“The shadow government of post-Russia” created in September 2022 in Jablonna, outskirts of Warsaw, at the so-called “Congress of peoples’ deputies” (SND) has received its own dynasty – the dynasty of the Ponomaryovs. In November, the “Executive committee of the SND” appointed as “extraordinary and plenipotentiary representative” in the Polish Republic Ponomaryov Vladimir Nikolayevich who is the biological father of the founder of this zany congress Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomaryov, ex-deputy of the Russian Parliament, foreign agent and organizer of the “armed underground on the territory of the Russian Federation”.
Until the current year, 77-years old physicist Vladimir Nikolayevich Ponomaryov (born 1945) didn’t even have on his mind the thorny way of the academician Andrey Sakharov. In all epochs he had lived in – from stagnation of the developed socialism, perestroika-glasnost and up to the break-down of the Soviet Union and Seven Bankers Cabal – this age mate of the Victory in the WWII had prospered and had got perfectly well with so distant from each other regimes.
His father – member of the Party nomenclature Nikolay Pavlovich Ponomaryov (1919 – 2003) - headed the department of cultural relations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, he worked also as first secretary in the Soviet Embassy in Warsaw, had the rank of extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the USSR. And the famous Boris Nikolayevich Ponamaryov, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1905 – 1995) was the stepbrother of Nikolay Ponomaryov. It’s symbolic that, in his descending years of life, Vladimir Nikolayevich has taken, as it were, the ambassadorial place of his father in Poland, yet representing not the USSR, not Russia, but the phantom entity “post-Russia”, or, to be more precise, “anti-Russia”.
Dynasty of disruptors – father and son Ponomaryovs
The Decision of the session of the “Executive Committee of the Congress of Peoples’ Deputies” (SND) from 21.11.2022
Vladimir Nikolayevich graduated from the Physical School of the Moscow State University and specialized in the sphere of space gravity. In the stagnant 1981, he defended a dissertation, earned a Ph.D. degree, then headed the physics chair in the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after Vladimir Lenin. In the perestroika year 1989, he became deputy director of the newly created Institute for Problems of Secure Development of Atomic Energy (IBRAE). In the democratic and simultaneously turbulent 1990s, he created and headed the Russian Union of Common Entrepreneurship.
In 1998, Vladimir Ponomaryov became an adviser of the Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov on mortgage financing, and in a year, he was appointed deputy president of the Federal Agency for Construction (Rosstroy) of Russia. At the beginning of the Putin’s epoch, he was deputy head of the working group preparing the session of the State Council on questions of housing policy, on the results of which Vladimir Putin declared the beginning of the mortgage program. In 2009 he came back to the Institute for Secure Development of Atomic Energy and took the position of deputy director for strategic development and innovations.
At what stage of life took place the transition of Vladimir Nikolayevich to the rows of the fifth column? I would venture to suggest that this real-life metamorphose took place at the time when most impertinent oligarchs were thrown away from the Russia’s court, namely, members of the so-called “Yeltsin’s family”. In no official biographies of Ponomaryov-father there is any mention, for instance, of the fact that, while being in the state service at Gosstroy, he received monthly payment from one of the structure of “Most Group” that belonged to the already a bit forgotten oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky.
Revenues of V.N. Ponomaryov in 1999 received in the Directorate on Avtotrans. The OJSC “Most Group” (the archive of the Ministry for Taxes and Levies)
His wife Larisa Ponomaryova worked as assistant of another oligarch – Roman Abramovich, who, at that time, was elected deputy of the Russian State Duma. From 2005 on, Larisa Ponomaryova watched over the interests of Roman Abramovich in the Federation Council as representative of the Chukotka area. At the same time, his son Ilya Ponomaryov, as is known, was one of the top-managers of the oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Thus, the Ponomaryovs’ clan contrived to suckle three biggest oligarchs of Russia.
Son-deputy and mother-senator. Ilya and Larisa Ponomaryovs (12.12.2012, Ъ)
Ten years ago, the doctor of science in physics Vladimir Nikolayevich Ponomaryov made another effort to get to the “nipples” of yet another oligarch – this time it turned out to be the oligarch-patriot Konstantin Malofeyev. In 2012 he was a member of the Board of Directors of a big telecommunication company “Infra Engineering”, where, together with him, was itemized the former Russian minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov and Kirill Grechko grandchild of the former Defense Minister. And at once the tandem of the father and son (at that time he was already deputy of the State Duma) started to service business-interests of Konstantin Malofeyev. Already at that period, in 2012, the well-known blogger Maxim Kononenko reported about this.
