In Russia, the fifth column is sitting in deep underground. In the West, the fifth column, organizing separatist conferences, seminars and forums, is roaming, for the time being, from one European town to another – Warsaw, Prague, Gdansk… But it doesn’t mean that the fifth column is divided itself, in order, in future, as a divided “Kingdom of Satan”, to cease its existence. No, these are two sides of the same “medal of Judas”, two parts of one project of Western secret services that, half a year ago, existed only in classified documents. And they are hardwired with each other chronologically: armed “undergrounders” depose constitutional authorities, and after them another echelon of the fifth column is marching – “misters-dismembers” who are destined to break apart the barely alive body of the historical Russia into tens of bloodied pieces.
In 2019, the journalistic agency FLB conducted a series of investigations relating to the theme of separatism in the North-West Region of the Russian Federation: “Dismemberment according to the State Department”, “Correctors of Identity”, “Identification of Kaliningrad”, “Appetites of Ingria Church”, “Pomors –“people within people”, “Misters Dismembers” – “well trained and armed with grenades separatists are advancing on all fronts – in the direction of Kaliningrad, Leningrad Region, Karelia and Arkhangelsk”.
Then, three years ago, Russian theoreticians of separatism were, in fact, only a small bloodline of network hamsters that Western foundations didn’t forget to feed, just in case. They lived everywhere – from Arkhangelsk to Kaliningrad, and from Arkhangelsk to Krasnodar”. From time to time, the Higher School of Economics in Moscow was bringing them together for a conference in the Russian capital, sometimes short term sensitization trainings were organized for them in the West. However, pinpoint rodents prudently didn’t react to the moniker “separatist”, preferring, with academic pathos, to name themselves either regionalists, or local ethnographers, or folklorists, or God knows how at all. And official authorities of Western countries were trying not even to mention publicly their idee fix with regard to dismembering of Russia.
The situation was radically changed after the beginning of the war in Ukraine. For the first time in history, a political platform appeared on which they started seriously discuss, plan and propose different ways to dismember the territory of Russia. For the first time in history, almost on official level, Western brainchild openly put forward Russophobe slogans which framed the strategy of the so-called “six de”: “de-emperialization and de-colonialization, de-putinization and de-nazification, de-militarization and de-nuclearization” For the first time in history, Western establishment openly presented Russia in the form of patch blanket and as a real project of forthcoming years.
The map of “decolonization” of Russia
This immigrant platform they called “Forum of Free Peoples of Russia” (FFPR). At the first gathering, which took place in May 2022 in Warsaw, there were present former secretary of defense of the United States (2020-2021) general Christopher Miller, former head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Fotyga and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin. The fifth column there was presented by the former deputy the State Duma of the Russian Federation Ilya Ponomaryov*, as well as by a number of Russian immigrants known to close circle of specialists as avid separatist activists.
The second forum was carried out in July 2022 in Prague, and, this time, to its constant participants joined the former “Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ichkeria” Akhmed Zakayev”. There was adopted the so-called “Declaration on decolonization of Russia” which says that Russia allegedly is standing “on the brink of chaos and civil war”, and only “a complete and controlled decolonization” can prevent it. This document called upon hidden representatives of the fifth column to create “national transitional governments in the Russian Federation”, and asked the United Nations to recognize this self-constituted “governments” as “legal authorities of sovereign states”. Moreover, the declaration proposed, as early as in November-December 2022, to carry out “an international conference on peaceful decolonization and territorial arrangement of the post-Soviet space with participation of member-states of the Security Council of the United Nations, neighbors states of the Russian Federation, and international organizations” in order to create “a united transitional administration”.
Piece of evidence for prosecutor. “Declaration on decolonization of Russia” with signatures of separatists
The third forum took place in September 2022 in Gdansk (Poland). The favorite amusement of the participants of the past forums was coloring in outline maps of the Russian Federation with most incredible colors, as well as thinking out of most exotic names of future non-states, for instance, Smoland or Smalandia, (Smolensk Region), Salesskaya Rus (Moscow Region), United States of Siberia, Republic of Black Earth, Ingria, Caucus Federation, Ural and Don Republics. And the most curious heads proposed to create “Kindred republics” of Krivichi and Vyatichi, i.e. to get back to the onomastics of Ancient Russia of thousand years ago.
