We have already reported about how Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been using Navalny’s * brand by managing through a Lithuanian firm under his control the online-planform ‘Navalny.shop’ thus making a little extra money on selling t-shirts and baseball caps. Apart from that, he doesn’t forget to squabble pointedly in public with Volkov * and Pevchikh * from ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation’, among others, who, in their turn, have been brawling among themselves. Navalny’s associates in immigration has been trying at all cost to present themselves as an independent team, but, in reality, they long ago joined the ranks of the former oil oligarch and they are connected to Khodorkovsky with one and the same American umbilical financial cord.
However, there is another version of the events – it’s not Navalny’s associates who entered the ranks of Khodorkovsky, but, the other way round, it’s Navalny’s entourage that carried out the merger and swallowed Khodorkovsky.
A bright evidence of that is a story of the renaming the Lithuanian ‘Future Russia Foundation, VsI’, which, on June 14, 2021, was founded by one of a key employee of Khodorkovsky – by Irena Lapinskine (See also the investigation on this subject ‘Ten women of Khodorkovsky’, as well as the investigation ‘Lithuanian family contract ‘Future of Russia’). This foundation has officially more than 70 employees working on different anti-Russian projects.
So, the other day, the website Prigovor.ru, while inspecting financial dumps of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, found out that, on February 20, 2023, the Lithuanian company “Future Russia Foundation, VsI’, according to the Lithuanian Company Registry, had changed its name for ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Europe, VsI’.
It’s worth noting that, as of today, ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Inc.’ is the main brand of Navalny’s employees who have melted the “Anti-Corruption Foundation’ **. So now it turns out that Mikhail Khodorkovsky has melted his brand – ‘Future Russia’ ** – and has laid himself down under Navalny’s associates thus, actually, making his Lithuanian foundation an affiliate of Navalny’s American office.
Apart from that, the website Prigovor.ru has found out that, a day after, on February 21, 2023, the renamed company ‘Anti-Corruption foundation Europe’ was passing a procedure of registration in the EU Transparency Register with No 783127949178-77.
This European register forms data bases of lobbyist companies acting in Europe, and about this it’s reported on its website: ‘Transparency Register is a data-base in which ‘representatives of interests’ are itemized (organizations, associations, groups and self-employed persons) which carry out activities directed at efforts to influence EU policy and the process of decision making’.
As the head office of a lobbyist company and as the office responsible for contacts with the EU is mentioned one and the same address of Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s company: Klaipedos street, 7-18, Vilnius, Lithuania, Post code: LT-01117.
And as persons of contact taking part in lobbyist activities are mentioned: company’s director Irena Lapinskine and Alexander Pomazuev, a lawyer of ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation’**.
The main purpose of lobbyists is presented without any ceremonies in the section ‘Main Legislative Initiatives’: ‘Introduction of restrictive measures of the European Union with regard to persons involved in establishing the authoritarian regime in the Russian Federation, violation of human rights, corruption, unleashing the aggressive war against Ukraine’.
The Transparency Register presupposes total transparency and that is why Khodorkovsky with Navalny’s associates were compelled to perform an undressing session. In the section ‘Membership and Affiliation’ they were forced to fill the column ‘List of organizations, networks and associations which are members and/or are connected with you’. Thus, the new firm of Khodorkovsky, as a connected organization, mentioned the American foundation of Navalny’s associates – ‘The Anti-Corruption Foundation’.
(The identification code of the American firm affiliated with Khodorkovsky’s Lithuanian structure – EIN: 85-0774334; according to this code on the website of the American Tax Agency we find the company ‘Anti-Corruption foundation Inc.’ which is registered in the United States, Massachusetts, Boston, address: 75 State Street, Suite 100 Boston 02109 MA USA).
And in the international open company base Opencorporates.com we can see the whole list of company’s leadership: CEO Leonid Volkov, directors Maria Pevchikh, Yulia Navalnaya, Ivan Zhdanov, Vladimir Ashurkov, Anna Veduta, Alexander Zheleznyak.
As is known, lobbyists in Brussels pay for absolutely everything. The website Prigovor.ru reported earlier how, at the beginning of 2016, ‘Open Russia’ * of Mikhail Khodorkovsky had paid almost 8 million euros to a structure of the European Commission with one of directors of which being Ben Smulders. Concurrently, this Ben is a substitute judge of The Hague’s Court of Appeal. It’s in this court that was decided the destiny of the case ‘Yukos vs. Russia’ worth 50 billion dollars.
And now the website Prigovor.ru has found out that Khodorkovsky continues to provide money to European officials. According to the Account from the Transparency Register, in 2022, the budget of ‘Anti-Corruption foundation Europe, VsI’ (former ‘Future Russian foundation, VsI) was 5 000 000 euros. This sum was intended for lobbying another draconian sanctions of the European Union directed against our country.
Let’s have a closer look at Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s financial pattern. Money to his Lithuanian foundation for lobbying was transferred by two contributors - the company ‘Google Ireland Ltd’ (500 000 euros) and Lithuanian company ‘Posterum, VsI’ (4 500 000 euros).
Everything is clear with Google, and, most likely, the transfer from the Irish branch of Google is the proceeds from advertising, monetization of video clips on YouTube, which, as is known, belongs to this Google-monster.
But the main part of the money, namely 4 500 000 euros, is mentioned as donation from the Lithuanian firm ‘Posterium, VsI’. And here we can see the signature handwriting of the tax dodger Mikhail Khodorkovsky. You cannot change a swindler.
The generous campaign is headed by Justina – a relative of Irena Lapinskine (Irena and Justina are married to the brother and political strategists Imantas Lapinskas and Mindaugas Lapinskas).
I.e., we would like to stress it, the money amounting to 4.5 million euros to Irena Lapinskine, the director and employee of Khodorkovsky’s ‘Anti-corruption foundation Europe’, is being transferred by Justina Lapinske, the director of the company ‘Posterum, VsI’ and also an employee of Khodorkovsky.
(More details about the seller of sauces Irena and long-legged Instagram lover Justina we gave in the investigation ‘Lithuanian family contract ‘Future of Russia’)
Family ties, certainly, cannot be a barrier for generous donations, but the lack of legal money of the company ‘Posterium, VsI’, should have raised, according to all this ‘transparent’ logic, certain doubts in the European Commission.
According to the reports presented in the Lithuanian Register, the company ‘Posterium, VsI’ during all the years of its existence have not received a profit commensurate with the donated sum of 4 500 000 euros. Let’s say, in the same year 2022, the whole sales proceeds of the firm were 36 thousand euros, and in 2021 the sum was even less – 2500 euros.
So, where from got the little company ‘Posterium, VsI’, headed by Justina Lapinskine, such a considerable sum of money - 4 500 000 euros, for lobbyist activity in Brussels, which is not mentioned in its financial reposts at that?
The conclusion is simple – either the relatives Justina and Irena have been cheating the Lithuanian tax authorities, and the real turnover of the company ‘Posterium, VsI’ is much higher, but not itemized in the reports, or Khodorkovsky’s employee Irena Lapinskine provided inaccurate information to the European Transparency Register, and the said sum of money amounting to 4.5 million euros that came from the shell-firm ‘Posterium’, has a quite different source which ‘nontransparent’ Irena decided to hide.
Time goes by, but Mikhail Khodorkovsky is not changing, his structures continue to pull off fraudulent schemes: renaming of firms, murky provenance of money, whose sources after verification turn out to be false. Perhaps, the European Commission with its Transparency Register admitting dirty money from Khodorkovsky’s lobbyists, should be more fastidious? Or, for struggle against Russia all tricksters and swindlers are good?
The old swindler Khodorkovsky has already managed to teach his younger colleagues from Navalny’s team a lot of things, he is generously sharing his experience in the field of creating shell-firms to cover financial traces.
In particular, as Prigovor.ru has found out, at the beginning of the year, these ‘fighters against corruption’ registered clones of ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Inc.’ in four U.S. states. Another words, they created four separate firms with one and the same name and same composition of founders, only in different jurisdictions.
On November 10, 2023, the first cloned firm was registered in Virginia – ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Inc. Virginia’ (No 11459421, 10.10.2022). Founders: Ivan Zhdanov, Leonid Volkov, Marina Pevchikh, Vladimir Ashurkov, Yulia Navalnaya, agent of the firm Dmitry Dubograev.
Then, on February 10, 2023, Khodorkovsky’s pupils registered a clone-firm in the state Nevada.
‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Inc.’ Nevada, (No E29481772023-4, 10.10.2023). Founders: Foundation president Leonid Volkov, directors – Maria Pevchikh, Vladimir Ashurkov, Ivan Zhdanov, Yulia Navalnaya, treasurers Alexander Zheleznyak and Anna Veduta. Firm’s agent ‘Diversified Corporate Services Int’l, Inc.”).
In two weeks, on February 22, 2023, another ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Inc.’ emerged in the District of Columbia (District of Columbia, No EXTUID_4338254, February 22, 2023). Founders are the same.
And on the next day, on February 23, 2023, the forth clone was registered in Louisiana – ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation Inc., Louisiana’ (company number 45281623X, Incorporation Date 23,02,2023).
These guys with the dodger Volkov at their head wrote for years on end phony reports about spending donations, they cheated donors and Russian taxmen. Now they moved to Europe and United States, but they continue to cheat American and European tax agencies. It’s a habit.
Author: Alexander Zhelnin
See the Russian version at: «Ходорковский* под брендом Навального* лоббирует принятие антироссийских санкций в ЕС»
* Mikhail Khodorkovsky – 20.05.2022 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389;
*Future of Russia Foundation, Great Britain – 30.06.2021 was included by the Justice Ministry of the Russian Federation in the list of foreign and international organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation with No 38;
* Alexey Navalny, born 04.06.1976 – 25,01,2022 was included by the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) in the list of organizations and physical persons involved with extremist activities or terrorism with No 8398;
** ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation’ – 09.10.2019 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 195;
** ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation’ – 09.06.2021 was acknowledged by the Moscow City Court as extremist organization;
* Maria Pevchikh – 05.05.2023 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 419;
* Ivan Zhdanov – 02.09.2022 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 372;
* Leonid Volkov – 22.04.2023 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 372;
**Anti-Corruption Foundation – решением Минюста РФ 23.12. 2022 организация включена в реестр НКО выполняющих функции иностранного агента.