“Why Ilya Ponomaryov voted for the registry of banned websites?” was entitled the post of Maxim Kononenko in “LiveJournal”. The initiator of the creation of the law banning websites, writes the blogger, was the League of Secured Internet, that Konstantin Malofeyev had figured out and had lobbied. The oligarch somehow managed, at appropriate time, to get 10% of the company Rostelekom, Russia’s provider of digital products and services, and was capturing for himself the IT market.
Maxim Kononenko describes the monetization pattern of the law that was scandalous in its time. “It’s beneficial for Rostelekom to ban websites in order to buy, after that, DPI equipment that, really, costs a lot of money. Equipment, most likely, is bought by the company from itself, and further actions are obvious. Let’s suppose that Konstantin Malofeyev, being one of the owners of Rostelecom, initiates through the League of Secure Internet a law on creation a registry which, in and of itself, doesn’t work, causes scandals, and through these scandals the company Rostelecom receives carte blanche to build a special expensive infrastructure in order to get rid of scandals in the future”.
“And who will build this infrastructure?”, asks the blogger and answered himself: It’s clear who it will be – the biggest contractor of Rostelekom, the company “Infra-Engineering” in the board of directors of which sits the father of Ilya Ponomaryov”.
And in the same year, in 2012, the law on the registry of prohibited websites was adopted. Ponomaryov-father, using his connections in the government, lobbied this law through, and Ponomaryov-son voted for it in the State Duma. And for a long time the Western press and bright faced opposition made a lot of noise, accusing the Kremlin of suffocating freedom of speech, as well as of “secret services’ lawlessness”. Yet, the services of the father and son with their weather wane attitudes, so it seems, soon stopped to satisfy the needs of the oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev, and life in Russia seamed to the Ponomaryovs family joyless and prospectless (the mother was the first to leave Russia, as early as in 2014).
But even earlier Mikhail Vladimirovich Ponomaryov settled down in the German City Dusseldorf. We told about him in the journalistic investigation entitled “Fifth column starts its last Drang nach Osten (Part One), as of a business partner of Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomaryov, and, perhaps, his close relative – stepbrother. As the website Prigovor.ru has found out, the two IT companies, that are owned by Ilya and Mikhail – OJSC “Invest Consulting” and OJSC “Energy Consulting” respectively – have one and the same co-founder: the Cyprus offshore “Atberg Investments”.
In the beginning of October, several days before the publishing of the first part of the investigation, information emerged that the Federal Tax Service (FNS) had decided to exclude the company “Invest Consulting” from the state registry, or, to put it simpler, to liquidate it because it had provided unreliable information (this, taking into consideration the anti-state activity of its owner, had been long expected). Yet, just in a month, the Tax Service canceled its decision due to a statement of a “concerned person”.
Screenshot of records of the firm “Invest Consulting” in the Consolidated State Registry of Physical Persons (EGRUL)
According to the digital business card-index “Kontur. Fokus”, there are only two such persons: Ilya Ponomaryov himself and the Cyprus company “Atberg Investments”. But who could be hiding behind the Cyprus offshore?
An indirect answer to this question provided documents of the Moscow Arbitration Court, the session of which ended in June 2017. The plaintiff was the OJSC “Entum ERP”, a subsidiary of the company Gazprom; and the litigant was the OJSC “Invest Consulting” and the OJSC “EK-Management” (with participation of a third person the JSC Energy Consulting/Corporate IT Solutions”. The plaintiff demanded, and, at the end of the day, received from Ponomaryov’s firm and from others eight million rubles for, as was pointed out in the ruling of the court, not providing “consulting services in the sphere of creation and implementation of information systems”.
The Court’s Ruling: Gazprom vs. the Ponomaryovs family
According to this document, the ordering company with a sonorous foreign name “Energy Consulting/Corporate IT Solutions” concluded an agreement worth of millions rubles with Gazprom’s subsidiary. But the company “Corporate IT Solutions” didn’t bother about “consultations” and commissioned this work to the firms of Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomaryov and Mikhail Vladimirovich Pononaryov, who, in effect, deceived into parting with money (eight million rubles) the gullible firm “Gazprom-Inform”. And the irreplaceability of the nearly closed “Invest-Consulting” was related to the fact that, as it was pointed out in the court’s ruling, this firm “directly participates in the nominal capital of the ordering customer (75%), and is for it the main society due to dominant participation in its nominal capital…” So, up until now, perhaps, the firms of the stepbrothers Ponomaryovs have been pumping up millions from natural gas and oil subsidiaries.
