Расследования 09.12.24 12:12

The Nazi ‘Sunrise’ of Khodorkovsky* and euro-deputy Zalimas

The website Prigovor.ru has found out that as ‘protection’ for the Lithuanian Nazi Valdas Bartkevicius, who desecrates memorials and collectives graves, serves Dainius Zalimas, a deputy of the European Parliament and member of Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s  ‘anti-war’ project ‘Rassvet’ (Sunrise)

After Valdas Bartkevicius, the Nazi from Lithuania, had desecrated in the Kursk region a Memorial and collective grave of warriors fallen during the fight with Hitler Nazism, and in connection with this had become defendant of a criminal case, all the crowd of fugitive humane and super-democratic foreign agents put on a semblance that ‘nothing special’ had happened. However, foreign agents kept silence also in the spring of 2024 when Valdas Bartkevicius desecrated in the city Vilnius the memorial dedicated to the victims of the terror attack in ‘Krokus City Hall’ in Moscow. Now, at last, the Investigative Committee of Russia has started to be engaged with this freak. Yet, Valdas Bartkevicius is far from being the sole person who deserves a legal assessment from Russia.

The Lithuanian Nazi Valdas Bartkevicius is an uncompromising Russophobe and in his beastly hatred toward Russians, he does not make exclusions even to traitors. On Bartkevicius’ record of accomplishments, there are attacks in Vilnius on the foreign agent Viktor Shenderovich*, as well as on the art object ‘Navalny’s* Punitive Confinement’ (SHIZO) which took place in the summer of 2023. Therefore, while studying connections of this Russophobe, the project Prigovor.ru has found out that Bartkevicius is closely connected with the European deputy Dainius Zalimas (born 1973).

On the photo to the right stands the Lithuanian Nazi Valdas Bartkevicius, text to him is the deputy of the European Parliament Dainius Zalimas with a dog, and on the far right with a flag is Russophobe Vlad Shipitsin who threw catchup at Viktor Shenderovich

Dainius Zalimas has a very eventful biography: for several years, he was the head of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania. He is also international lawyer, member of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, and, finally, a deputy of the European Parliament from Lithuania.

Dainius Zalimas and Valdas Bartkevicius have a lot in common - they are both permeated to the backbone with the idea of liquidating Russia. The first expresses his attitudes in wild, cannibalistic and radical forms. The second, due to his legal education and social-political status, in general, inveighs (or even ‘runs’) making use of anti-Russian rhetoric. Both of them are sponsors of Ukrainian armed formations, and they do not hide it, travelling to Ukrainian territory with ‘loads’ under supervision of Latvian Ministry of Defense, where, some time ago, Dainius Zalimas was a legal adviser of the head of the Defense Department. In a word, a typical for the political class of Lithuania layer of ‘strident’ social activists. As, apart from this, Dainius Zalimas is also known as a great follower of Ukrainian nationalists and, of course, of fugitive militants from Ichkeria**.

But the most interesting thing is that Dainius Zalimas is a member of the Council of the humanitarian project ‘Rassvet’ (Sunrise) that works under the auspices of the so-called ‘Anti-War Committee’** of Mikhail Khodorkovsky*. Pavel Khodorkovsky, the son of the oil swindler, heads the project ‘Rassvet’. Proofs of that can be found directly on the site of the project ‘Rassvet’.

Members of the Council of the project ‘Rassvet’ are also fugitive Russian citizens and foreign agents, namely Yulia Latynina*, Boris Zimin*, Maria Ordzhonikidze who is a trusted employee of Mikhail Khodorkovsky as well. (See also the investigation ‘Ten Women of Khodorkovsky’)

Dainius Zalimas from Lithuania is also a member of this Council – the same European deputy and old friend of the Lithuanian Nazi Valdas Bartkevicius who desecrates memorials and common graves.


At the same time, the project Prigovor.ru has studied financial traces from which it becomes clear that the cooperation with Lithuania within the frameworks of the project ‘Rassvet’ was realized through the American organization of Pavel Khodorkovsky – ‘Institute of Modern Russia’ (EIN: 61-1612040).** About Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s son and his banned as early as in 2017 organization we wrote multiple times.

(See the investigation ‘Analytical liquids’ of the Khodorkovskys. Pavel Khodorkovsky pumped out of the U.S. Department of State already more than 6 million dollars. And ‘A New-York Rentier Disparaging Russia’. Papa has bought for me three penthouses in Manhattan’)

The IMR (Institute of Modern Russia) – the sponsor and coordinator of ‘Rassvet’ – is being feeding not only by grands from outside, but also by family money from the ‘Khodorkovsky Foundation’.

