Расследования 25.05.23 11:09

Fifth Column of Judas servants

The website Prigovor.ru has found out that the beneficiary of an orthodox church in Austria belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church collects money, through a family foundation, to support Ukrainian fighters and Ukraine itself

Fifth Column of Judas servants

The third world conceived in Ukraine’s bosom, from Donbass’ coal mines and Little Russia’s farmsteads was quickly rolled over churches’ alter of the world. The town Phanar was the first to fall – it’s a little Greek suburb of Istanbul where is situated the head-quarters of Bartholomeus, the patriarch of once ‘Ecumenical’ orthodox church, who is, in fact, an ex-captain of the Turkish army and an old puppet in the hands of the US State Department.

At the behest of the CIA, the tomos (decree) signed by Bartholomeus about recognition of the so-called ‘Orthodox church of Ukraine’ (PTsU) divided world’s orthodoxy and put on the verge of annihilation the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UPTs) of Moscow’s Patriarchy.


The demonstrative and coward refusal of churchmen of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to name even in their prayers once their beloved Russian brothers didn’t stop the impending catastrophe and only increased the number of martyrs for the faith. Even this seemingly symbolic betrayal brought quite real tragedies – with blood, funeral tears and curses, with thousands of broken lives. Juda’s sin of some hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church makes it possible that the orthodoxy in Ukraine will be gradually absorbed by adherents of different faiths – Catholics, Protestants and various dissenters.

Modern Judas servants sanctify their betrayal by compelling, in their view, arguments, citing the Bible’s commandments ‘thou shalt not kill’ or the Biblical verse ‘love thy enemies’. Yet holy fathers refute that military service is supposedly incompatible with Christian way of life.

For instance, the saint Filaret of Moscow, stressing the martial feat of the Russian soldier during the Crimean war, wrote, in particular: ‘Against Russia acted forces of four states, including the most powerful of the world… And, in spite of all this, we are not defeated in Europe, and we are winners in Asia. Long live Russian warriors! Blessed is the memory of the country’s devotees who have sacrificed for it their courage, art and life!’

Saint Augustin asserts that condemnation of military service ‘emerges, in reality, not from religious motives, but from cowardice’. Cowardice can be intertwined with any other foul feelings – envy, greed, vanity, hate, xenophobia etc. but, in one way or other, the background of Juda’s sin, this mother’s mark of the fifth’s column, one should always try to find in the lowest corners of human nature.

US president Joe Biden, patriarch Bartholomew and head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphanius

And also in Russian Orthodox Church there are clergymen who regularly sign petitions ‘against the war in Ukraine’ and in support of those who fight against the ‘bloody regime’. Because of cowardice, they cover themselves with calls for Evangelic mercy, they, on a par with political insurgents, have been dragging us to the catastrophe of civil wars. And after this catastrophe follow dismemberment of Russia and devitalizing of the thousand-year Church, upon the spot of which, like toadstools after rain, will spring up dozens and hundreds of poisonous substitute churches and sects.

‘The Kiss of Judas’. Giotto di Bondone (1305)


The priest Vasily Tolstunov once signed an open letter in support of the prisoners of the so-called ‘Moscow’s case’, published on the portal ‘Orthodoxy and the World’. His name stands with number 50 among 180 other churchmen of the Russian Orthodox Church.

As “Moscow’s case’ the authors of the letter called a series of criminal cases filed against activists and instigators of street disturbances which took place in Moscow in the summer of 2019. In the course of the unsanctioned meetings suffered officers of law enforcements agencies, but the signatories were especially ‘grieved’ about a certain citizen Kotov, who was sentenced to four years of colony under Article 212, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (for organizing of multiple violations of rules pertaining to carrying out of public meetings).These priests, as it was stressed in their letter, ‘received with grief the news that one piece of evidence seized from him, was a self-made poster with the words of the archpriest Alexander Men ‘Mercy is what we call for’ and calls for prisoners exchange with Ukraine.

Already on the next day, the news agency TASS disseminated the views of the official spokesman of the Moscow Patriarchy Vakhtang Kipshidze who guessed that the signatories had chosen a wrong way of action for priests. ‘A shepherd is called upon to educate an incorrupt and faithful to justice judge, an honest law enforcement officer and a lawyer, and these people, acting each at their own place, according to their faith and conscience, will change, as far as possible, the world for the better. And to sign declarations, in which, in a strange manner, are interfused political rhetoric and Holy texts, - it is an easy but useless way. It seems to me that it would be much more reasonable for these not indifferent priests to collect money for an experienced lawyer who could really help’.