But why there is no mention in the Court’s documents of the company “Atberg Investments”, common co-founder of the litigant firms?
This question about a mysterious co-founder was played out, when we managed to receive detailed information about the Cyprus offshore company. As it turned out, the sole owner of the company “Atberg Investments”, registered in Nicosia, is Mikhail Ponomaryov, domiciled in Germany; him belong 100% of the company’s shares the total worth of which amounts to 25100 dollars. And as its subsidiary is itemized the already known to us “Invest Consulting” (with Ilya Ponomaryov at the head) based in Russia.
The registration card of the Cyprus company “Arberg Investments Ltd”
It turns out that Ilya Ponomaryov’s business is under total control of his “stepbrother”.
On the whole, “Invest Consulting” has founded in Russia ten firms, six of which were liquidated during the last two years: “UK Polus” (legal services), “OST Leader” (lumber and construction materials), “Donator” (construction), “United Farm Plus” (medication), “Evros” (perfumery), “Technosphere for Kids” (consumer electronics).
Firms of Ponomaryovs’ clan founded by the Cyprus offshore “Atberg Investment Ltd”
Thus, Mikhail Pomonaryov, starting from 2020, has almost completely got rid of trade and construction business, but have retained, after having repelled the attacks of the Tax Service, his consulting companies. According to the official report for 2017 – 2019, the general sum of the assets belonging to the company “Atberg Investments”, amounted to more than one million dollars a year, with cash means exceeding half a million dollars.
Financial report of “Atberg Investments Ltd”
Involuntarily, one report comes to mind made by the collaborationist Ilya Ponomaryov in his telegram-channel with regard to the money with which he conducts his subversive activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. “About money: As of today, this is mainly my own money, starting with February, starting with the beginning of the war, I have invested in all that more than one million dollars. I have been pulling in, doing business”
Perhaps, this bloody million, in fact, has been taken from revenues of the company “Atberg Investments”?
Until 2022, millions from the company “Atberg Investments” had been channeled to finance German football clubs. Football is Mikhail Ponomaryov’s passion. In Russia he was a fan of the team “Torpedo”. in 2009, the 34 years old president of the Board of Directors of the company “Energy Consulting” became shareholder of the football club “Torpedo”. “I am a hereditary fan of the black–and-whites: my father and my dad for a long time had supported players of “Torpedo”. Together with my brother, we took this relay baton, and my sun, hopefully, will not stay aside”, told once Mikhail in an interview with the newspaper “Sport Express”.
Yet, in a year already, in 2011, Ponomaryov dumped the team “Torpedo” and signed a sponsor contract with the football club “Fortune Dusseldorf”. The place of the registration of this club is the city Dusseldorf, and it’s there that the new sponsor established himself a permanent residence.
Mikhail Ponomaryov (to the right) signs a sponsor contract with the German football club “Fortuna” (2011)
Why Ponomaryov decided to make happy specifically a German club? Perhaps, it is connected with the fact that, in 2009, Wolfgang Clement became the deputy president of the Board of Directors of “Energy Consulting”, who had been Minister of Labor in the government of Gerhard Schroeder, and before that he had had ministerial positions in the government of the of the German state Northern Rhine-Westphalia. So the financing of this shabby club could be an entrance ticket to the international “IT landscape”, and friendship with “world suppliers of IT solutions for managing business”.
Mikhail Ponomaryov belongs to the second row of Russian oligarchs, although, so it seems, he could have been in the first row, had he been born ten years earlier. He entered the world in October 1974 in Moscow, in 1995 he graduated from the Plekhanov Economy Academy in Russia, and from 2001 headed the auditing and consulting company “Energy Consulting”. At the beginning, the big oil company “Tatneft” became its first and sole client. Thanks to contacts with Tatar oilmen, the young Ponomaryov made his first million dollars.
According to archive information, Mikhail was registered in a tenement of the village Radumlya (Solnechnogorsk region) situated 49 kilometers away from Moscow, at the cross-road of the Leningradskoye highway and present-day Moscow Central Belt Road (At that time, Ilya was registered in the Russian capitol on the Molodezhnaya Street, so the “stepbrothers” were separated not only by eleven months of life – he was born in August 1975. In effect, the mystery of Mikhail’s birth is still not solved to the end).
