On the scale of history, it’s not more than an instant from the moment when the publisher Joseph Pulitzer announced his will to establish the most prestigious award nowadays - the Pulitzer Price. “I am deeply keen on the progress and promotion of journalism, as I have devoted to this profession the whole my life, considering it a noble profession which has an unrivaled importance for its influence on minds and moral of people”, wrote Joseph Pulitzer.
Yet, in our time, Western media knowingly have distanced themselves away from the Pulitzer standards and moral norms, to which, during dozens of years, journalists from the whole world were looking up to, conceiving as the ultimate truth attitudes of American and European colleagues. The narcosis of the expression “independent journalism” stopped to function as American guns had took the word, and all the journalist king’s men started to produce fake news like “Bucha massacre”.
The carriers of “Atlantic” values have ceased to be ashamed and they are no longer hiding themselves behind the veil of beautiful words. Do you know how, at present, they call journalists in the well-known American international organization “Global Investigative Journalism Network – GIJN”? For them investigative journalists are simply “protest forces in countries with repressive regimes and marginal communities”.
“Nowadays, investigative journalists have actually become “special forces” of the world journalism. In order to achieve success in their work, journalists in the whole world are in need of better training and of most advanced technologies. It’s for this purpose that the Global Investigative Journalism Network was created”, say these good-lookers from the GIJN in the heads of which peacefully get along such notions as “independent journalism” and “special forces”.
Special forces have their commanders, sponsors and curators. Due to their feeling of their own importance, they often let out. Let’s say, the old man Borrell, during a conference devoted to the “fight with disinformation” in Brussels, admitted that the European Union was actively helping Russian foreign agent media outlets, as “they are telling the truth”. “We are actively supporting them. We stand by the Russian independent media, for civil society, for human rights defenders. And what I’m saying, it’s not just rhetoric. I cannot go into detail, but believe me, we supporting them in practical terms. But I’m not going to tell you how, because it will do them bad service”, said quite explicitly Josep Borrell, the head of the European Union foreign policy.
Advocates of “freedom of speech” long ago turned mass media space into “information front”. A systematic, profound work was started with the purpose to plough the Russia media soil and to glow a cast of “independent” mass media, NGOs, and “correct” journalists, and this began not yesterday, and exactly not in connection with the carrying by Russia its Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.
We would like to remind our readers that as early as twenty years ago Joe Biden, being at that time the president of the U.S. Congressional Committee on Foreign Relations, lobbied through an Act in which the strategy of breeding up loyal to the United States public figures, activists, journalists, various von-governmental organizations was presented in detail.
The agency FLB.ru has closely studied this piece of legislature in the article entitled “20 years ago, congressman Biden lobbied through the “Law on Democracy in Russia”. Already at the beginning of the 2000s, more than 65 000 non-governmental organizations were created on grants from the United States, and more than 40 000 Russian citizens received some sort of training on money of American tax-payers. In the first years after this Act came into force, actually, in 2003, the American government approved the budget amounting to 50 million dollars for development of contacts and for training of Russia citizens.
The journalist guild in Russia was turned into a “contact zoo” where most handshakeable colleagues were being hand-feed. As the result, it turned out that, under the mottos about “freedom of speech”, special forces were being formed from them. Nowadays, they are all on a war footing.
After Russia began its Special Military Operation in Ukraine, journalists with pro-Western and anti-Russia orientation left the country. According to the tally made by foreign agents themselves from “Project”, after February 25 more than 500 journalists who had been previously feed for a long time thanks to various grants left Russia. Actually, a full battalion of information forces.
It’s war time. Combat actions – these are not only tanks, artillery and army brigades. This is also information war, where sometimes a word kills more effectively as rounds. Let’s revue forces and capabilities which have been fostered and put against Russia.
This is evident, which “independent media outlets” Josep Borrell meant in the first place. These are nurtured by “cookies” investigative projects – “Important stories” of Roman Anin* and Olesia Shmagoun* “Project” of Roman Badanin, “The Insider” of Roman Dobrokhotov, “Meduza” of Galina Timchenko, “The Bell” of Elizaveta Osetinskaya, and the Center “Dossier” of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
From starlets of Roskomnadsor (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) it flickers before eyes - all these journalists, unfortunately, turned out to be sheer traitors and collaborationists. For a fee, they work for the enemy fighting against our country by hand of Ukrainian Nazis.
In particularly, we note the “rear service” which, morally and materially, supports these journalistic special forces. The most well-known is the monthly award “Editorial Board”. This award has been financed for already seven years by Boris Zimin*, the son of the founder of the Company “Vympel Communications” (trade mark “Beeline”). Boris Zimin is the main public sponsor of Alexey Navalny and the extremist “Foundation for Fight against Corruption”**. The foreign agent Zimin gives to journalists 10 thousand dollars each month. As a rule, the sum is divided among three best investigative journalists of the month (criterion - the worse about Russia, the better). All have been striving. For instance, “Meduza” has already received this prize 34 times, “The “Project” – 16 times. “Important Stories” – 9 times, “The Bell” – 5 times.
There is an analogue, but an annual award “Profession Journalist” sponsored by the finance swindler Mikhail Khodorkovsky* who has penetrated into politics. His award was launched in 2016, and it has 8 nominations.
Apart from that, we can mention also the work on the flanks of information front – there where an explicit and non-explicit work with the audience is being carried out in order to deliver to it necessary narratives. On such platforms as YouTube**, Instagram**, Facebook** voluble bloggers like Yuri Dud* and Ilya Varlamov process the audience. Under the guide of the motto that they are “for all the good and against all the bad” the same program “vDud” reproduce on the Internet savage stunts of extremists like those of the ex-deputy of the Russian Parliament Ilya Ponomarеv**.
Here is a joyful scream of a collaborationist on the web. A certain Voropayev: “Everything is OK with the journalistic work abroad! To counter Russian propaganda, they provide now a lot of money. If you are not a complete nub (means: dummy), you will certainly not be left without a work! Personally proven. Really, you will be able to write, and you will become money for that. After evacuation from Mordor, my personal income has increased three times! In euros, and I don’t care a thing about rubles”
In the West, not only Ukrainian pilots, tank operators and missilemen are being trained, as, simultaneously, a large-scale methodical work with regard to teaching Russian journalists by their standards is being carried out – i.e. “training of special protest forces for working in countries with repressive regimes and marginal communities”. To such a conclusion has come the website Prigovor.ru after having analyzed the activities of dozens of Western foundations. Look at what an intensive work is being carried out on training anti-Russian journalistic special forces right now. There are two directions in this work: training and grant support of projects.
In particular, anti-Russian disposed journalists have following subjects: methods and instruments for analysis of big data, methods and instruments of the work with cartographic and geographic data. They are taught how to conduct an investigation using closed sources, as well as methods of intelligence based on open sources (open source intelligence – OSINT). They are trained in ways of searching and getting near to vulnerable information sources, as well as in basics of ethical work under cover, methods of journalistic finance investigations.
In Germany:
1) The Program on working with civil communities of countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia. Curator – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany. Purpose of the program – projects of academic, professional and social-political education of the youth.
Training in: literacy in the field of mass media, struggle against disinformation, creation of one’s own projects in order to oppose repressive regimes. The amount of financing – minimal 3.7 million rubles, maximal – without limitation.
2) The program European Journalism Fellowships. Curator – “International Center of Journalism” of the Free University of Berlin. Purpose – training for journalists from Russia in European integration and creating contacts in professional field. The training includes: working out of professional journalistic skills, studying of foreign languages.
Envisaged are two types of scholarships. The first variant – for journalists with the length of employment more than 5 years, which include payment of 1 million rubles for 10 months. The second – for newcomer journalists who are enabled to become scholarship amounting to 871 thousand rubles. Financing of the program – “Friedrich Ebert Foundation”, affiliates with the Social-Democratic Party of Germany, and the “Heinrich Boell Foundation”, connected with the Green Party.
3) Countess Marion Doenhoff Program for journalists from the former Soviet Union. The purpose of the program – training of scholars in Western “standards and principles” of journalism. The training provides acquiring journalistic skills on international level with foreign partners. After the training – two months of internship in one of German media outlets.
The scholarship for students amounts to about 200 thousand rubles. Financed by the Zeit Foundation and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of the partners of the program is the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle* known for its Russophobe attitude. Among partners are also some propagandist mass media outlets: “Novaya Gazeta”**, “Dozhd”**.
In the Czech Republic:
4) The Vaclav Havel Program for journalists from Russia and countries of the Eastern Europe. Curators – the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and “Radio Liberty”. The purpose of the program – “support of pluralism in countries in which there is lack of freedom and independence of mass media”. The main components of the program are: professional mentorship with participation of experienced professional from RFE/RL. Studying and development of journalistic skills based on traditional multimedia and digital platforms. The training will be held in Prague, where scholarship holders will be tied to the channels “Radio Liberty”** and “Present Moment”**
5) Levin-Utkin Program in the editorial offices of the “Present Moment” and “Radio Liberty”. Curators – the media corporation “Radio Liberty” and the U.S. State Department. The program is intended for journalists who fled Russia. The purpose is to prepare staff for “independent” Russian mass media. The training includes improvement of skills in narrative and investigative journalism.
Vacant positions presuppose distant work and full time jobs. One of the demands is a professional knowledge of Russian language. For participants are disposable 3 directions: editor of visual story-telling, data-journalist, editor of audience building strategy. We would like to remind that “Radio Liberty” is financed directly from the means of the U.S. State Department.
In Lithuania
6) The Czech NGO “Prague Center of Civil Society”** organizers in Vilnius a training for Russian speaking bloggers. Curators of the program are the Lithuanian media outlet “Delfi” and the “European Humanities University”. To take part in it can content creators from countries of the former Soviet Union, The purpose of the program – training in propaganda, media literacy, promotion and monetization of participants’ projects.
On the whole the Center will finance 50 participants; it will pay for staying, transportation, will help to get visas. “The Prague Center of Civil Society” is sponsored by the governments of the United States, Sweden, and Czech Republic, as well as by the European Commission and the Swiss Oak Foundation. The media outlet Delfi and the European Humanities University are sponsored by the European Commission and the Sweden state agency SIDA.
In Sweden
7) The Global Conference of Investigative journalists will take place in Goteborg, Sweden, September 19 to 22, 2023. Curators: Global Investigative Journalists Network (GIJN), Institute FOJO attached to the Linnaeus University and the Sweden Association of investigative journalists Foereningen Graecande Journalister. The Purpose – training in online search up to extended data analyses, as well as transborder cooperation.
For participants is envisaged a scholarship which will cover registration payment, transportation to Sweden and back, four nights in a hotel, nourishment including food at festive suppers. On the whole, sponsors will provide payments for more than 150 scholarships.
In Georgia
8) Program for training of Russian speaking journalists in “competent” coverage of the Special Military Operation and in working in conditions of armed conflicts. Curator – Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Online training programs:
9) Trainings in studying of basics pertaining to gathering intelligence information on Russia. Curator – the project Bellingcat*. The Purpose during training and seminars is to carry out learning. On the website of Bellingcat announcements were published of training in basics methods of intelligence gathering from open sources: information search in Telegram of certain persons and groups, following of cargos in military ships and airplanes for conducting investigations. A seminar was also announced devoted to gathering of intelligence data in the Russian segment of the Internet.
10) “Greenhouse” and “Novaya Gazeta Europe” invite for an annual hackathon for journalists-programmers, activists, employees of NGOs, investigators, IT-specialists, designers and all enthusiasts working with data. The theme of this year is “Effects of war” – these are data, visualization, researches and investigations demonstrating the influence on the society and planet of the “Russia incursion” in Ukraine. The whole prize fund is worth 5800 euros. The Hackathon will take place in offline format on February 17-19, 2023.
11) Accelerator of anti-war initiatives. Organizer is Free Russia Foundation**. The program is intended for the Russian citizens who fled to Armenia, Georgia, Turkey. The courses include a two-month “mentor support” for various initiatives and online meetings with leaders of “key organizations and movements” from Russia and other countries. A three-day training in Georgia is also envisaged. The purpose is to create “antiwar initiative inside the country”.
12) The School of Digital Activism “Metla” (Broom) for oppositional activists from Russia. The purpose is the appearance of new teams of digital resistance inside the country and beyond its borders. Training is free (organizer is Sergey Ezhov who has sold his journalistic pen to Volkov* and Navalny*). In 2023 the following courses are open: How to make your oppositional media outlet or blog successful on the Internet; how to use the digital for social changes: online instruments for political work.
13) The American Foundation “Motta” has provided a grant in the amount of 100 000 dollars for creation instruments of events falsification during the Special Military Operation. The recipient of this has become the “independent” Global Investigative Journalists Network financed by the same foundation
14) The German government has provided 1 million euros through the “European Journalists in Exile Fund” (JX Fund). The financing is envisaged for support of journalists who came to Europe in connection with their position with regard to the Special Military Operation. Each grant amounting to 50 000 euros will be possible to spend on: transportation of a team, wages, renting of office, creation of an internet-site, travels.
15) “European Endowment for Democracy”** provides money for Russia-speaking media-projects and “independent” mass media aiming at reaching of information “balance” in the Eastern Europe. Programs of the mentioned fund envisaged financing projects, including projects from Russia, in the amount of 4 million rubles for each project. The time for presenting a request for a project is not limited.
16) “American-Russian Foundation for Economic and Legal Development” (USRF) has launched a new grant program. The means will go for support of the agents who have already received help within the framework of this foundation. Assistance envisages providing help for leaving the territory of the Russian Federation. The second aim of the Fund is the support of pro-Western and prop-Ukrainian propagandists in Russia and outside its territories who can present the “right” position about the conflict in Ukraine.
17) Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) has provided 1.11 million euros for journalists from Russia and from European countries. Within the framework of this program, journalists from different countries will be obliged to conduct “actual for the European community” investigations into socio-political questions. In February 2022, the commission choose 43 teams for further participation in the program. Among them journalists from more than 40 countries, including from Russia and Byelorussia. Among sponsors the Soros foundation “Open Society” and Euro-Commission were also itemized.
18) The German NGO “MiCT”, supported by Western state agencies and funds, is creating a program for employees of mass media who left Russia in connection with the Special Military Operation. Participants will have a possibility to stay in Berlin for at least three months and will receive monthly about 70 thousand rubles for writing “correct” information about events in Ukraine. The German organization is proud of its cooperation with oppositional media outlets, in particular, it is stated in the description of the program for journalist who went to Europe: “”Among scholars, there are journalists of well-known independent media outlets, from such well-known media outlets as “Dozhd”**, “Ekho of Moscow”*, “Novaya Gazeta”*, “Meduza”**, “Zerkalo”, “Verstka”, “Kholod”, “Insider”**, and “Doksa”.
19) The London foundation of Mikhail Khodorkovsky* “Justice for Journalists” invites mass media and employees to make an application for participation in its annual grant programs for conducting investigations. The Foundation “Justice for Journalists”, its consultative and expert councils, as well as curators, will evaluate all applications which correspond to appropriate criterions of the Foundation. This year, only propositions are being considered with a maximum sum of financing amounting to 80 000 dollars, for each separate grant.
20) The U.S. Embassy in Moscow has announced the start of providing grants for Russians and NGO. Priority will be given to projects oriented at the “development of understanding the freedom of the press”, “raising media literacy” and “promotion of democracy”. For physical persons, a financing is envisaged within the limits of 3.5 million rubles for a project, and for NGOs, financing is limited to 17 million rubles for a project. The period of validity is one year.
It’s a serious “showcase” which gives to understand that Western countries use a very serious approach to questions of education and financial support of separate journalists, as well as media outlets and civil journalist organizations ready to act in accordance with guidelines of the “Washington regional party committee” (Washington obkom), i.e. of bosses in Washington. Germany, United States, Great Britain, Sweden, Czech Republic, Lithuania – all of them are engaged in training of the anti-Russian special forces.
One can appraise the volume of stipends: “payment to the amount of 1 million rubles for 10 months”, grants for students amounting to about 200 thousand rubles”, “each grant worth 50 000 euros”, “up to 4 million rubles for a project”, “80 000 dollars for each separate grant”, “3.5 million rubles for one project for one physical person, and for NGOs – 17 million rubles for one project”… They don’t begrudge money, and pay to traitors in earnest.
And there are also operative headquarters of the information war. They are coordinating actions of journalists from different countries, long-term planning, accumulation of data bases, creation of a corresponding range of tools and organization of financing channels. Curators from the State Department have found an elegant solution – by creating various “international networks of investigative journalists”. The most well-known and productive are the two of them: “Global Investigative Journalism Network – GIJN) and “Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project – OCCRP).
The global network GIJN is simultaneously a center of coordinating investigations and a training center of the “information special forces”, proposing dozens of different scholarships and grants for investigative journalists.
The whole activity of the GIJN is presented with a sweet sauce of the fight against corruption. Yet, let’s see who is “combatting” corruption together with journalists. On the website of the Global Investigative Journalism Network, in the section “Sponsors” are itemized: Foundation “Open Society” ** of George Soros activities of which were acknowledgedas undesirable on the territory of Russia as early as in 2015, and “OAK Foundation”, which sponsored of the whole cast of foreign agents, including such notorious media outlets as “Meduza”**, “Mediazone”**. “OAK Foundation” was also seen in the field of molestation the youth, as it financed LGBT projects, in particular, the foundation “Sfera” which is already liquidated.
As early as three years ago, the agency FLB.ru wrote about the phony and sham independence of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).
(See also the investigation “Watchdogs” of American Democracy”. Who pays and calls the shots of journalistic investigations in Russia and in other countries”)
On the website of the OCCRP in the section “supporters”, among others, we see some sharp-toothed apologists of independent journalism: U.S. State Department, U.S. agency for International Development (USAID), United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office, National Endowment for Democracy**, acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation, and all the same benefactors and foreign agents – Soros’s Open society foundation and “OAC Foundation”.
Having looked into the last annual report of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) for the year 2021, on the page 23 one can see that this organization is so “independent” that there is a separate entry with regard to receiving grants from the government of the United States: in 2021 – 5 192 396 dollars, and in 2020 – 5 008 300 U.S. dollars.
By the way, this Center for Corruption Investigation, on page 5 of its report, mentioned two publications – “Novaya Gazeta” and “Important Stories” (Важные истории)**. Nowadays, journalists of these and other investigative publications, obligingly and joyfully squeaking, have been working for those who want to cancel Russia.
Boys, you are seeking for yourself a justification in the unbegun “Russia corruption” and in “Putin’s damned regime”, but, actually, there is no justification for you – now you are definitely working abominably against your own people and your own country.
Good price of “independence” of investigators – the headquarters in Maryland and five million dollars a year from the U.S. government plus finance injections from private funds.
So, on the other side of the front there are at least two battalions of journalists who have been for years fed with Western grants creating “special forces of the world journalism”. On the other side of the line there are dozens of journalistic training schools and programs. On the other side there are dozens of funds and foundations that are generously financing anti-Russia journalistic projects. (Remember: After the evacuation from Mordor, my personal income has increased three times!).
To put it in a nut shell, on the other side of the front line there is a shapely built system of training investigative journalists whose main purpose is to shatter the state and dilution of minds, as well as converting people.
And what do we have? On our side there is militia standing in the middle of nowhere. The militia of Russian investigative journalists against professional special forces.
And the question is not only about the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, information war is more complex, it’s a long battle for minds of whole generations. They, on the other side, are ready for this long match, and they are being systematically trained for that.
Of course, the situation on our side is not that dispiriting. There are several professional investigative teams in editorials rooms: Russia Today, “Tsargrad”, Life (Andrey Gridasov and Egor Perezhogin), Russian Information Agency “FAN”, “Oktagon” (Taras Podrez), FLB.ru, team of the Telegram channel “Readovka”, “Versiya”, Underside, team of the Telegram channel “Rybar”, man-orchestra and lawyer Ilya Remeslo, Investigative Center of Vasiliy Prozarov… (excuse us, colleagues, whom we have not mentioned, this is yet another proof of our disunity).
All these teams, for a sufficient period of time, have been consistently dealing with journalistic investigations directed at objective covering of events and fight against disinformation.
At the same time, it should be pointed out that the majority of journalists working in investigative genre, are, in fact, self-educated, and they empirically have been collecting tools for their work. Each of them work according their own method. There is no systematic training for the new generation of journalists, no exchange of latest best practices or methodology. However, the information front, in view of its intertwinement with digital formats is very sensitive to innovations. Nowadays, an investigative journalist needs to be informed about the newest technologies and methods of big data processing.
Moreover, it’s worth mentioning a lack of any separate monthly award for investigative journalists. Such an award would allow to motivate and unite hundreds of journalists throughout the country.
The country needs professionally trained investigative journalists who will be systematically dealing with information countermeasures and exposure of disinformation. We must counter the U.S. Department of States’ “special forces of world journalism” with our professionally trained personnel.
Authors: Sergey Sokolov, Alexander Zhelnin
Russian version at: «Вся журналистская жрать. Информационные спецвойска НАТО»
** Open Society Foundation – 26.11.2015 included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Free Russia foundation/Free Russia - 27.06.2019 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
**European Endowment for Democracy – 06.03.2020 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
**U.S. Russia Foundation for economic advancement and the rule of law – 03.12.2015 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Prague Civil Society Centre – 17.12.2020 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Journalism Development Network INC, JDN – 22.02.2022 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Bellingcat Ltd (Great Britain) – 13.07.22 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Stichting Bellingcat (the Netherlands) – 13.07.22 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Heinrich Boell Stiftung – 20.05.2022 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** The Insider (Lithuania) – 13.07.22 was included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the list of foreign and international non-governmental organizations whose activities is acknowledged as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation;
** Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty – 05.12.2017 was included into the registry of foreign agents with No17;3
** TV channel “Nastoyascheye Vremya” – 05.12.2017 was included into the registry of foreign agents with No 219;
** SIA Meduza Project, registered in the Latvian Republic (registration number 40103797863, date of registration 10.06.2014 – 23.04.2021 was included into the registry of foreign agents with number 219;
** The Insider SIA – legal person registered in Riga, Latvian Republic, registration date 26.06.2015; is the administrator of the domain name of the Internet outlet “The Insider SIA” – 23.07.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 235;
** The company “Stichtung Bellingcat”, registered in the Netherlands, registration date 11.07.2018 – 08.10.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 287;
** Deutsche Welle (Germany, Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 3, 53113 Bonn – this media outlet 28.03.2022 was included in the geristry of foreign agents with No 340;
* Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich – 20.05.2022 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 389;
** OJSC “TV channel “Dozhd” – 20.08.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 248;
** The Bell – 09.12.2022 included into the registry of foreign agents with no 499;
** “Mediazona”, legal person, OJSC “ZP”, 29.09.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 268;
* Roman Anin – 20.08.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 241;
* Roman Badanin – 15.07.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 225;
* Roman Dobrokhotov – 15.04.2022 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 359;
* Elizaveta Osetinsraya – 01.04.2021 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 347;
* Olesia Shmagoun – 20.08.2021 included into the registry of foreeign agents with No 250;
* Volkov Leonid – 22.04.3033 included into the registry of foreign agents with no 362;
** Non-commercial organization “Foundation for Fight with Corruption” – 09.10.2019 included into the registry of foreign agents with No 195; 09.09.2021 excluded from the registry in connection with liquidation;
* Ponomarеv Ilya Vladimirovich – born 06.08.1975, included by Rosfinmonitoring into the list of terrorists and extremists with No 8916;
** Instafram, Facebook – activity of these social networks is prohibited in the territory of the Russian federation by the Ruling of the Tverskoy Districy Court of Moscow from 21.03.2022.