Расследования 13.06.24 18:34

Attributes of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's fight: black caviar, foie gras, expensive wines, premium class restaurants

The website Prigovor.ru has found out what the ‘Open Russia Club’ in London has spent money on. During one and a half years Mikhail Khodorkovsky with his ‘fellows in arm’ in his struggle against Russia have eaten away and guzzled 6.2 million pounds. Part Two

In the previous publication we told about the beginning of bankruptcy of the managing company of the ‘Open Russia Club’ – the meeting place of Russian opposition in London. The club is situated in a five story house located in the affluent area of North Westminster which was bought by Mikhail Khodorkovsky. As analysts of the project ‘Prigovor’ has found out, the firm ‘Wimpole 101’ managing this British propaganda base of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, started in April 2024 a liquidation procedure.

(See the first part of the investigation entitled ‘After the publication of the website FLB.ru Khodorkovsky is liquidating his ‘Open Russia Club’ in London’)

Now at our disposal there is a list of creditors of the firm ‘Wimpole 101’ – a list of those whom the club of Mikhail Khodorkovsky owes money. The list contains more than 180 organizations. Overwhelming majority of them are restaurants.

We would like to specify here that existence of creditors doesn’t mean bankruptcy of a firm, or lack of money in possession of Mikhail Khodorkovsky plundered from the Russia state and minority shareholders of the oil company Yukos to the amount of several billion dollars.

Postponed calculations of value regarding liabilities to contractual partners is a standard London business practice. It works like this: first, the supplier delivers goods or provides services, and the client pays for that a lot lately, for instance, at the end of a quarter or month, or, in all, when there is money to pay for that. During the period of time that the client has not paid yet, creditor indebtedness is being formed, and the supplier has debtor indebtedness.

So, why then the managing company ‘Wimpole 101’ is being closed? ‘In sum, there is nothing new – Mikhail Khodorkovsky, according to his old habit, is liquidating a firm in order to cover tracks. However, in this particular case there will be a garbage tail dragging and clinking which will consist Chichvarkin’s bottles, empty black caviar cans and packings of exclusive cheeses’, we wrote in the first part of our investigation.

And in fact the list received by the project ‘Prigovor’ itemizes all those Mikhail Khodorkovsky has not yet squared accounts with at the date of the beginning of the liquidation procedure.

For instance, the Italian fashionable restaurant ‘Cipriani London’ has become a favorite place for the fighter against Russia and his spongers. The sum of the debt here is bigger than in any other locations in London – more than 70,000 pounds.

Perhaps, it’s in here that Mikhail Khodorkovsky celebrated the receiving by the ‘Free Russia Foundation’ a grant amounting to 500 thousand dollars provided by the US State Department for work directed at discrediting of the pipeline ‘Nord Stream 2’ (See also the article ‘The Operation ‘Rethink Nord Stream 2’. Half a million dollars for instigation’)

Another about 20 thousand pounds the firm in the process of liquidation has to pay to the Chinese restaurant ‘Min Jiang’ situated near Khodorkovsky’s mansion. As is known, the location has a closed room for private meetings where the cost of a breakfast starts from 78 pounds (8.7 thousand ruble) pro person and a dinner – from 98 pounds (11 thousand rubles).

Another Italian restaurant located in the very heart of Chelsea is called ‘Scalini’, and it seems that it has become the place for special meetings. Prizes for pasta there reach 44 pounds (roughly 5 thousand rubles), and a bottle of wine, on average, costs 60 pounds (about 7 thousand rubles). Here Mikhail Khodorkovsky with his followers have eaten to the sum of 7 thousand 430 pounds sterling.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his guests also appreciate very mush Italian cooking. The ‘Open Russia Club’ has paid almost 4 thousand pounds to three osterias where regional dishes of Neapolitan and Rome cooking are served. 

‘Neapolitan’s’ debts of Mikhail Khodorkovsky: Osteria Londra - a debt of 1523 pounds, ‘Osteria Nepoletana’ – a debt of 799 pounds, ‘Osteria Romana’ – a debt of 1497 pounds

Also among the creditors of the managing company ‘Wimpole 101’ there is the premium meat restaurant ‘Zelman Meats’ where, for instance, they serve a classical ‘Caesar’ for 22 pounds (about 2.5 thousand rubles), and 350 grams of the steak ‘Ribeye’ cost 42 pounds (about 4.7 thousand rubles). Here over talks about dismembering of Russia Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s Russophobes had supper for 2267 pounds sterling.

The whole debt of the ‘Open Russia Club’ to 180 creditors amounts to 6 million 190 thousand pounds of sterling

But not infrequent Mikhail Khodorkovsky together with his fellow fighters organized ‘meetings according to specific interests’ in the spacious rooms of his mansion in the center of London. The debt to the delivery of food service Food Hub by April was exactly 30 000 pounds (about 3.4 million rubles).

On the list of creditors of the firm ‘Wimpole 101’ there is also a pair of gourmet foods suppliers. For instance, the boutique ‘Petrossian’ provided the club with fresh caviar, truffles and foie gras. The sum of the debt to him is nearly 750 pounds (about 85 thousand rubles).

As we already said, Mikhail Khodorkovsky ordered wine for himself in the wine boutique ‘Hedonism’ founded by another Russophobe and foreign agent Yevgeny Chichvarkin, founder of the company ‘Evroset’ who fled to London hiding from a criminal case connected with kidnapping.

In several names appears nostalgia for Russia which Mikhail Khodorkovsky loves so much that indefatigably calls for rocket strikes against Moscow. Dinner for himself he ordered from the fashionable restaurant of Russian food with borsch and caviar called Zima Russian Restaurant, founded by the restaurant critic and TV presenter Alexey Zimin.

Black Caviar – yet another attribute of generous Russia that Mikhail Khodorkovsky didn’t pass over. The French supplier of sturgeon caviar ‘Volzhenka Caviar’ sent to Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky a pair of jars filled with ‘black gold’ for 144 pounds.

In the prestigious London district Wandsworth Mikhail Khodorkovsky amused himself for 148 thousand pounds sterling

Medical services members of the ‘Open Russia Club’ received not at some accidental medical outlet within a 10 minutes’ walk from Buckingham Palace. The Clinique Caterland Hospital billed for more than 1,700 pounds.

There is on this list also the luxurious hotel ‘The Dorchester’ with a view to the Guide Park, boutique rooms, spa salons and a restaurant rewarded with one Michelin star. It we trust a popular booking service, the cost of accommodation there begins there from 140 thousand rubles).

Also for the purpose of entertainment the ‘Open Russia Club’ acquired membership in the British club ‘Trade Hospitality’. VIP-tariff costs comparatively not much – about 150 pounds a year, in return it gives a lot of advantages – it provides access to 5 most sought after private clubs of London, discounts in hotels, restaurants, as well as invitations to wine fairs and festivals.

Debts has been amassed even to the state what provided for them a hearty welcome. For instance, the firm ‘Wimpole 101’ owes HM Revenue and Customs more than 46 thousand pounds. Apart from that, it owes 1.7 thousand pounds to the British natural gas company British Gas.

Earlier we reported that among the creditor organizations we had found Mikhail Khodorkovsky himself. To him and his daughter the ‘Open Russia Club’ ‘became indebted’ half of the whole sum – nearly 3,000,000 pounds.

And there is another big debt – to the company ‘Hanover 16 Limited’. To this company, founded by Mikhail Khodorkovsky himself, it ‘got in to the red’ to the amount of 2,450,000 pounds. This company provides services on job placement, servicing of buildings, maintaining security and administrating of offices. In sum, such multimillion indebtedness is a normal practice of the old swindler based on transferring monetary means from one pocket to another.
Author: Alexey Velarov

See the Russian version at: «Атрибуты борьбы Ходорковского*: чёрная икра, фуа-гра, дорогие вина, премиальные рестораны»

See the first part of the investigation entitled ‘After the publication of the website FLB.ru Khodorkovsky is liquidating his ‘Open Russia Club’ in London’

Also on this subject:
 ‘The place of gathering of good Russians’. Khodorkovsky’s propaganda base in the center of London worth 12 million pounds’

*Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich, born 26.06.1963 – on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as physical person fulfilling function of a foreign agent. Included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389. In 2015, Russia included Khodorkovsky in an international wanted list in connection with the case of his involvement in the murder of the mayor of the town Nefteyugansk Vladimir Petukhov and attempted murder of the entrepreneur Yevgeny Rybin;
**‘Otkrytaya Rossia’ (Open Russia Civic Movement), Great Britain – organization whose activities was acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation by the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation of 26.04.2017;
*Chichvarkin Yevgeny Alexandrovich, born 10.10.1974, Identification Number of a Taxpayer 773002559604, Individual Insurance Account Number 027-552-682 63. Included on 3 June 2022 in the Registry of Foreign Agents with No 398*;
**Free Russia Foundation, USA – organization the activity of which was acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor General of 28.07.2019. The Foundation was included on 09.10.2019 in the Registry of Foreign agents with No 195. Was acknowledged by the Moscow City Court as an extremist organization.

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