Thus, Mikhail Ponomaryov, in a single go, covered the distance, figuratively speaking, between an inhabitant of a village near Moscow and a German “Non- Abramovich”. In 2015, the head of the company “Energy Consulting” bought another German football club KFC Uerdingen, and the local newspaper “Main Krefeld” wrote at that time:
“However, Mikhail Ponomaryov is nor a second Roman Abramovich (Chelsea). He doesn’t have such amount of money, and he cannot, neither, exhibit such political activity. Apart from his finance powers, the businessman relies on his experience. Ponomaryov, inhabitant of Dusseldorf, once helped the Ice Hockey club “Metallugg” from the city Magnitogorsk to win the Champions League. He saved “Dusseldorf EG” from financial collapse…
Information: Ponomaryov is the owner of the biggest Russian consulting company in the sphere of management consulting and information technologies. The company “Energy Consulting” has about 900 employees, with its headquarters located in Moscow”.
Mikhail Ponomaryov, main sponsor of KFC Uerdingen
Yet, the fortune has turned with its back on Non-Abramovich. In April 2021, the German newspaper “Express” publishes an article entitled “Ten million debts of KFC Uerdingen: Ponomaryov has left behind heaps of broken pottery pieces”.
“In the beginning of 2020, Mikhail Ponomaryov’s company “Energy Consulting”, whites the newspaper, “invested in the club, on the whole, 815 thousand euros”. Nevertheless, in a year, the football club had to file a petition of bankruptcy, and the guilt was placed on the Russian businessman: “The former investor hardly cared about new sponsors, and in the budget of the club was planned less than 10 percent of advertising money”…“The arbitration manager wants to press on Ponomaryov”, pointed out the newspaper, “because, in recent years, the investor repeatedly signed letters of guarantee”.
In other words, the debts of the club amounting to ten million euros the Germans were going to skip from Not-Abramovich. The question was raised about arresting all Ponomaryov’s assets on the territory of the EU.
Moreover, in April 2022, in the business circles of Germany, they started to say that Mikhail Ponomaryov, using connections of Wolfgang Clement, had solved the problem of the 10 million debt. Some high ranking persons from German Special Services allegedly proposed to the Russian entrepreneur to make a Tausch (exchange): debt in exchange for financing anti-Putin forces. And, allegedly, they agreed that a yearly “contribution”, as before, should amount to a million dollars.
About the truthfulness of this information we can judge, for instance, according to the report that on October 17, 2022, was placed by the extremist Telegram-channel “Rospartisan” which is controlled by the foreign agent Ilya Ponomaryov. “”NRA took responsibility for hacker attack against “Technoserv” – so was the title of this post.
NRA, or National Republican Army, is an extremist group which is also controlled by the “stepbrother”. Technoserv is the main system integrator of administrative servicing of Russia’s state agencies. According to anotherreport of “Rospartisan”, among its clients there is Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Tax and Custom Services, Pension Fund and Rosregistry, Rosstat and Rosfinmonitoring, as well as Rostelecom and Vympelkov, RusGidro and Rosseti, Moscow Underground and Russia Railways. Allegedly, hackers managed to get access to the anti-virus company “Kaspersky Security Center 12” and put out on the Internet a number of documents corroborating the hacking of documents.
This hacker attack was carried out against the segment of managerial activity which is part of business interests of Ponomaryovs “stepbrothers”. And pay attention to the following: for sure, in the catalogue of clients of the company Technoserv, “rospartisans” didn’t include neither Gazprom affiliates, nor any oil companies thanks to contract with whom millions have been syphoned to accounts of the offshore “Atberg Investments”.
Author: Alexey Chelnokov
Russian version at: «Главный офшор для «роспартизан» Пономарёва*»
See also the previous parts of the investigation:
- Fifth column starts its last Drang nach Osten (Part One).
“Family” business of the collaborator Ilya Ponomaryov in Russia. Mysteries of the Cyprus offshore “Alberg Investments Ltd” and the Moscow firm “Energy Consulting-Management”.
- Fifth column moved in its last Drang nach Osten. Part II
The task of dismembering Russia was assigned to the Lithuanian “black sniper” Andrus Almanis, on hand of whom blood of the victims of the Vilnius events of January 13, 1991.
* Ilya Ponomaryov – 21.10.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent.
*Mikhail Khodorkovsky – 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent.