Расследования 07.12.24 11:48

A degenerate. The great-granddaughter of the famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov with the ‘Birds of Freedom for Ukraine’ has been financing Ukrainian Armed Forces

The poultry manure of the U.S. Department of State. Darya Bogdanova has been collecting donations and buying drones, thermal image sensors, military uniform, equipment for neo-Nazis of the regiments ‘Azov’, ‘Siberian Battalion’ and other units

At the beginning of November 2024, the Izmailovsky District Court of Moscow issued a warrant to arrest in absentia the citizen of Russia Darya Bogdanova under Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (public calls for terrorism). Darya Bogdanova is a great-granddaughter of the legendary Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov and for a long time she had sheltered herself behind the name of her great-grandfather.

The criminal case was brought, in particular, because of her extremist interview to the foreign agent Oleg Kashin*. As of today, Darya Bogdanova has been included in an international wanted list, and the Russian agency Rosfinmonitoring has included her in the Register of terrorists and extremists.

Yet, in all appearances, criminal adventures of the citizen Darya Bogdanova have only just started. The website Prigovor.ru has found out that Darya Bogdanova is an employee of the project ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ (USA) which, acting under cover of a ‘humanitarian’ sign, has been actively collecting money for the benefit of combat units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF). 


To begin, we would like to remind our readers how this ‘birds nest’ is organized.

From 2022, the noncommercial organization ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ (RADR) has been active in the United States. It was created by a family couple of ‘Russian Americans’ Valuyev Dmitry Sergeyevich (born 1979) and Valuyeva Nadezhda Alexeyevna (born 1982). Moreover, the Valuyevs are closely connected with their head extremist organization ‘Free Russian Foundation’ (FRF) that is the main contractor of the U.S. State Department of inti-Russian direction.

In the summer of 2023, Dmitry Valuyev formally left the FRF, and was sent to develop a net of ‘anti-war Russians’, reported the investigative department of the Russian TV channel RT.

His spouse Nadezhda Valuyeva, in her turn, continues to work for ‘Free Russian Foundation’ where she is engaged in ‘organizational and administrative work’. Simultaneously, Nadezhda Valuyeva is a member of leadership of the projects that her good husband has launched on the bases of ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’. One of these projects is a financial hub by the name ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ (FBU) where Darya Bogdanova, the great-grand daughter of the pilot Valery Chkalov’, has been beavering away.

However, what these predatory birds, actually, want?

‘For Russians leaving outside Russia, it’s not enough to say simply ‘No to war!’ We must do more, we must prove that that we are against war, in all possible ways’, wrote organizers in their manifesto.

And, as it turned out, ‘all possible ways’ means direct financing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and traitors-terrorists sided with them. To such a conclusion came analytics of the project ‘Prigovor’ after having studied financial reports of the company ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ (FBU), their postings in social media and a number of records from the payment service PayPal.

On the Photo: collaborationists Nadezhda Valuyeva, Darya Bogdanova, Dmitry Valuyev


It’s not that difficult to dispel all ‘humanitarian’ and ‘anti-war’ illusions that the public are being stuffed with. It’s suffice to look at some data. For instance, in the reports on ‘humanitarian help for civil population’ there are only 15 lines, whereas there are above 80 ‘hidden’ positions in the chart on collecting money and military-technical deliveries. To put it more simply, humanitarian aid in this project is more like a ‘pale shadow’ and a sort of cover for paying services, to be more precise.

As the project ‘Prigovor’ found out, they started – first through ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ (RADR), and then through ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ (FBU) – from the autumn of 2022 to collect money. By 2023, at the time to recognizing the RADR an undesirable organization in Russia, it was established that through these projects for needs of Ukrainian Armed Forces had been collected about $70 000, from which for real humanitarian purposes had been allocated only 7 thousand dollars.

By the beginning of 2024, the sum with regard to collecting and purchasing by ‘anti-war Russians to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine was updated and reached $155 615. From that sum $123 416 – we are citing the interim reportof the ‘birds of freedom’ from the FBU – were transferred ‘for buying drones and other equipment as well military uniforms for Ukrainian Armed Forces’. Whereas only $12 194 were spent for humanitarian need of civil persons.

In other words, the emphasis of ‘anti-war’ activists on military-technical component is beyond any doubt. As to ‘humanitarian’ side, there are only such things as batteries, charging devices as well as three hundred ‘candy sets for children’, and it’s not a fact that the candies really went to children.

On the whole, during the period 2022 – 2024, the leadership of the ‘Russian Americans’ from the organization ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ through its ‘affiliate’ project ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ have collected and spent $254 666 for military-technical needs of Ukrainian military units, whereas on humanitarian purposes have been spent only 31 144 dollars.

For such agility in dealing with collecting and spending money for the benefit of the enemy, these ‘birds of freedom for Ukraine’ had the honor to be included as ‘associated member’ in the “Anti-War Committee’ ** of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.*


Here are only some documented examples of concrete collections by Darya Bogdanova, the great-granddaughter of the famous Russian pilot Valery Chkalov and her henchmen from the NGO ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’. By doing this, she desecrated the memory of her great-grandfather.

September 2023 – ‘purchase of the drone Mavic 3T with a thermal camera for a unit of Ukrainian special forces’. The appeal on PayPal to collect for that purpose $6000. ‘A unit of Ukrainian special forces in Kherson region needs your help in order to get a drone with a thermal sight camera for conducting special operation. We have launched this campaign hoping to collect 6000 dollars’.

The delivery is confirmed by a video on which gratitude is expressed to the activist Darya Bogdanova who – one can compare her with beating ashes of Claes (The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel) for her incredible efforts in collecting money – from a Ukrainian defender who received this drone and he, together with his unit, will use it for fulfilling special tasks’.

Or another one – collecting $6,500 in order to buy 2 drones DJI Mavic 3 for carrying out airborne prospect in the Kherson area. ‘The Ukrainian offensive operation is now in its critical phase. That is why we sincerely call on you to help Ukrainian heroes to survive and gain a victory’, agitated Darya Bogdanova.

In the end, the sum was collected. Intelligence-gathering drones were sent to the fighting zone.

Yet another collection of money was for Special Operations Forces of Ukraine (SOF).

‘The purpose of the collection is six FPV drones at the price tag of 450 dollars and one DJI Mavic with a thermal sensor at the price of 4800 dollars for Special Operation Forces on Kherson direction. On the whole, the collection is worth 7500 dollars. Let’s help fighters to carry out these special operations’, is said in the request. As a result, the sum was collected, and the purchase made.

It’s interesting that Darya Bogdanova, as dummy doll, has actively transferring dollars for needs of Ukrainian Nazis from anonymous donors (from E., from O., from B. and so on and so forth)

And here is a recent request of November 2024. “We have received an urgent request for an automobile from the 1st company, 1th battalion, 95th Separate Assault Brigade of Ukrainian Armed Forces. An auto on the front-line is necessary for speedy evacuation of wounded, delivery of equipment and fulfilment of combat missions.  As the situation is extremely urgent, we have decided to hand over to them the car that we recently bought and delivered to Ukraine with the help of volunteers of the project ‘Action4Life’ and ‘Russians for Ukraine’, is said in the report.

By the way, for reference – the last mentioned organization ‘Russians for Ukraine’ in located in Poland, and its beneficiary, according to a registry in Poland, is Valentina Chubarova, the daughter of the foreign agent Viktor Shenderovich.*


Further it becomes even more drastic – collection in November 2023 for needs of fighters of the brigade ‘Azov’ which had been acknowledged in Russia as a terrorist organization as early as in 2022.

‘We collect monetary means to purchase 2 drones with thermal cameras (DJI Mavic 3T) for sniper-scouts of the brigade ‘Azov’. Our purpose is to collect 12500 dollars. Within the framework of this campaign all donations will be doubled by a generous donor’, report ‘anti-war’ activists to their flock.

As a result, drones with thermal cameras were successfully purchased, and in response, they receive a video-gratitude from fighters of the regiment ‘Azov’.


On the credit side of these ‘birds of freedom’ from the organization ‘Freedom Birds for Freedom’, there is also financing of an armed gang by the name of ‘Siberian Battalion’.** This crew is formed of traitors who repeatedly took part in sabotage and terrorist actions and armed assaults on Russian border-zone.

The collection of monetary means for ‘Siberian Battalion’ by the projects ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ and ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ was carried out with the purpose to buy equipment and its delivery (transit) to battle training bases of new soldiers recruited through “Civil Council’ (Poland).**

‘We are collecting monetary means to buy military uniforms for new recruits of Siberian Battalion of the International Legion of Ukrainian Armed Forces. This clothing is needed for equipment and training of new soldiers before they are officially enlisted in UAF. Our goal is to collect 10 000 dollars’, says the entering on a page of a pay service.

Collected, bought and handed over. Then, in November 2023, traitors and terrorists were effusive in their gratitude in social media, and at the same time, in a completely non-conspiratorial way, exposing all their sponsors. It’s a good confession for impending tribunal. The exposure is included!

Among mentioned above sources of financing, apart from ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ and ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ militants mentioned a whole range of anti-Russian organizations based abroad.

One of them is, for instance, the mentioned above project ‘Action4Life’ (Lithuania, VsI ‘Action4Life, registration number in the Registry 306070930), This project in being realized by Maria Solenova and Dmitry Zakhvatov who are working under supervision of Leonid Nevzlin, sentenced in Russian in absentia to life-long imprisonment for ordering and organizing a series of murders and attempted murders.

Well, we already wrote about Polish ‘Civil Council’** - this is one of transfer points of recruitment of Nazi and nationalist ‘meat’ for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. (See the investigation ‘Recruiters of AFU Nastya-Pelmeni and Denis-Demagogue’).

This structure is headed by Anastasia Vladimirovna Sergeyeva-Schulz, born 1979 (nickname Nastya-Pelmeni) and Denis Vladimirovich Sokolov, born 1968 (nickname Denis-Demagogue). They are both old friends of Natalia Arno (Budayeva) who heads U.S. State Department’s ‘Free Russia Foundation’.

We would like to remind our readers that formers employees of this foundation are Nadezhda Valuyeva and Dmitry Valuyev who, together with Darya Bogdanova, who desecrated the cherished memory of her great-grandfather Valery Chkalov, organized collecting monetary means for Nazi units and fugitive Russian traitors.

So is the little vicious little circle in accordance with anti-Russian interests – ‘a nest of Harpies’.

As follows from reports of ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’ of the period 2023 – 2024, $9000 dollars were handed over to recruiters of ‘Civil Council’ for organizing of transit-delivery of militants; equipment worth $10 thousand was bought for traitors of ‘Siberian Battalion’, drones were also acquired and transferred for Nazis of the regiment ‘Azov’ and so on and so forth.

You can study yourself in detail the whole list of purchases for AFU – see the Report of purchases made by ‘Freedom Birds for Ukraine’.
Author: Buba Filin

See the Russian version at: «Выродок. Правнучка Чкалова вместе с «Птицами свободы за Украину» финансирует ВСУ»

Also on that subject:

‘Ilya Krasilschik – sponsor of Stepan Bandera’s lobby in the United States’
The foundation of Ilya Krasilschik collected donations for the Ukrainian foundation ‘Razom inc’ which lobbied at the US Senate for providing Ukraine with ATACMS rockets and F-16 jet-planes.

‘A trap for donations in rubles’
How Latvian Ilya Krasilschik’s ‘Support Service’ in Latvia has pumped 9 million rubles to Ukraine, and, in between, has impertinently embezzled ‘a percentage for collecting’ to the amount of 14 945.94 euros ‘including official taxes in Latvia’

‘A lot with autographs of the writers Yerofeyev, Sorokin and Ulitskaya happened to be worthless’
The website Prigovor.ru has itemized the circumstances of a criminal auction in Vilnius where they collected more than 50 thousand euros for traitors conducting military operations against Russia

‘AFU recruiters Nastya-Pelmeni and Denis Demagogue’
For the sake of grant reports, collaborationists from ‘Civil Council’ connected with Khodorkovsky, openly documented their own criminal activities

Foreign agents*, undesirable extremist organizations **

* Bogdanova Darya Alexeyevna, born 22.05.1987, Identification Number of a Taxpayer (INN) 771990545188, Individual Insurance Number (SNILS) 135-032-398 32, was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 832. The agency Rosfinmonitoring included Bogdanova in the list of terrorists and extremists. She was arrested in absentia, is on a wanted list. Lives on the territory of Belgium;
* Kashin Oleg Vladimirovich, born 17.06.1980, by the decision of Russian Ministry of Justice of 03.06.2022 was included in the Registry of mass media fulfilling functions of a foreign agent;
* Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich, born 26.06.1963, Identification Number of a Taxpayer (INN) 770200035117, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 168-196-008 95 – on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as physical person fulfilling function of a foreign agent. Included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389. In 2015, Russia included Khodorkovsky in an international wanted list in connection with the case of his involvement in the murder of the mayor of the town Nefteyugansk Vladimir Petukhov and attempted murder of the entrepreneur Yevgeny Rybin;
* Natalia Arno (Budayeva), USA, born 1976 – by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 26.07.2024 was acknowledged as foreign agent;
* Nevzlin Leonid Borisovich, born 21.09.1959, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 094-463-07079 – on 23.06.2023 included into the Registry of foreign agents with No 622. On August 1, 2008, as ordering customer of five murders and six attempted murders was sentenced in absentia to life-long prison imprisonment. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) based on the results of studying Nevzlin’s complaint in 2022, pointed out that it had found no ‘Court’s bias in Russia’;
* Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich, born 15.08.1958 – on 30.12.2021 was included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the list of foreign agent;
* Naki Michael Sidney, born 25.12.1993 – on 09.09.2022 was included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Registry of Foreign agents. By the verdict of a court of 29.08.2023 was found guilty under Article 207.3, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and sentenced to 11 years imprisonment. From 2021 has been living outside Russia, from May 2022 has been on a wanted list;
** NGO ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ (RADR) – on 24.11.2023 the Office of the Prosecutor general acknowledged the activities of the American organization ‘Russian America for Democracy in Russia’ (RADR, USA) as undesirable. On 27.12.2023, the organization was included in the corresponding Registry of Russian Ministry of Justice;
** Free Russia Foundation, USA – organization the activity of which was acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor General of 28.07.2019. The Foundation was included on 09.10.2019 in the Registry of Foreign agents with No 195. Was acknowledged by the Moscow City Court as an extremist organization;
** ‘Russia Antiwar Committee’ – organization whose activities are acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation by the Ruling of the Office of the Prosecutor General of 11.01.2024;
** ‘Civil Council’, Poland – by the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor General of 02.11.2023 was acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation. On 21.11.2023 was included in the corresponding Registry of Russian Ministry of Justice;
** Regiment, battalion ‘Azov’ – a radical paramilitary nationalist unit in Ukraine. By the Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 03.08.2022, this Neo-Nazi structure was acknowledged as extremist organization. The Ukrainian paramilitary nationalist unit ‘Azov’ (Battalion ‘Azov’, Regiment ‘Azov’) is included in the list of terrorist extremist organizations with No 540;
** Siberian Battalion – armed formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine created on the basis of the terrorist groups ‘Russian Volunteer Corps’ (RDK) and ‘Free Russia Legion (FRL) consisting of fugitive Nazis, criminals and militant collaborationists who declare ‘armed struggle against Russia’ driven by hate. The unit is under direction of the so-called ‘International Legion of AFU’. The head of ‘Siberian Battalion’ is the traitor Ammosov Vladislav Igorevich, born 10.12.1977; in 2023, he, on his own initiative, defected to the enemy’s side. In 2024, the traitor was included by the agency Rosfinmonitoring in the Registry of terrorists and extremists.

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