For instance, in 2023, as reported the Investigative division of the TV channel RT, the biggest grant of the British foundation of Khodorkovsky to the amount of $11.75 million was allocated to the organization ‘Save & Rebuilt’, alias ‘Institute of Modern Russia’ of Pavel Khodorkovsky. The second grant amounting to $2.85 million went in the direction of Lithuania – to the shell organization ‘Eastern Europe Research Foundation’ (identifier 305889713) also connected with Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky (MBKh).

Apart from that, to the money box of the ‘Institute of Modern Russia’ (IMR) for support of the project ‘Rassvet’ was transferred the sum equal to $238 000 from the American organization ‘Renew Democracy Initiative (EIN: 82-2547275) of Garry Kasparov.*

They all, who would have any doubt, maintain that the money was being spent strictly on ‘humanitarian help of ordinary Ukrainians’. Yet, the analysis of information shows that the false pacifists of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, do it seems, have created a very smart scheme to support Ukraine, including its military units, thus, reassigning, actually, the theme smelling of high treason (Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) to freaky foreign middlemen from Vilnius.

We would like to point out that the NGO ‘Institute of Modern Russia’ (IMR, USA), at the end of 2023 beginning of 2024, for a short time changed its name to ‘Save & Rebuild’, but it kept, by the way, the same tax identifier. The project ‘Prigovor’, in connection with this, supposed that the change of the sign of the mentioned NGO had been used by Khodorkovsky’s group to clean up traces while carrying out dubious financial operation to the benefit of Ukraine, including through dummy partners on the territory of Lithuania.


Having studied public reports of the Institute of Modern Russia, the project ‘Prigovor’ found out that, in the spring of 2022, the NGO of Pavel Khodorkovsky established relations with distributors in Lithuania, Slovakia and other countries of the Eastern Europe, as well as with a certain logistical company based in Vilnius, Lithuania. It also ‘made connections with a network of volunteers and NGOs on the territory of Ukraine’. And already in 2022 ‘the covering of expenses’ in Lithuania was about 71 000 US dollars.

From the report of the IMR: ‘To Lithuania for covering expenses of the charitable project ‘Rassvet/Sunrise $ 71,030 (wire bank transfer from one account to another). The purpose of the transfer was to cover expenses and deliveries for needs of Ukraine

Part of the money provided to the project ‘Rassvet’, as the analysis shows, went to Ukrainian side, but not directly in form of ‘donations’, but ‘in reverse’, as a covering of expenses that, obviously, had been already spent by middlemen. I.e., the money was transferred to Lithuania ‘in connection’ with services already provided and purchases made and so on and so forth.

(Something similar is one of the form of hiding real sponsors and end-receivers of material-technical means, medicaments, equipment, and everything is being done quietly under the guise of ‘humanitarian needs’ and things purchased for the adversary by fugitive Russian citizens. Among such sponsors, there are organizers, leaders and members of the ‘Anti-War Committee’ (Khodorkovsky M.B.), as well as of the project ‘Rassvet’ and ‘IMR’, USA (Khodorkovsky P.M.) – note of the website FLB.ru)

According to the IMR itself, ‘from April 2022, the organization delivered to Ukraine 105 tons of food products and 96 pallets of medication’. Evidently, these false pacifists from ‘Rassvet’ cannot provide any guaranty that all these humanitarian goods were not used by members of terrorist formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Moreover, suspicions that the project ‘Rassvet’ is involved in financial supports of Ukrainian Armed Forces seems to be well grounded. The issue is about intermediaries from Vilnius.


The sources of money for purchasing such gifts could be means that were allocated in 2022 – 2023 by the project ‘Rassvet’ of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Pavel Khodorkovsky through intermediaries in Lithuania in accordance with the scheme of ‘covering expanses’. The same can be said about two shell NGOs in Vilnius under control of Leonid Nevzlin*. These are the project ‘Cooperation Democracy Foundation VsI’ (Lithuania, Vilnius, registration code 305966775) and project ‘Action4.life’ (Lithuania, VsI ‘Action4.life’, registration code 306070930).

The director and coordinator of these Lithuanian NGOs is Maria Solenova, who fled from Russia in 2022. She is a connection of Leonid Nevzlin, partner and henchman of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Maria Solenova in the well-known correspondence is calling Leonid Nevzlin her ‘boss’. She has been directly and for a long time collecting money for Armed Forces of Ukraine (transport, drones, equipment, and medicaments). Moreover, participants of Nevzlin’s projects are well aware that they offend against Russian law and they directly warn potential donors about criminal liability under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (high treason in form of rendering financial help to adversary). Apart from that, Maria Solenova has been working on projects in coordination with the project ‘Kovsheg’ (Ark) and various Ukrainian NGOs that distribute aid including to units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

It’s important to point out that, up to April 2022, Leonid Nevzlin was a member of the Council of the Khodorkovskys’ NGO the ‘Institute of Modern Russia’, and formally he left it in April 2022. Yet, due to old connections with his old friend Misha (Mikhail Khodorkovsky), Leonid Nevzlin has simply withdrew into the shadows. Such freaky position on Ukraine of Nevzlin, the serial ordering customer of Yukos murders, who directly sponsored with money Ukrainian neo-Nazis, is widely known and needs no explanation.


