevzlin and Khodorkovsky, in the course of which Nevzlin promised to solve the problem with Rybin within two months, and after that there were two consequent attempted murders against Rybin.

The witness Mirimskaya O.M. was present when Puchugin presented information to his chiefs Shestopal, Nevzlin and Khodorkovsky on the murder of Petukhov.


That is why, the court assesses, on the whole, the actions of Nevzlin L.B.:

of organizing by him murders of –

- Korneyeva V.A., January 21, 1998;

- Petukhov V.A., July 26, 1998;

- Fedotov N.V., March 5, 1999;

- Gorin S.V. and Gorina O.M., November 20, 2002.

- in accordance with Article 33, paragraph 3, subparagraphs ‘a.b,e.z.u’,, Article 105, paragraph 2 (as in force of the Federal Law of 13.06.1999 No 63 FZ), as organization of murders, that is, intentional causing the death to two and more persons, on episodes of the murders of Petukhov V.A., Fedotov N.V. as well as in connection with fulfilling of the affected their official activities, by a generally dangerous way, and, as to the killing of the couple Gorins, also with the purpose to hide another crime;

Of organizing by him –

- attempted murder against Rybin Y.L. on November 24, 1998,

- attempted murder against Rybin Y.L. on March 5, 1999 and employees of his protection team Ivanov A.U., and Filippov Y.L.

- attempted murder against Kostina O.N. on November 28, 1998;

- of organizing him:

- on November 5, 1998, an assault on Kolesov V.L., that is an assault with the purpose to steel property of other person with the use of violence, dangerous for life and health, by a group of persons, on previous concert, in accordance with Article 33, paragraph 3; Article 162, paragraph 2, of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation (in the version of the Federal Law of 21.07.2004, No 73-FZ).

When imposing the penalty, the court takes into consideration that the defendant Nevzlin L.B. has committed a series of crimes relating to the category of extremely grievous, challenging lives, and causing deaths of five persons, as attempted murders some more persons, and thereupon repeatedly fire arms were used and explosive devices, so, taking in consideration of the quantity of the affected and the used methods of challenging their lives, the Court reckons that Nevzlin L.B. as organizer of extremely grievous crimes, challenging lives, are to be regarded as an extreme danger for the society, and considers that it is necessary to impose him a penalty in form of life-long imprisonment.

…On the totality of the committed crimes, to impose the final penalty on Nevzlin L.B. in form of life imprisonment for servicing in correctional colony of strict regime.

The term of servicing the penalty of Nevzlin l.B. to be counted from the moment of his actual apprehension and taken into custody after the search”.

See the Russian version at: «Невзлин - организатор особо тяжких преступлений, повлекших смерть пятерых лиц»

From the editorial board of FLB.ru – See the Verdict of the Moscow City Court against the organizer and ordering customer of murders Nevzlin L.B. in one file - - All-prigovor-nevzlinu-01082008-2702-osn

More on this subject:

Full text of the Verdict of the Moscow City Court, case No 2-46-10/06 of 17.08.2006, with regard to Pichugin’s criminal group, guilty of the murder of Korneyeva, of the murder of Petukhov, of the attempted murder of Kolesov, of two attempted murders of Rybin, as well as of the assault on the family of Kapliyev

* Nevzlin Leonid Borisovich, born 21.09.1959, personal insurance policy number (SNILS) 094-463-07079, included in the register of foreign agents with No 622 on 23.06.2023. On August 1, 2008, Nevzlin, as the ordering customer of five murders and six attempted murders was sentenced in absentia to life-long imprisonment. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), having considered Nevzlin’s complaint in 2022, pointed out the it had not established any partiality of the court in Russia.
** Regiment, battalion ‘Azov’ – according to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 03.08.2022, this neo-Nazi structure was acknowledged as terrorist and extremist organization. Ukrainian paramilitary nationalist formation ‘Azov’ (Battalion Azov, Regiment Azov) is included in the registry of terrorist and extremist organization with No 5408
* Mikhail Khodorkovsky – on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent. Included in the registry of foreign agents with No 389.

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