Расследования 26.03.24 11:00

Washington connection of extremists’

The website Prigovor.ru has found a lobbyist who officially represents in the United States the interests of Ilya Ponomaryov’s extremist organization ‘The Congress of People’s Deputies” which supported shooting attacks on Russian polling stations

Washington connection of extremists’

‘Nice and pleasant people’ who quite recently had been concerned about the destiny of little birds and squirrels, had made a stand against the construction of the highway coming through the Khimky forest, supported with enthusiasm bomb strikes at inhabitants of Belgrod and Kursk regions.

The Defender of the Khimki forest Evgeniya Chirikova*, Mark Geigin*, the former lawyer of pussies from the group ‘Pussy Riot’, Roman Popkov*, defendant in the case the murder of Vladlen Tatarsky and Khodorkovsky’s employee as well as other ‘handshakable persons with bright faces’ took part in the March session of the extremist group the ‘Congress of People’s Deputies’**, and heard with enthusiasm of the ex-deputy of the Russian Duma Ilya Ponomaryov telling about ‘his boys’ firing shells at polling stations. “Our guys, by the way, at the front line, at noon, made a rather great firework at polling stations, and not only at polling stations”, said this fighter for ideals of American and Ukrainian democracy.

Chirikova, Feigin, Ponomaryov and other participants of this operetta-like congress that took place in Kiev said that they would continue collecting money for Ukraine’s Armed Forces and agitate for violent overthrow of authorities in Russia.

And it turns out that this terrorist and extremist structure has quite official contacts with the American government. As the website Prigovor.ru has found out, the ‘Congress of People’s Deputies’ for pushing its interests had hired a lobbyist who, quite legitimately, in order not to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), registered as representative of a foreign state at the Ministry of Justice of America.

Thus, in October 2023, Mr. Alexei Sobchenko was registered as foreign agent servicing the interest of ‘The Congress of People’s Deputies’ (registration number 7336, address 2456 20th St NW, 406, Washington, D.C., DC 20009).

As follows from the documents of FARA, the citizen of the United States Alexei Sobchenko, born 1954, represents the organization ‘The Congress of People’s Deputies’ registered in Poland at the address 102 Bruzdowa 9 Warsaw Poland 02-991. About the fact that this organization is ‘the same’ gang of terrorists testifies the contact person Ilya Ponomaryov against whom, we would like to remind, the Russian Federal Security Service FSB has been investigating the case of state treason ‘in form of moving to the side of the enemy and public calls for carrying out terrorist activities’. Now in Ukraine he, in accordance with the state of affairs in this country and Ukrainian language, presents himself as IIlya Ponomariov.

In the column ‘purpose of lobbying’ Mr. Sobchenko wrote: ‘Explain and push forward activities of ‘The Congress of People’s Deputies’ in bodies of authority of the United States and non-commercial organizations in Washington, District Columbia’.

Responding to the question ‘about the character of business and activities of the foreign principal, Sobchenko and Ponomaryov said: ‘Working out of legislation for the future of the Russian Republic’.

In the same application form of the lobbyist, it is pointed out that the proverbial congress of traitors and self-appointees ‘is partially subsidized by subjects connected with the Ukrainian government’. The lobbyist Sobchenko didn’t specify sums of money with which Nazis from Kiev are feeding self-appointees from ‘The Congress of People’s Deputies’, yet his acknowledgement about ‘the Ukrainian government’ unravels the myth that fugitive oppositionists allegedly spend money very nearly from their own pockets. The same Ilya Ponomaryov likes to tell about personal millions spent on armed struggle with Russia.

However, in case with the American lobbyist Mr. Sobchenko you cannot say that. According to the data of the FARA, the price of Sobchenko’s services has been rather suitable – only 855.90 dollars. Like a bagatelle in the sale. But, perhaps, Ilya Ponomaryov and Alexei Sobchenko lied out of habit and simply hid from the American regulator the main part of expenses on terrorist ‘lawmaking’ and its lobbying.

It was easy for them to come to terms – Ponomaryov and Sobchenko have known each other for a long time. In May 2022, Ponomaryov publically presented Alexei Sobchenko in a social media as ‘our man in Washington’. Apart from that, he presented him as a political analyst and former employee of the US State Department. It is known that Sobchenko took part in various events of the ‘Congress’ as an invited person.

It is also known about this lobbyist of modern followers of the Russian general and traitor Vlasov that, apart from working in the US State Department, he worked as translator in the office of the Assistant Secretary General of NATO Alexander Vershbow (2001 – 2005), then engaged with Russophobia in propaganda in various editorial boards of the same US State Department. Americans paid attention to Alexei Sobchenko during his studies at the History School of the Moscow University, he was well known for being a member of a group of young anti-Soviets, and the ‘left social scientist’ Boris Kagarlitsky* was also a member of it (the latter was found guilty of justification of terrorism (Article 205.2, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and for that was sentenced to five years imprisonment in a standard regime penal colony.

The bottom line, Sobchenko is consistent, he has changed anti-Soviet activities for anti-Russian activities.
Author: Buba Filin

See the Russian version at: «Вашингтонский связной экстремистов. Prigovor.ru обнаружил, лоббиста, который официально представляет в США интересы экстремисткой организации Ильи Пономарёва* «Съезд народных депутатов»**, поддержавшей обстрел российских избирательных участков

Also on that subject:

‘Legal tomahawk of the United States’
Double standards of the American Law about foreign agents of the FARA. In comparison with the Russian law, the American law is twice that strict.

‘Ukrainian Lobbyists in 2021 contacted with members of the U.S. Congress 10 000 times’
Sponsors of the armed Russophobia. Ukrainian oligarchs Pinchuk and Akhmetov, together with Khodorkovsky, for many years have sponsored the think tank ‘The Atlantic Council’** affiliated with NATO.

‘Retribution for treason. We explain what for, exactly, Kara-Murza was put in jail’
The website Prigovor.ru: Kara-Murza worked with the firm ‘Yorktown Solutions LLC’ lobbying the theme of stopping ‘The Nordstream-2’ and arms shipment to Ukraine. Those who exculpate murderers. The murderer Pichugin and murderer Nevzlin

* Ponomaryov Ilya Vladimirovich, born 06.08.1975, Identification Number of a Taxpayer (INN) 773671548130, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 116-230-963 27, – on 21.10.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent with No 463. On 25.01.2023 the Federal Financial Monitoring Service Rosfinmonitoring included Ilya Ponomaryov in the list of terrorists and extremists; he is put on the wanted list.
** “The Congress of People’s Deputies’ – on 28.04.2023 the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation acknowledged as undesirable activities of the organization (NGO) ‘Congress of People’s Deputies/ Kongres Deputowanych Ludovich, address: 102 Bruzdowa 9 Warsaw Poland 02-991. An extremist organization
* Boris Yulyevich Kagarlitsky, born 29.08.1958 – on 06.05.2022 by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation was included in the list of physical persons fulfilling functions of foreign agents. On 07.08.2023 the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) of the Russian Federation included the social scientist Boris Kagarlitsky in the Registry of extremists and terrorists. Sentenced to five-year imprisonment under Article 205.2, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
** Legion ‘Free Russia’ (other used name “Legion Free Russia’ LSR) – by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 16.03.2023, No AKPI23-101C (came into force on 25.04.2023) this organization is acknowledged as terrorist. In April 2023 it was included in the United Federal List of Terrorist Organization with No 48;
* Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich, born 26.06.1963, on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a physical person fulfilling functions of a foreign agent. Included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389. In 2015, Russia put Mikhail Khodorkovsky on the international wanted list in connection with his involvement in the murder of the mayor of the town Nefteyugansk Vladimir Petukhov and attempted murder of the entrepreneur Yevgeny Rybin;
** Atlantic Council – organization whose activities was acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation
* Feigin Mark Sakharovich, born 03.06.1971, Identification Number of a Taxpayer (INN) 770470964649, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 009-303-420-08 – was included on 08.04.2022 by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Registry of foreign agents with No 356;
* Chirikova Yevgeniya – foreign agent;
* Popkov Roman Andreyevich, born 29.08.1978 – on 23.05.2023, was included with No 9604 by Rosfinmonitoring in the List of Physical persons with regard to whom there is information about their involvement in extremist activity or terrorism. In June 2023, the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation put Popkov on the federal wanted list.

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