As the project ‘Prigovor’ found out, the member of the Council of the ‘anti-war project ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas (Lithuania), in the spring of 2023, was personally driving with gifts through the territory of Ukraine during his ‘visit of support’. His itinerary included places of dislocation of Ukrainian armed formations. In particular, this was 113th Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Eastern group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among contacts during this visit was a member of the highest military command of Ukrainian Armed Forces Sergey Melnik (‘Marcel’).

The deputy of the European Parliament and member of the organization ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas (in the background) during his contacts with militants

For fighters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces this benefactor from ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas brought a sponsor tribute – an SUV ‘Misubishi L200’. This car had been fitted by the adversary with a machine gun and was passed into service for using in fighting actions against Russian units.

The mentioned circumstances are confirmed by the photos on which the member of the project ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas is presented at positions of Ukrainian formations during his contacts with militants, including with arms in his hand and in a car equipped with weapons.

The deputy of the European Parliament Dainius Zalimas during his ‘safari’ in the steppes of Ukraine

Apart from that, the member of the project ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas, in acknowledgement from Nazi units, was rewarded with a memorial sigh and letter of gratitude. 

Thus, the Lithuanian citizen Dainius Zalimas, born 1973, being a member of leadership of the project ‘Rassvet’ of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Pavel Khodorkovsky, provided material support to militant groups of Ukrainian Nazis counteracting Russia in the zone of carrying out of the Special Military Operation (SVO).

The member of the project ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas, for participation in such operations and pumping up the so-called ‘project money’, has a handheld NGO – the public establishment ‘Center of right and democracy’ (registration identifier 305826606). The casual name of this center can be found in financial documents of different sponsors – ‘Justice Hub’.

This structure was actively used in the Belorussian direction during mass unrests in Minsk that had been sponsored by the United States. In addition, Dainius Zalimas himself publically and more than once threatened to organize a court martial to ‘Lukashenko’s regime’, and after that, he in the same way lashed out against Russia.

‘I was the first in Lithuania who came forward with the initiative to create a special international tribunal with regard to aggression against Ukraine and promoted it on international level’, ranted Zalimas. Apart from that, he demanded, ‘as soon as possible’, to transfer Russian assets grabbed in Europe to totally corrupt Ukrainian side. Moreover, he himself admitted lawlessness of such extrajudicial approaches. In Zalimas’ head, legal education and judge experience seemingly were fighting with his boorish Russophobia, and common sense was drowning in political demagogy with nationalistic odor. From the same diagnosis, by the way, suffer also fugitive Russian foreign agents, and this, apparently, make them all related.

Juggling with Lithuania’s ‘experience in resistance, the European deputy Zalimas during several years was pushing in Ukrainian political circles two key questions: the theme of integration with the EU and necessity to capture in the Ukrainian constitution the reference about entering NATO. The last circumstance mainly predetermined the inevitability of armed conflict with Russia.

‘I initiated changes in the Constitution of Ukraine securing aspiration for full membership in the EU and NATO, and I also organize and carry out support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, bragged Dainius Zalimas during the spring-and-summer elections to the European Parliament in 2024.

Apart from that, in Dainius Zalimas activities, apart from those mentioned above, two circumstances that, perhaps, deserve attention of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

This is the involvement of Dainius Zalimas in anti-Russian sanctions, in particular, in illegal persecution of judges of Russian Supreme Court, and, as is known, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has been already inquiring into this criminal case. In addition, this case, perhaps, lacks so far those who incited Ukraine to war with Russia. He also declared a public hunt against Russian judges’ community stimulating impunity of Kiev’s regime. Dainius Zalimas is not hiding his involvement in the mentioned anti-Russian activities, and he considers it as his ‘accomplishments’ with regard to the EU and Nazis in Ukraine. Evidently, by this he caught fancy of omnivorous Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The second moment that, evidently, demands legal assessment of activities of the member of the project ‘Rassvet’ Dainius Zalimas, is his direct connection with persons who are on the wanted list under Articles of terrorist character.  The question is about members of the group under the name “Republic of Ichkeria’**.