By this admonition the church authorities, actually, limited themselves, so political declarations of the ‘human rights activists’ in cassocks didn’t serve as a pretext for various restrictions, including defrocking.  And the priest Vasily Tolstunov, prior of the church of the Virgin’s Mantle in the Austrian town Graz, not even suffered in any way, but even was awarded with the order of the saint and blessed prince Daniil of Moscow.

Priest Vasily Tolstunov (on the left), archbishop of Vienna and Budapest Antony (in the center), professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexey Osipov (Graz, 2018)


Perhaps, the priest Vasily Tolstunov mistakenly took this award as an encouragement of his ‘peacemaking’ activity, and when Russia started its special military operation ‘SVO’, this Russian priest with an Austrian citizenship started to send regularly donations to Ukraine. Moreover, these donations were far from being two widow’s mites, but big money transfers with five zeros that went through the foundation ‘Austrian Aid Community’. The head of this ‘community’ is a nephew and full namesake of the priest Vasily Tolstunov, and the foundation itself was created by the Austrian company ‘Trade & Finance GmBH’ (T&F) which had been founded long ago by the priest himself and his own blood brother Sergey Tolstunov.

Screenshots of the websites of the foundation ‘Austrian Aid Community’ and the church of Virgin’s Mantle in Graz

On the website of the foundation it is said that the ‘Austrian Aid Community’ possesses a large warehouse‘ in the Kagraner Platz, in Vienna’s Donaustadt district, through which cargos transshipment is taking place for transport destined for Ukraine’.

In the section ‘Out results’ we can read the report of the foundation in October 2022: ‘This was a beautiful summer for ‘Austrian Aid Community’! We have successfully distributed about 30 tons of humanitarian aid among Ukraine’s regions, including Kiev, Kharkov, Zaporozhe and Dnepr. Our volunteers had a crowded schedule, so all of us had little time for publications. But now, as we have more time between deliveries, we can make a deep sigh, and, at last, inform our donors about all this hard work and achievements that we have accomplished during this period. On the whole, over the summer, we collected: 4000 Kg of clothes, 35000 euros, 50 Kg of medications and other materials’.

This ‘humanitarian’ activity, certainly, had deserved recognition if, during eight previous years, ‘Austrian Aid Community’ would have delivered to Donbass’ children, hiding in basements under everyday shelling from the part of the Ukrainian Nazis, a bit more than 0 euros, 0 Kg of clothes and 0 Kg of medications.


It should not go unnoticed that the Tolstunov brothers have a long trail of disrepute since the time when they were pulling off affairs in Kirgizia. Their father – Leonid Tolstunov – was the first deputy of education minister of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Kirgizia. During the Soviet time, the brothers graduated from the Moscow Bauman Technical University and then started their party jobs; the elder son Sergey in the Party committee of the Frunze City District, and the younger son Vasily was appointed first secretary of the Kara-Balta committee of the Komsomol youth organization and later became a delegate of its XXI Congress.

Soviet authors Genrikh Borovik, Chingiz Aitmatov and Vasily Tolstunov (2003)

Vasily is married to a niece of the former finance minister and head of the Kirgiz National Bank Kemelbek Nanayev (Jamilya Nanayeva is registered in Vienna at the same address with the priest). Nanayev himself was called at that time the gray cardinal of the first Kirgiz president Askar Akayev, who was accused of organizing the transportation of the gold reserves of Kirgizia to Austria. On the eve of Akayev’s resignation, the brothers hurriedly went to Austria, but then regularly visited their motherland in order to continue their businesses thanks to connections of their father and father in law. They created in Austria, Ukraine and Kirgizia lots of firms what were making money on investments into the market of freight transport, including aviation operations.

In 2010, in Vienna, the former Komsomol official Valisy Tolstunov was ordained a deacon, and in two years – a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2015 he was appointed senior priest of the parish of Virgin’s Mantle in Graz, which makes the top three of the largest cities in Austria. Apart from that, father Vasily is a co-founder of all firms registered to the brothers – ‘ITI S.P.A., Finrep Handels Ges. m.b.H’, ‘M.T.F.C. Investitionsptojektentwicklung Ges. m.b.H’, ‘Ocean Airlines’, ‘T&F Trade and Finance Ges.m.b.H’. Almost all these companies are registered in Italy, Austria and other European countries.

Registration card of one of the Austrian firms belonging to the Tolstunov brothers

In 2017, Kirgiz State Committee of National Security filed a criminal case against the leadership of “Trans Asia Express’ – a company that was one of the largest logistical firms of the Republic. It turned out that ‘Trans Asia Express’ was created in 2011, during the change of the authorities in Kirgizia, and one of its main founders was the mentioned above company ‘Trade and Finance’ (T&F Ges.m.b.H)’.

The audit in the company “Trans Asia Express’ exposed ‘a scheme of systematic understatement of payable customs duties and taxes in the course if importing goods into the Kirgiz Republic’, and weight of goods was illegally underreported. Thus an organized system of illegal traffic of goods was uncovered that during only three months caused damage to the state amounting to about 100 000 dollars.

The Kirgiz internet-resource ‘Gezitter.org’ published several scandalous affairs of the Tolstunov brothers. For instance, in 2008, the company ‘Aircraft Petrol Management’ provided fuel to the air transportation firm ‘Finrep Handels Ges.m.b.H’, demanding 2 million 337 thousand 133 dollars. According to the materials of the court’s case, ‘Aircraft Petrol Management’ provided fuel to the air transportation firm ‘Ocean Airlines’ belonging to the Tolstunovs. The Austrian company ‘Finrep Handels Ges.m.b.H’ went bail for the firm with regard to the “international Airport Manas’. In the end, the debt was not paid, so the Kirgiz OJSC ‘Aircraft Petrol Management’ was cheated out of more than two million dollars.

And in 2010, ‘the Russian JSC ‘Donskoy Tabak’, writes the website Gezitter.org, resting against interstate agreements and world praxis, addressed our state demanding to execution on the territory of the Kirgiz Republic of the ruling of the Commercial Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

According to the court’s materials, the Tolstunov brothers got a loan from the Russian company to the amount of 2 million 347 thousand 311 US dollars and didn’t return the money, actually, they didn’t even intend to do so. With knowledge that the decision of the Russian court can also be executed on the territory of the Kirgiz Republic, they, well in advance, removed their assets to the company ‘M.T.F.C. Investitionsprojektentwiklung Ges.m.b.H’ which they themselves secretly owned. In other words, they ‘divided’ the company ‘Finrep Handels Ges.m.b.H’ turning it into a bankrupt company without any assets’.

In 2018, the Tolstunov brothers were doing their common business in Ukraine with the notorious oligarch Dmitry Firtash who at that time lived in Vienna waiting for extradition to the United States on charges of corruption. The company ‘UkrArgoNPK’ belonging to Firtash and ‘T&F Trade&Finance Ges.m.b.H’ belonging to the Tolstunovs created a joint firm ‘Niki-AgroTrade’ which owns the largest in Ukraine chain of selling mineral fertilizers.


It seems that the foundation ‘Australian Aid Community’ belonging to the Tolstunovs, was created, above all, to whitewash the dubious reputation of the group of companies ‘T&F Trade&Finance Ges.m.b.H’. A lot for it was made once popular in Russia the foreign agent Maksim Galkin*, stand-up entertainer and husband of the famous singer Alla Pugachova. First, he promoted this foundation in a video and put it on his page in a social medium with 9.5 million users. Galkin’s call to transfer donations through this Austrian foundation was widely disseminated in Western mass media and social media thus pointing out generosity and nobleness of the Tolstunovs.

Screenshot of Maksim Galkin’s online advertising

In commentaries of Galkin’s online advertising there are acrimonious remarks that ‘T&F Trade&Finance Ged.m.b.H’, apart from charity, was allegedly dealing with deliveries to Ukraine… of military equipment.

But, returning to church affairs, it’s impossible not to notice a fact which eloquently tells about who the priest Vasily Tolstunov collects donations for.

Recently, against the walls the Kiev Pechersk Lavra a profane ceremony was carried out of ‘burial service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy’. It was executed by a strange man on the head of which was a ‘Mitra’ with an image of Satan on it, and on his chest there was a ‘panagia’ in form of a pentagram with an image of Baphomet. A symbolic coffin was placed before him with the inscription ‘freight 200’. The words of the prayer of absolution what priests usually pronounce before the body of a departed, this person intermitted with swear words. He was encircled by a ‘flock’ – a dozen of similarly strange persons of different age showing little posters on which the Moscow Patriarchy was proposed to ‘fuck off’. In sham costumes of a "bishop", ‘zombie’ etc. they barked, crowed and falsely cried.

Devil’s ‘burial service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy’ near the walls of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra

According to the Union of Orthodox Journalists, this strange person calls himself ‘magician Veliar’; he and his crowd are activists of the party “European Solidarity” headed by the former Ukrainian president Pyotr Poroshenko, the real organizer of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. At the end of this blasphemous ceremony ‘magician Veliar’, pointing to Lavra, said ‘in this churches will offer prayers priests of the orthodox church of Ukraine’. It’s to these Satan’s servants sends his donations the priest Vasily Tolstunov who himself is still belonging to the Moscow Patriarchy already ‘buried’ in Ukraine.
Author: Alexey Chelnokov

See the Russia version at: «Пятая колонна служителей Иуды»

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