Расследования 25.06.23 11:14

'Navalny.Shop' belongs to… Khodorkovsky. He has swallowed it

The website Prigovor.ru has found out that over the last year the Lithuanian firm belonging to Mikhail Khodorkovsky gained profit to the amount of 170 thousand euros from selling shirts and hoodies ‘Freedom to Navalny’*

'Navalny.Shop' belongs to… Khodorkovsky. He has swallowed it

At all times, political immigrants have been notable for their quarrelsome character. But the present brood of collaborators wishing defeat to their native country, is the meanest one. Everybody imagines himself to be a leader of all unsatisfied radicals among those who has relocated themselves, and looks at other liberals-in-misfortune as at manure, material at hand. They always squabble with each other and dissociate themselves from each other. They demonstrate in every possible way that they are independent and are not linked with anything or anybody.

Yet, this happens only rhetorically, but the real picture being formed is diametrically opposed.


This May, in the Telegram channel of the convicted inmate Alexey Navalny appeared a posting ‘I am ashamed for Khodorkovsky’ in which, on behalf of Alexey, were condemned low moral qualities of Mikhail Khodorkovsky * for its indiscriminate position in recruiting fugitives from Russia.

Then, representatives of the ‘Anti-Corruption Foundation’ defiantly ignored the congress of the opposition convened by Khodorkovsky in Berlin on April 28-30 of this year. This affront, as expected, caused active discussions in the immigrant crowd.

To an outside observer, it may seem that the fugitive swindler Mikhail Khodorkovsky and extremists from the Navalny team have nothing in common. Yet, as the website Prigovor.ru has learned, this is only ostentatious delimitation.

Both brigades have been trying full-blast to hold back ‘human mass’ – followers, included in Khodorkovsky’s sect, or in Navalny’s sect, and they don’t grasp that their gurus are playing in the same team of the U.S. State Department. Both Khodorkovsky and Navalny are tied with one and the same financial umbilical cord. Recently, our colleagues from RT wrote about that in their investigation.

The website Prigovor.ru has found an irrefutable example of a direct connection of structures belonging to Khodorkovsky and Navalny: They are working together and making money together, in spite of the fact that they are publicly sparring with each other.


In 2021, Khodorkovsky registered in Lithuania several structures on the name of one of his trusted women – Irena Lapinskine. We wrote about this Baltic maneuvers of the fugitive oil swindler. (See the investigation ‘Lithuanian family contract ‘Future of Russia’ and the investigation ‘Ten women of Khodorkovsky’)

Recently, having followed further destiny of one of the companies created by Irena – ‘Future Russia, UAB’ – we have found out that, as of today, these trickster have already renamed this firm, and now it is called ‘Magna Futura, UAB’. To assure oneself that this is one and the same legal entity, one can by comparing identification numbers of the companies – they have one and the same number in the Lithuanian Registry – 305793063. The Registry history of the company bears the same evidence.

Identification code is a complete match. ‘Future Russia, UAB’ and ‘Magna Futura, UAB’ is one and the same renamed firm


And here is a piece of news from the life of the publically squabbling pair – Khodorkovsky and Navalny. Now Khodorkovsky’s firm ‘Magna Futura, UAB’ is the official owner of the online ‘Navalny.shop’. This is directly said on the website ‘Navalny.shop’, obviously, on the naïve expectation that nobody will guess whom ‘Magna Futura’ actually belongs to.

On the page ‘Rules of the service’ we read:

‘1. The subject of the agreement. Present Conditions of using represent an agreement concluded between you (‘you’) and Magna Futura, UAB, Rugiu g. 2, LT-08418 Vilnius ‘Company’, (‘Company’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our), with regard to your access and use of the website http://navalny.shop/, as well as any other media-form, media-channel, mobile website or mobile application, connected or tied in any other way with us (on the hole and for a total ‘Website’). We are registered in Lithuania and have a legal address in Vilnius, Lithuania. The website represents the internet shop for goods and products mentioned on it (‘Offers of the shop’).

Paragraph No 2 declares that all rights for intellectual property belong to ‘Magna Futura’, i. e., at the end, to Khodorkovsky, as we know it already.

‘The website, its content and applications of the shop, as well as the whole original code, data bases, functional capabilities, software, design of the website, audio, video, text, photos and graphs on the Website (together they ate called ‘Content’) are our intellectual property, belong to us or controlled by us…’

And in paragraph No 7 a return address is mentioned for non-standard goods – UAB ‘Logismart’ Magna Futura. Galines st. 1, Building C. Galine, LT-14247, Vilnius district, Lithuania.

Separately, we would like to point out that, judging by financial results of the company ‘Magna Futura, UAB’, active cooperation between Khodorkovsky and Navalny in the style of ‘buy-sell’ began in 2022. It means that these companions have been selling together clothes for a year already.

In 2022, the company ‘Magna Futura, UAB’ received profit from sales to the amount of 169 428 euros

Thus, another direct proof has been found of close interaction of the structure of the foreign agent and financial swindler Mikhail Khodorkovsky with ‘independent’ extremists form Navalny’s team.

… And, yes, in all times, political immigrants were notable for their quarrelsome characters, and at all times one thing united them – money.

Author: Alexander Zhelnin

See the Russian version at: «Магазин «Navalny.shop принадлежит … Ходорковскому*. Заглотнул»

* Mikhail Khodorkovsky – 20.05.2022 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389;
* Alexey Navalny, born 04.06.1976 – 25.01.2022 was included by Rosfinmonitoring in the List  of organizations and physical persons related to extremist activity or terrorism with No 8398:
* Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) – 09.10.2019 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 195;
* Anti-Corruption Foundation – 09.06.2021 was acknowledged by the Moscow City Court as an extremist organization.

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