For instance, in September 2024, Dainius Zalimas declared publically about ‘the creation of a group in support of Ichkeria in the European Parliament’. Taking into consideration that fugitive militants, at the suggestion of Akhmed Zakayev*, accused in Russian of crimes of terrorist character, operate against Russia on the territory of Ukraine, actionsof Dainius Zalimas can be regarded as a full-fledged European support of international terrorism.

The European deputy from Lithuania Dainius Zalimas and fugitive terrorist Akhmed Zakayev at the gathering of ‘de-colonizers’ of Russia in Vilnius, June 2024

Considering that all ‘good Russians’ are now trying to back out of wild intentions regarding the destruction of Russia and who, since recently, even have been spitefully mocking ‘de-colonizers’ directly under their noses, in the project ‘Rassvet’ of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, sits a lobbyist of the same ‘de-colonizers’. And his name is Dainius Zalimas, a deputy of the European Parliament from Lithuania. No matter how intensely fugitive foreign agents are now dissociating themselves from the most dirty plots of their Western curators that they were so vehemently supporting in 2022, European friends-Russophobes are still giving them away. They give them away so evidently that no ‘flip-flopping’ will help them.
Author: Buba Filin

See the Russian version at: «Нацистский «Рассвет» Ходорковского* и евродепутата Жалимаса»

* Foreign agents, extremists; ** Extremist, terrorist and undesirable organizations:

* Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich, born 26.06.1963 – on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as physical person fulfilling function of a foreign agent. Included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389. In 2015, Russia included Khodorkovsky in an international wanted list in connection with the case of his involvement in the murder of the mayor of the town Nefteyugansk Vladimir Petukhov and attempted murder of the entrepreneur Yevgeny Rybin;
* Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich, born 15.08.1958 – on 30.12.2021 was included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the list of mass media fulfilling functions of a foreign agent;
* Kasparov Garry Kimovich, born 13.04.1963, - on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent. Included in the Registry with No 388. In Russia, Kasparov G.K. is accused of committing crimes under Article 205.4, Paragraph 2, Article 205.2, Paragraph 2, Article 205.2 Paraghraph 4, Article 205.1 Paragraph 2, and Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He was arrested in absentia;
* Nevzlin Leonid Borisovich, born 21.09.1959, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 094-463-07079 – on 23.06.2023 included into the Registry of foreign agents with No 622. On August 1, 2008, as ordering customer of five murders and six attempted murders was sentenced in absentia to life-long prison imprisonment. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) based on the results of studying Nevzlin’s complaint in 2022, pointed out that it had found no ‘Court’s bias in Russia’;
* Zimin Boris Dmitrievich, born 24.11.1968, Identification Number of a taxpayer 774305900208 (INN), Individual Insurance Account (SNILS) 004-484-117-19, by the Ruling of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 02.09.2022 included in the Registry of physical persons fulfilling functions of a foreign agent with No 421. On 11.01.2023, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow ordered to arrest in absentia the entrepreneur Boris Zimin on charges of especially large-scale fraud (Article 4, Paragraph 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Zimin has been put on a wanted list;
* Latynina Yulia Leonidovna, born 16.06.1966, Identification Number of a Taxpayer (INN) 770303330820, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 023-720-64115. On 09.09.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a person fulfilling function of a foreign agent;
* Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny (born 04.06.1976 – died 16.02.2024) – on 25.01.2022 was included by Rosfinmonitoring in the list of physical persons connected with extremist activities or terrorism with No 8398;
** Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) – on 09.10.2019 was included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 195; on 09.06.2021 FBK was acknowledged by the Moscow City Court as an extremist organization; on 31.08.2021 it ceased to exist as legal person;
** Anti-war committee’ – included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the list of undesirable organizations with No 1 by the Ruling No 1076 of 28.07.2024;
** Institute of Modern Russia, Inc. - organization whose activities are acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation by the decision of the Office of Prosecutor General of 26.04.2017;
** ’Khodorkovsky Foundation’ – organization whose activities were acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation by the Ruling of the Russian Justice Ministry of 09.07.2021;
* Zakayev Akhmed, born 1959, fugitive emissary of Chechen terrorists and separatists in London. In Russia, Zakayev is put on international wanted list, he is accused in absentia under Article 205.4 Paragraph 2, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (creation of a terrorist group), and under Article 205.3, Paragraph 2, of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation (public justification of terrorism with the use of internet) and sentenced to imprisonment. The Russian monitoring agency Rosfinmonitoring has included him in the list of persons involved in extremist activity or terrorism;
** ‘Chechen Republic Ichkeria’ – a terrorist organization prohibited in the Russian Federation.

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