Separatists at the 2nd Forum of Free Peoples of Russia in Prague
Of course, this campaign of engaged separatists resembled more homegrown “pathology-anatomists” digging into the moulage of the human body. But, in fact, the platform of FFPR is made to train for vivid blood. And some of these “morbid anatomists” have let already a lot of human blood in the 1990s, for example, one of the leaders of Chechen separatists Akhmed Zakayev who now lives in Great Britain. In Prague, it was Zakayev who summed up the commongoal of the fifth column: “In order to end violence in Ukraine, it’s necessary to dismantle the Russian empire.This will be the ultimate solution not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole civilized world. Russia must cease to exist”
Chechen separatist Akhmed Zakayev
Passage from the theory of balkanization of Russia to its practice
These misters-dismembers were destined for one thing – to play a role of doorkeepers of hell, even before the special military operation in Ukraine, in February 2022, when the collective West called for final solution of the Russian question.
Western secret services already started to fulfill the plan of “dismantling” Russia 18 months ago. In Lithuania, in the spring of 2021, was created the so-called “Institute of Russia’s Regions” (IRR) that, in several months, became the organizer of the forums of “Free Peoples of Russia” (FFPR).
At the end of October, the news medium “Guardian Sri Lanka” published a column entitled “Stop the Third World War - now” which designates the real purpose of the war in Ukraine. “This war is nor for freedom for Ukraine, as incessantly claims the powerful Wester propaganda. The question is about destruction of the last remnants of the Soviet power and turning the shatters of it into compliant mini-states in which Washington and London will dominate”.
The author of this column - Erick S. Margolis – has a lot of rewards of the world journalistic community. “His articles were published in universally acknowledged newspapers”, - tells us the editorial background information, “and as an expert on international affairs, he took part in programs of CNN, BBC, France 2, France 24, Fox News, CTV and CBS. As war correspondent, he covered conflicts in Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Sinai, Afghanistan, Kashmir, India, Pakistan, Salvador and Nicaragua. He was one of the first journalists to make an interview with the Libyan leader Moammar Kaddafi, and he was one of the first journalists to have access to the head-quarters of the KGB in Moscow”.
Thus, this information about turning Russia into “compliant mini-states” deserves most deliberate attention. “The United States want to see a balkanization of the Mother Russia”, writes further Margolis, “The next goals could be Russia’s Far East or Russian Urals. The party of war in Washington – both Republicans and Democrats – is full of determination to demolish any potential opponent of the United States’ global power”.
Apart from former ministers of the United States, Poland and Ukraine, ex-deputies of the Russian State Duma were also present at these forums, and they not nearly played a role of ceremonial figureheads. About one of them – Ilya Ponomaryov – we reported in the first part of the investigation “Fifth column starts its last Drang nach Osten”. On the “Forum of Free Peoples of Russia” in Gdansk, a zoned-out collaborationist Ponomaryov held a “strategic” speech in which he called out to confront Russia “with arms in hands and at a loss of blood”. For that, the fifths column, headed by the ex-member of Parliament, “consolidates the armed opposition which will turn its arms against Moscow”.
“Main “talking points” of the speech of the desperate collaborationist Ilya Ponomaryov at the third forum of separatists
On the other hand, not the whole fifth column is ready to follow Ponomaryov and his boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky*. According to his own admission, nowadays, the “post-Russia” opposition is divided in three additional columns which have gathered under the avatars of three leaders quarreled with each other: they are Alexey Navalny, Garry Kasparov* and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The purpose of the most unhinged foreign agent is “the creation of armed resistance, guerilla movement inside Russia”
“In the Russian opposition, each member turns the blanket on himself”, - writes Ponomaryov in his telegram-canal. - “The group of Navalny is simply waiting for a change of authority, calculating that Alexey, after his liberation, will seize power. People of Kasparov are creating a virtual Russia outside Russia, aligning with immigrants and so on and so forth. My intentions and intentions of Khodorkovsky are directed towards a real Russia. But Khodorkovsky is oriented towards an elite coup, divisions in upper echelons of authority. While my position is creation of armed resistance, guerilla movement inside Russia, i.e. armed rebellion. My strategy and that of Khodorkovsky don’t contradict each other, but our intentions are confronting with those of Kasparov and Navalny”.
The ex-deputy of the Russia State Duma Gennady Gudkov is considered to be one of the reliable companions of Ponomaryov. Together they are creating “a Russian government in exile”. Our next investigation will be devoted to Gennady Gudkov.
Visiting card of Gennady Gudkov, participant of the separatist forum
Not less interesting is the life of persons who are put to formally steer the wheel of the Forum of Free Peoples of Russia (FFPR) - namely, managers of the Lithuanian Institute of Russia’s Regions (IRR). There are two of them – president Andrius Almanis and director Vadim Shtepa.
First about Shtepa: born 1970 in Petrozavodsk, graduated from the School of Journalism of Moscow State University. He had his own column on the website of Garry Kasparov, and is considered to be “a genuine ideologist “of national-Orangism”. In May 2013, Vadim Shtepa, as part of the “delegation” of Russia “regionalists”, visited the United States. The purpose was to meet with representatives of American authorities on the topic of “American federalism and public policy”. Then Shtepa became one of the main organizers of the conference “What kind of federation do we need?”, which took place in the same 2013 in the premises of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow.
It’s worth considering that, as early as in March 2010, Shtepa entered the executive group of the extremist “National-Democratic Alliance” (NDA), that gathered under its roof such movements as “Ingermanlandiya”, “Republic Siberia”, “Far East Rus”, “Zalesskaya Rus”, “Moscow Republic” (msk republic), “Republic Northern Rus” (ru sever), “Town above free Neva-river” (spb regionalism), “Free Ural” (free ural” etc.
Co-founders of the “National-Democratic Alliance” are Ilya Lazarenko and Alexey Shiropayev – they are known as persuaded neo-Nazis, followers of the traitor general Vlasov. I remember very well how, in January 2007, Shiropayev, Lazarenko and Shtepa gathered in Veliky Novgorod their “national-democrats” and announced the creation of the “Novgorod town meeting” (veche). On this “meeting”, neo-Nazi associations were cultivated – appeal to the SS-castle Wewelsburg, reminiscences of “arctic ices”, “black Sun”, dreams about Superman and negation of the “Semitic-Biblical God”. The head of such “national-democracy” became the chosen “racial avant-garde”, which governs pagan plebs, or “the Slavdom with all its gods like Peruns and Svarogs”.
Neo-Nazis Alexey Shiropayev and Vadim Shtepa
In the autumn of the same year 2007, Lazarenko and Shiropayev decided to create the Republic Salesskaya Rus which would take up the territory of the Central Federal Region and attached to it also Nizhegorodsky Region. And the association “National-Democracy in Russia” started to form among inhabitants of the Central Federal District “a Salessskaya Rus conscience gradually refusing of Russian identity”.
And in 2008, Lazarenko, in conversation with one of his fellow teammate, admitted that they “are invited to take part in the orange project”. It’s like this that in oppositional circles they have started to call a worked out by the State Department of the United States strategy promoting “liberal revolution under Nazis flags”. The national-liberal union was to have replaced the notorious “red-browns” from the 1990s. Their genuine ideologue of this “national-Orangism” became Vadim Shtepa, who, according to the words of the political scientist Arkady Maler, assume that “the existing Russian Federation (RFia) – is not Russia, it is a mere colonial formation, this is, actually, “anti-Russia”. Shtepa took part in the events on the Maidan square in Ukraine in 2014.
Recently, Shtepa, suddenly, considered convenient to tell about his own roots and wrote in the telegram-canal of the FFPR about his great grand uncle: “My great grand uncle Pavlo Shtepa in his book “Muskovia” (1968) wrote that it’s Ukraine that would put an end to the Moscow empire. When I read this book in the end of the 1990s, it seemed to me that that was wishful thinking. But nowadays, it is a self-realizing prophecy”.
So, the great grand uncle of our separatist Pavel Shtepa (1897-1980) in 1927 immigrated to Canada, he was member of the nationalistic “Ukrainian Army Organization” (UAO) and Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)**. (** Activities of these extremist Nazi organizations are prohibited in our country). He also created his own concept of the development of Slavic peoples, based on racial approach. In general, the intellectual level of this “prophet”, judging from the book “Muskovia”, was as of a country’s zootechnician (may the esteemed workers of the rural economy give me mercy).
“Even in prehistoric times, an insignificant people roamed to the North-West corner of Europe (“примандрував” in Ukrainian) from Asia”, wrote Pavlo Shtepa. “A vast forest on sticky ground fenced off this insignificant people from the rest of the world, so it fell behind the pace of the cultural development of the mankind in the course of numerous centuries. For instance, its national language it stated to build up only in XIX century, with the appearance of Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), i.e. 800 years later as the Ukrainians. Aliens – Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans – created the state system in this god-and-humans-forsaken dead end of Eastern Europe. A tiny, wretched Suzdal principality in the course of the following several hundred yeas turned into an enormous empire, that took up one sixth of the planet’s landmass”.
One can only designate as cave racism as well the following extract from the great grand uncle’s book: “Muscovites”, writes Pavlo Shtepa”, “are of Asian race, but Ukrainians are of European race. From numerous physical differences we can remind of several of them, just for example. Ukrainians, in general, are of high stature, but Muscovites are small. Ukrainians have long legs, but Muscovites have short legs. Ukrainians have round heads, but Russian have long heads… Muscovites had blood of group “B”, but Ukrainians have group “A”. Muscovites have typical preliminary characteristics of a mongoloid race, but Ukrainians – of a European race… “
The racist book of Pavel Shtepa “Muscovite attitude”
This racist brain candy that outmatch any treaties of the Third Reich, was reprinted in 2000 in Western Ukraine, in the town Drogobych. As it is said in the preface, it was reprinted thanks to the money of sponsors (жертводавцi in Ukrainian) Bogdan and Maria Zaputovich from Toronto and the Kartofel family from Niagara Falls”. In the afterword of it, in particular, is said: “Urgent character of Pavel Shtepa creative heritage is undeniable. Pro-Moscow tendencies of many Ukrainian politicians reveal that they don’t take into account that Russian imperialism has eaten deep into the Russian society. That is why the reprint of the book “Muscovia” can be regarded as an important event in the life of Ukrainianism: this corresponds to its historical requirements”.
Boasting of such a great-grand uncle, Vadim Shtepa, the director of the Lithuanian separatists’ Institute of Russia’s Regions, promptly sets up a vector of movement for the mentioned in the beginning “strategy of six “de”. This is farmstead Russophobia taking form of a full-fledged racism.
The Lithuanian citizen Andrius Almanis – immediate superior of Vadim Shtepa – registered “The Institute of Russia’s Regions” at the beginning of 2021 in a small town Akmyane situated on the border with Latvia, in the Shauliai area, in the north of Lithuania.
Registration card of “The Institute of Russia’s Regions” (the screenshot was made 07.10.2022).
According to the financial report, the institute of Almanis and Shtepa is raven on manna from heaven, as on its accounts there is not a single cent, no kopek. Nevertheless, the IRR takes on lease premises for the forum of separatists and finances its participants. And Almanis himself travels through European cities, delivers speeches. For instance, on the third Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FFPR) in Gdansk, he gave a report entitled “Penitence of citizens of the Russian Federation and collective responsibility. Marshall plans for decolonization of the Post-Russia’s republics’
The report of the Lithuanian dismember of Russia Andrius Almanis (screenshot of the page of the Forum of Free Peoples of Russia)
On October 31, 2022, on one of internet’s platform of separatists, was posted an appeal of Almanis, the president of the Forum of Free Peoples of Russia to “all member-states of the United Nations”, which was full of disruptive and racist escapades: “people” and authorities in Russia represent one organic body”; “disintegration of the Satanist, completely rotten Russia empire, and simultaneous incremental dissolution of the Russian nationality will be only beneficial to inhabitants of this territory”, “Russia, as many openly speak about it, will be split into a dozen, or even dozens of states”
The most comprehensive biography of Almanis is posted on the website of “The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Akmiansk Area”.
We present here the translation from Lithuanian with some reductions:
“Andrius Almanis (born 27 May, 1965. in the village Tayga Syngay of Sorokinsky district of the Altay aria, Russia) – military man, author, defender of nature. In 1983 graduated from Nemenchinsky high school (Vilnius district). In 1988 – studied forestry in the Lithuanian University. Worked as deputy forester in Papile, from 1988 Kamanaisky reserve, scientific fellow; from 1990 – instructor of people’s defense, deputy supervisor: from 1993 - voluntary service in people’s defense of the Akmiansky district, squadron commander: from 2000 – Volunteer army of the Akmiansky region, battalion commander of territorial defense, lecturer of the P. Bartkaus learning center in the town Radvilishki: 2004 – commander of the Lithuanian army, national representative in the peacekeeping forces in Kosovo: from 2005 – liaison officer of the Volunteer forces of national defense: from 2007 – Ventskaia region, manager of a park, information specialist: 2011 – 2018 – Ventas region, director of the park Akmenes. Awarded with the service medal “13 January” (1992), Medal “Volunteers creator of the army” (1995). Poems, science-fiction stories published in the Akmensky District. Long-standing member of the ethnographic group “Luokava”, performer in the theatre “Akmiane”.
The official biography of Almanis doesn’t explain at all why he was entrusted to lead the dismemberment of Russia. Forester, author, actor, park manager – these activities are endlessly far away from real geopolitics. Apart from that, during 15 yeas he had not held any, even the smallest, state position. What is then the secret of his head spinning career?
First, let’s see his income declaration for 2020: “I. Officially registered assets: 37300 euros; securities, arts objects, jewels: 707 euros; monetary means: 10100 euros; Declared sum of income of individual activity: 495 euros”.
Income declaration of Andrus Almanis for 2020
With such incomes, the “president” of “The Institute of Russia’s Regions” (IRR) would find it hard to make ends meet, even living in Lithuanian thicket. It would be beyond means for him even to buy tickets to go to Prague, Warsaw, or Gdansk. Thus, the choice of the Almanis candidature cannot be connected with his special financial possibilities.
However, the author Vitautas Petkiavichus (1930-2008) explained twenty years ago (!) the secret of an unexpected political take off of Almanis. This classical author of the Lithuanian children’s literature was friends with the father of “the president of “The Institute of Russia’s Regions” Vitautas Almanis (born 1938), also an author. They lived not far away from each other, had friendship as families, and often visited each other.
Petkiavichus was one of the founders of the perestroika movement “Sajudis” for the exit of Lithuania from the Soviet Union, then, for several years, he was deputy of the Lithuanian Seim (1992-1996). In 2006 he enters the oppositional party “For Rightful Lithuania”. And in 2003 Petkiavichus published the book entitled “Durnių laivas — politinių veidų ir šaržų galerija“ (The ship of fools – a gallery of political heads and images), in which he gives a devastating criticism of Lithuania’s political elite, including the head of the country Vitautas Landsbergis. This book produced a bombshell effect that was facilitated by a vast popularity of the author, as well as the enormity of the presented facts.
In the chapter “Lessons of history” Petkiavichus describes one of the dirty methods of the struggle for power – the use of “black snipers”, who indiscriminately shoot both at peaceful demonstrators, and representative of public authorities.
“On consciousness of Landsbergis and Andrius Butkiavichus there is blood of thirteen victims”, - writes Vitautas Petkiavichus. – «Actually, on their incentives several dozens of disguised border guards were placed on the television tower in Vilnius. They shot from above on the crowd with live ammunition. What a drivel to say that participants of the assault who shot with blanc ammunition from below, could hit people gathered at the foot of the tower. I saw it with my own eyes how bullets bounced from asphalt and ricocheted near my legs. About what happened, some victims told me, as well as some border guards. They tried to reconstruct the truth through the press, but they could not prove anything, as they were blacked out from the list of defenders”.
Landsbergis is known by many, as to Andrius Butkiavichus, I would like to remind our readers that he was the first minister of defense of the area (minister of the national defense) of Lithuania. At the end of the 1980s, he cooperated with the American ideologist of “color revolutions” Gene Sharp. During the events of January 13, 1991, around the Vilnius television center, he, together with Landsbergis, provoked mass killings.
“It was necessary to enrage the crowd”, told in one of the London newspapers the executant and strategist of this action Andrius Butkiavichus. “Placing soldiers on the tower, I ran a great risk”.
In 2005, researching the topic of “black snipers”, I met with Petkiavichus - he, at that time, was preparing for publication the follow up of his book “Ship of Fools”.
- Vitautas Kasevich, how reliable is you information about the Lithuanian “black snipers” ?, I asked.
- I trust absolutely my sources”, then, after a short pause, as if pondering each word, Petkiavichus added: “The sun of my friend Vitautas Almanis was himself among these “black snipers” and he told a lot”.
It turned out that Andrius Almanis, the “president of “The Institute of Russia’s Peoples”, in 1991, personally accompanied gunmen from the Akmiane border group. And this means that on his hands there is blood of innocent victims of Vilnius events.
In the same year 2005, the career of Andrius Almanis suddenly started to go downhill. Perhaps, Lithuanian secret services got nosey, who had carried scandalous information on the “black snipers” to the renowned author. From positions of commander of the Lithuanian army and representative of the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, he suddenly becomes a common employee of the press service of the Volunteer formations of national defense.
And only in one and a half dozen years, from an oversees boss came a long awaited forgiveness. The experience of the “black sniper” happened to be sought out like never before. Only, nowadays, his targets will be not people on squares, but big and small ethnicities on the territory of Russia. It’s symbolic that one and the same person, who for the first time in the former Soviet Union used the dirtiest technologies of color revolutions, just in 30 years is enrolled for breakdown of the Russian Federation.
Author: Alexey Chelnokov
More details. Russian version at: «Пятая колонна двинулась в последний Drang nach Osten (часть II)»
See also: Fifth column starts its last Drang nach Osten (Part One)
“Family” business of the collaborator Ilya Ponomaryov in Russia. Mysteries of the Cyprus offshore “Alberg Investments Ltd” and the Moscow firm “Energy Consulting-Management”
*Ilya Ponomaryov – 21.10.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent.
*Mikhail Khodorkovsky – 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation a physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent.
*Harry Kasparov – 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation a physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent.