‘Genocide is an annihilation and persecution of people on account of certain community or origin, unspoken admission of guilt of belonging to some or other social, cultural or biological group’ (Short Dictionary of Terms regarding Human Rights)
At the beginning of September, the information space was blown up by the news that the governing bodies of the European Union had released a clarification to the document ‘Import, Purchase & Transfer of Listed Goods of Council Regulation No 833/2014’ explaining which things can be confiscated from Russian citizens while crossing the borders of the European Union (cars, personal smartphones and computers, jewelry and even personal clothes, as well as toilet articles).
This is, actually, a Nazi-like suppression of rights and liberties on account of nationality, but that absolutely didn’t bother euro-bureaucrats. Now European Union’s custom offices will resemble an ‘anteroom’ of a gas chamber in a Nazi concentration camp’, we wrote in a remark on this occasion.
In their wish to deprive of rights people of certain nationality, current ‘rulers’ of Europe, of course, are not pioneers. Grandfathers and fathers of some of them did the same things. At the end of 1930s, in Nazi-Germany legislative acts were already approved which were similar to the current ban of crossing the borders of the European Union by citizens of Russian in their cars and of possessing certain personal belongings. We would like to remind you with what the harassment of Jews began which was then transformed into an open genocide. In particular:
On April 26, 1939, a law was adopted according to which Jews were forced to declare all property worth more than 5000 Reichsmarks.
On July 11, 1938, the Ministry of the Interior of the Reich enjoined the Jews from visiting health resorts.
On February 21, 1939, a decree was adopted according to which the Jews had to turn over precious metals and stones at their disposal in the course of two weeks.
Apart from that, in March 1938, the Nazi regime informed that it would no longer sign contracts or deal with any company belonging to Jews. Jewish entrepreneurs were refused to take part in fulfilling state contracts, have tax remissions, have excess to state services, to raw materials and foreign currencies.
Another important way to confiscate Jewish property was ‘Reichsfluchtsteuer’, or the ‘Tax levied on flight from the Reich’. According to the name of the law, it demanded that all Jews leaving Germany had to pay a considerable tax before leaving the country.
The same tax, only in another form, is being collected today. In European countries, procedures are being working out on accelerated extrajudicial confiscation of ‘Russian’ real estate and motor transport. Moreover, they are acting in accordance with classical Jesuit traditions.
First, they stopped servicing Russian bank cards, then they forcefully closed accounts in European banks, thus making impossible to pay for utility services and to pay taxes. Nowadays, in each country, they impose shorter terms to withdraw property of Russians because of non-payment.
Sometime, in about five years, when Europeans, yet again, will awake from the toxin of originality and superiority frenzy, they will try to find out: who has drawn them into the hybrid war with Russia and shameful harassment of Russians? Who, exactly, with their names? Who will be to blame, at least, morally? But in will be hard to find out. As the main principle of the European bureaucracy is anonymity.
For example, on the website of the European Commission they have already closed the excess to the most scandalous September Explanations on rules of confiscation of personal belongings of Russian citizens on the border. The website cunningly explains that it is necessary to have an authorization on the portal of the European Commission to get this document. An ordinary user of the Internet is not supposed to know that anonymous European officials have thought out and enshrined in law.
Furthermore, the very Explanations to the document ‘Import, Purchase & Transfer of Listed Goods of Council Regulations No 833/2014’ are anonymous. The date is there, but there is no signature, and it is not known who approved this document. To be sure, their compilers do exist, as there are authors of any documents, but they prefer to act in a covert way and not to put on display their names. So, let us establish that the document of September 12, 2023, was published without any signature.
And then we started to brood: If the Explanations to the Ruling of the Council No 833/2014 is nameless, then who, in fact, signed the original document giving the green light to mass ‘harassment of people on account of certain community or origin’, i.e. to a direct act of genocide? Who signed this paper enabling to deprive of rights citizens of a certain country without court’s decision? Who is that modern Reinhard Heydrich, the diligent follower of this Nazi ideologue of the ‘final solution of the Jewish question’, in this case, of the Russian question?
The website Prigovor.ru, having searched the archives of the portal eurolex.europa.eu, found this original document No 32014R0833 ‘Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 of 31 July 2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine’.
As you can see, it was adopted in the height of summer of 2014, during the six-month term of Italian presidency in the European Council.
We will not hide that, while searching for the original document, that launched the beginning of the sweeping European sanctions against all citizens of Russia, we expected that there would be, at least, a signature of some well-known European politicians of the first echelon, predecessors of Ursula von der Leyen, or Josep Borrell, but there were no signatures on it of European Union’s first persons.
The first juristically finalized act of purposeful persecution of Russians was signed by a little known and mediocre European bureaucrat, by the Italian citizen Sandro Gozi who, in 2014, held the office of the president of the European Union.
Sandro Gozi carries personal responsibility for this Russians hunt
Having studied the document and the biography of Sandro Gozi, the website Prigovor.ru has made two important conclusions.
First, it’s no wonder at all that this Italian politician Gozi signed this neo-Nazi document of the European Union. The point is that, during his youth, Gozi was a follower of the Neo-fascist party Italian Social Movement (MSI), and its ideologue was the former reporter of the Rome fascist newspaper and journal ‘Defense of the Race’ Giorgio Almirante.
And, second, the document ‘Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014’, limiting in their rights Russian citizens, is juridically null and void, as Sandro Gozi, who signed it, was appointed to the position of the President of the Council of the European Union with gross violations of European Union’s standing order.
But first things first. To begin with, a little about the structure of management and standing order. The European Union has two legislative bodies – European Parliament with deputies from all member-states, and Council of the European Union which is formed by 27 ministers representing each country of the EU. All countries, in turn, preside in this Council, with the term of the presidency being 6 months. One important thing – only those who has had already a ministerial rank in his country can be included in the Council.
And now let us look at the political career of the man who has initialed the document ‘Council Regulation No 833/2014’ disabling in rights all citizens of Russia.
So, from July 1, 2014, the presidency in the Council of the European Union was passed to Italy, and Sandro Gozi was delegated to the position of the president of European Union’s Council.
At than moment, in Italy the government was headed by Matteo Renzi – from February 22, 2014. But, having visited the website of the Italian Government, we see that seignior Gozi not only was not a full-scale minister, in Italian version, Ministri con portfoglio (minister with portfolio), but he didn’t have the status of a Ministri senza portfoglio (minister without portfolio). Seignior Gozi had the position of Sottosegretari di Stato alla Presidenza del Consiglio (deputy state secretary in the office of prime-minister). In the Italian table of ranks, this position belongs to the second category, and the duty of the state-secretary is to provide help to the prime-minister and fulfill tasks delegated to him by the minister. In fact, a deputy minister became president of the Council of the European Union.
The official duties of Sandro Gozi - Sandro Gozi - con delega alle Politiche Europee e al coordinamento, con il Ministro degli Affari Esteri, delle attività inerenti il Semestre di presidenza Italiana del Consiglio dell’Unione Europea (for European politics and coordination of measures with foreign minister relating to the semester of Italy’s presidency in the Council of the European Union).
To the position of the president of European Union’s Council was appointed an ordinary second-rate official who even didn’t have a formal minister status necessary for it. But this peculiarity was resolved by way of ‘delegating responsibilities.’
Why to this important position, in contradiction to the standing order, was put from Italy a small European bureaucrat? The answer to this question one can find in the biography of Sandro Gozi, of a typical political place hunter who, in his native Italy, several times changed his political allegiances, parallel to that worked in European structures, and nowadays he is a deputy in the European Parliament, but not from his native Italy, but – pay attention to that – from France, from the party of Emmanuel Macron. Specifically, such a man was ideally fit to be among European Union’s anonymous arbiters of fate.
However, judging from the openly ‘Arian’ character of the document ‘Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014’, that was signed by Gozi, he has, still, secret convictions and he has been loyal to them, from the very time when Gozi was a follower of the neo-Nazi party Social Movement of Italy (MSI).
‘From Almirante to Macron. Sandro Gozi, nominated to a post in the French government, a former member of the Democratic Party and deputy minister for foreign affairs in the governments of Renzi and Gentiloni, was in his young years an activist of the Youth Front. The visit card was published on the website of the magazine Il primatonazionale, where there was also reproduced a photo showing him with other young people together with the secretary of the Italian social movement Giorgio Almirante’.
And, of course, for this document of the European Union, allowing ‘prosecution of people on account of certain community or origin’, voted, apart from seignior Gozi, also 27 ‘Brussel’s inquisitors’ – ministers of EU’s member states. To be more precise, according to the standing order, not less than 55% of votes of member states are needed to take a decision at meetings of the Council of the European Union. And here, once again, we are facing the problem of Brussel’s anonymity – there are no mentioned by name results in the public domain. In any case, all 28 ‘Brussel’s commissioners (we would like to remind that, at that moment, Britain’s minister was also a member of the Council) carry their part of responsibility as they jump-started the elements of genocide against citizens of Russia, jump-started mass sanctional persecution on account of nationality.
The strategy of the European bureaucracy is reckoned upon dilution of responsibility. Let us hope that, in this case, the officials who legally adapted this odious document with a taint of the Third Reich, will not be allowed to hide themselves in the ooze.
The website Prigovor.ru presents the names of the authors of the Nazi document ‘Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014’, and they, specifically, were members in 2014 of the Council of the European Union.
1.) Mr Didier REYNDERS Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, External Trade and European Affairs, Belgium
2.) Mr Rumen ALEXANDROV Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria
3.) Mr Martin POVEJŠIL Permanent Representative, Czech Republic
4.) Mr Martin Lidegaard Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark
5.) Mr Michael ROTH Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany
6.) Mr Matti MAASIKAS Permanent Representative, Estonia
7.) Mr Dara MURPHY Minister of State for European Affairs, Ireland
8.) Mr Dimitrios KOURKOULAS State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Greece
9.) Mr Alfonso Dastis QUECEDO Permanent Representative, Spain
10.) Mr Harlem DÉSIR State Secretary for European Affairs, France
11.) Mr Mato ŠKRABALO Permanent Representative, Croatia
12.) Mr Sandro GOZI State Secretary in charge of European Affairs, Italy
13.) Mr Ioannis KASOULIDES Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cyprus
14.) Mr Edgars RINKĒVIČS Minister for Foreign Affairs, Latvia
15.) Mr Rolandas KRIŠČIŪNAS Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lithuania
16.) Mr Jean ASSELBORN Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Minister for Immigration and Asylum, Luxembourg
17.) Mr Péter GYÖRKÖS Permanent Representative, Hungary
18.) Ms Marlene BONNICI Permanent Representative, Malta
19.) Mr Pieter de GOOIJER Permanent Representative, Netherlands
20.) Mr Walter GRAHAMMER Permanent Representative, Austria
21.) Mr Marek PRAWDA Permanent Representative, Poland
22.) Mr Bruno MAÇÃES State Secretary for European Affairs, Portugal
23.) Mr George CIAMBA State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania
24.) Mr Rado GENORIO Permanent Representative, Slovenia
25.) Mr Peter JAVORČÍK State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovakia
26.) Ms Lenita TOIVAKKA Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade, Finland
27.) Ms Birgitta OHLSSON Minister for EU Affairs, Sweden
28.) Mr David LIDINGTON Minister of State for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom
In the not so distant future, all these European officials should find themselves on the prisoners’ dock on charges of organizing the first stage of genocide – ‘prosecution of people on the account of certain community or origin’, prosecution of citizens of the Russian federation.
So, such an infamous ‘casus Gozi’ has happened with Europe.
Author: Alexander Zhelnin
See the Russian version at: «27 брюссельских инквизиторов»