Расследования 24.02.25 12:45

To save a billion of the foreign agent Mikhail Kasyanov*

The website Prigovor.ru has found out that the former prime minister of the Russian Federation who fled to the West has been using his 19-year-old daughter in order to hide in a different place his belongings that still remain in Russia

Three Russian firms that almost twenty years ago had belonged to the former prime minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kasyanov, in the spring of 2024 happened to be in possession of his younger daughter Alexandra who just had come of age. The OJSC ‘Art-Grup’, OJSC ‘MKA’ and OJSC ‘Kapital-Byuro’ were the last commercial entities registered in Russia in the name of the former premier.

Record cards of ‘Art-Grup’. ‘MKA’ and ‘Kapital-Byuro’, as well as graphical charts of moving of property ownership to these firms

At present, Kasyanov’s daughter Alexandra and his wife (former?) Irina own the firm ‘Art-Grup’. The company ‘MKA’ (‘Mikhail Kasyanov Analytics’) now belongs fully to his daughter (among its former co-founders there is also Konstantin Merzlikin, former vice-president of currently forgotten “The Party of People’s Freedom’ (PARNAS). The entity ‘Kapital-Byuro’, as of today, is also under umbrella of this young girl.

Apart from that, in should be said that up until 2017 Vladimir Saytsev, a retired KGB colonel and former officer of the special operations group ‘Alfa’, was a co-founder of it.

Financial performance of this firm do not impress, but they look like a rather successful middle business, with earnings and revenues worth tens of millions of rubles a year. It might seem strange but, according to the figures of financial records, this business skyrocketed in 2023, i.e. after the beginning of the Special Military Operation (SVO) when Mikhail Kasyanov immigrated to Latvia and was included in the so-called ‘Anti-War Committee’ created by Mikhail Khodorkovsky*.

From financial records of the firms ‘Art-Grup’, ‘MKA’ and Kapital-Byuro’

Apparently, that was the reason why Mikhail Kasyanov, despite the brake with his motherland, decided to kill the Russian goose laying golden eggs and handed the laying hen to this younger daughter. It must be admitted that there is very little known about Alexandra; apart from a family photo that one newspaper published 19 years ago featuring Alexandra in her infancy surrounded by her father, her mother and old sister.

Mikhail Kasyanov’s family with newly born Alexandra. Billion-ruble baby

In addition, the website Prigovor.ru has found out the exact date of birth of the girl – March 25, 2005, as well the place of her birth – the town Balashikha in the Moscow Region) See the Birth record No 419 of 25.03.2005, ‘Office of the Civil Registry of Balashikha District of the Main Department of Civil Registry of the Moscow Region). It’s only to be left to imagination why the former high ranking officer had not transported his wife to give birth to a child to one of Kremlin’s medical establishments.

Birth record of Alexandra Kasyanova

Apart from that, the project Prigovor.ru has managed to find a non-published photo of grown up Alexandra made, obviously, one or two years ago in London.

Heiress of Mikhail Kasyanov’s fortune


But how exactly does the family of the foreign agent Mikhail Kasyanov make millions of rubles? In the constitutional documents of all three firms is mentioned only one type of activity: ‘consulting on question of commercial activity and management’. But who were those ‘consulted’ by employees of these firms and on what issues? In open sources there is no answer to be found, there are no site-business cards, no reports about the activities of these successful firms.

Little is known only about the sources of income of the OJSC ‘Art-Grup’ created in September 2003, one and a half years before the birth of Alexandra. At that time, her father was still the head of the Russian government, and that is why, at the start, as nominal founder of the company ‘Art-Grup’ was mentioned the legal firm ‘Regens’ that dealt with registration and selling of immovables and companies. Officially, Kasyanov senior becomes a co-founder (together with his wife) of ‘Art-Grup’ only in 2010.

Business card of the company ‘Art-Grup’

In 2003, the company ‘Art-Grup’ won the auction and bought a prestigious dacha ‘Sosnovka-1’ in the top-notch community Troitse-Lykovo in the North-West of Moscow. Journalist have found out that behind that recently registered firm stays no one but the head of the government of the Russian Federation. An unimaginable scandal erupted (just after that Kasyanov became the nick-name ‘Misha (Mikhail) Two Percent”. The Office of the Prosecutor General interfered and the court declared the sleazy deal off in which, apart from Mikhail Kasyanov, were involved acting and former officers of the Federal Security Guard Service (FSO) and KGB.

Later, the firm ‘Art-Grup’ having rebounded from that false start, managed, according to mass media, to take into a nearly perpetual lease a small parcel of land in the center of Moscow. A modest size of the plot was fully compensated with the fact that there happens to be a historic homestead on it of Cherntsova, the Vargins and the Baranovs, a heritage cultural asset situated at the address Pyatnitskaya Street 14, building 1 and turned into a business-center. From 2014 to 2023, in this cozy little mansion was registered the firm ‘Art-Grup’ itself as well as Kasyanov’s oppositional party PARNAS.

Office-rental ad of B+ class in the mansion on Pyatnitskaya Street 14, building 1 (for as little as 900 thousand a month)

For many years, the family of the former prime minister has been renting out, wholesale and retail, the square meters of this mansion. According to the ads of real estate agents, the rental coast of one square meter amounts here to 47 788 rubles a year, and if we multiply this price to the whole floor space of this mansion (1837 square meters), we get an annual income of the firm ‘Art-Grup’ of 87.8 million rubles. Yet, according to the official financial record, the net income of the firm in 2023 was only 41.9 million rubles.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Immovable Property (EGRN) at the address Pyatnitskaya Street 14, building 1

Another ‘consulting agency’ belonging to the Kasyanovs is ‘MK Analitika’ that owns, first of all, a two-room apartment in a prestigious house on Rublyovskoe Shosse.

And, finally, the most mysterious unit – the OJSC ‘Kapital-Byuro’ which is rich, perhaps, with its first founders.

Business-card of the OJSC ‘Byuro-Kapital’

Tatyana Razbash, former press-secretary of Mikhail Kasyanov when he was prime minister (2000 – 2004) happens to be the first founder of this firm. In 2012, she was replaced by two co-founders, one of them being Vladimir Zaytsev (born 1948), a retired KGB colonel and former officer of the special unit ‘Alfa’. In 2000 – 2004 Vladimir Zaytsev officially held the position of assistant of prime minister of the Russian Federation on security questions and he, supposedly, could participate in Kasyanov’s dubious deals with real estate assets.

Vladimir Zaytsev

Another co-founder of ‘Kapital-Byuro’ was a Yury Yeremeyev, presumably, a colleague of Zaytsev and a former KGB officer. From 2007, he has been permanently managing the OJSC ‘Art-Grup’. And his former boss Vladimir Saytsev is now the director of the large business-center ‘Dayev Plaza’& located in the very center of Moscow, near Sretenka Street. Thus, we can make a conclusion that the firm ‘Kapital-Byuro’ has been getting tens of millions rubles on ‘consulting’ with the use of square meters.


Visualization of business connections of Alexandra Kasyanova

The robot of the business registry ‘Kontur. Fokus’ automatically generated a visual chart of Alexandra Kasyanova’s connections. On this chart the name of the younger daughter of the foreign agent Mikhail Kasyanov is neighboring upon with the name of KGB colonel Zaytsev who, evidently, is still providing the former prime minister with ‘certain’ services on the real estate market, and not only that…


The last tens of years show that real estate is a maniacal passion of Mikhail Kasyanov. In March 1998, half a year before the default, he acquires (in equal parts with his wife) a large apartment on Universitetsky Prospect (house 6, building 1) with a total floor space of 107 square meters.

The house on Universitetsky Prospekt and the record card of Mikhail Kasyanov’s apartment

We would like to point out that Mikhail Kasyanov had not been not involved in private business in the past, and during three previous years before becoming prime minister he had been a high ranking state officer holding the position of assistant finance minister of the Russian Federation. His salary would not have been even enough even to buy only three square meters in this apartment. 

But only three years later, in February 2001, the Kasyanov couple acquired a bit smaller three-room apartment, 74 square meters, on Leninsky Prospekt, house 62, building 1. Why a family of three members would need yet another apartment in the city?

The website Prigovor.ru is capable to answer this not idle question. According to the extract from ‘The United State Register of Immovable Property (EGRN), just in a year time, in February 2002, he officially presented as a gift this apartment (in accordance with a ‘gift agreement’) to the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian president.

Extract from the Registry EGRN and record card of Mikhail Kasyanov’s apartment on Leninsky Prospekt

This begs the following question: why, actually, ‘Misha (Mikhail) Two-Percent’ decided to demonstrate such an unseen amusement ride of generosity? The thing is that a super-plush and freebee state apartment on Rochdelskaya Street (house 12, building 1) near the so-called White House in Moscow was proposed to the prime minister.

House No 12, building 1, on Rochdelskaya Street

In the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, a five-room apartment of 427 square meters was proposed to Mikhail Kasyanov. This apartment included following spaces: a drawing room (90 square meters), master bedroom with a rob room and bath-room (50 square meters), dining room (27 square meters, kitchen (25 square meters), a library on the second floor (50 square meters); there is also a space ‘for workers’, apart from that there are also five lavatories, two enclosed balconies, and a functioning fireplace on each floor.

And, of course, from here opens up a panoramic view of Moscow: The House of Government, a sky-scraper on the Kudrinskaya square and other historical places in the center of Moscow. In exchange, in the Kremlin they proposed to give back to the state the apartment in which he supposedly lived in unsupportable and desperately crowded conditions.

One can easily imagine how furiously struggled the prime minister with the temptation to shove to the state the one room apartment in Solntsevo district on the outskirts of Moscow. However, common sense took the upper hand, and Mikhail Kasyanov buys quickly for lucrative ‘exchange’ the mentioned above three room apartment on Leninsky Prospekt in order not to give back the considerably more expansive residential space on Universitetsky Prospect.

In November 2024, Russian newspapers became many-colored with headlines like ‘Mikhail Kasyanov is selling his five room apartment on Rochdelskaya Street for 700 million rubles’. The cause for that was an advertisement about selling of this apartment which appeared simultaneously on several real estate trading platforms.

Soon the meaning of newspapers’ headlines changed a bit, for instance like that: ‘The foreign agent Mikhail Kasyanov may be stripped of a two level apartment in Moscow’. The thing is that in the delicate process of buying and selling intruded truth seekers from the civil movement ‘Veterans of Russia’ and they demanded from the Office of the Prosecutor General to withdraw these elite hundreds of square meters to the good of the state. Somebody informed veterans that Mikhail Kasyanov allegedly had received this apartment as an official one, and, therefore, he had no right to sell it.


Soon this apartment scandal faded away, and there were rumors that Mikhail Kasyanov had removed the apartment from the market. Yet, the website Prigovor.ru decided to definitely get insight into the rights with regard to this posh living space with the help of extracts from the state real estate registry.

Extract from Registry EGRN of the Kasyanovs’ apartment on Rochdelskaya Street

First, as it turned out, in 2003, this apartment became property of the Kasyanovs under ‘the contract on transferring the apartment into private property’ concluded with the Department of Presidential Affairs. Second, half of this apartment, which had belonged to the former prime minister, in 2024, under a gift contract, was moved to property of his younger daughter Alexandra.

And what was the destiny of the Apartment on Universitetsky Prospect? Mikhail Kasyanov also got rid early enough of this living space. According to the extract from the Registry EGRN, in November 2023, the part of the foreign agent – under a marriage agreement – became property of his spouse (former spouse?).

Is there any real estate property left belonging to Mikhail Kasyanov? It’s difficult to answer this question at once taking into consideration his maniacal penchant for buying off square meters. At least, in 2016, before another election to the State Duma, Mikhail Kasyanov had declared five apartments in Moscow, two living houses and four land parcels.

Evidently, it is high time to rename Mikhail Kasyanov from ‘Misha Two Percent’ to ‘Misha Square Meter’.


Apart from that, the website Prigovor.ru has managed to find another two objects of the Kasyanovs’ real estate objects … thanks to a leaked database of clients of the service ‘Yandex Eda’ (Yandex Food). So, in 2021, Sasha (Alexandra) Kasyanova ordered in some food at the address: ‘Moscow Region, Odintsovsky town district. Street: villa community ‘Tsarskoye Selo, house XX’ (the number of the house, in compliance with the law, we do not mention). However, this address has been for a long time known for journalists.

‘Dachas of the former prime minister has been recently growing like a dime a dozen’, wrote as early as in July 2005 the newspaper ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda. ‘Soon after ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ had written about the second dacha of the former prime minister, a third one was discovered. The community ‘Tsarskoye Selo’ is located in a pine wood near the famous Rublyovskoye Shosse (Highway). 15 kilometers away from Moscow. Now I’s not possible to simply walk through the trees there. The guard will not allow. Besides, there is considerable less of forest in the area – after new posh started to appear there. Yet, you can understand that yourselves, the beauty of this place is unbelievable. As in case of Kasyanov’s dacha, the elite villas are surrounded by fences of three meter high. Video cameras are on each corner. A VIP-zone. Nearby there is a tennis-club and bowling-center.

The house belonging to the Kasyanovs in the community ‘Tsarskoye Selo’

The website Prigovor.ru, naturally, inquired who this VIP-mansion belongs to now and became an extract from the State Registry of Russian immovables.

So, the history of owners of these square meters is rather fanciful. In 2001, the premier minister registers this house to his own name. In September 2014 he hands half of the property of his daughter (possibly, to the older), and in January 2015 the other half goes to the younger daughter. And in March 2016, the house No XX in the community ‘Tsarskoye Selo’, under a gift agreement, becomes completely property belonging to Alexandra.

Extract from the Registry EGRN pertaining to the House No XX in the community ‘Tsarskoye Selo’

The next ‘real estate object’ found out by the website Prigovor.ru in the leaked data base of clients of the service ‘Yandex Food’ is located on Soviet Army Street, in the house No 6, apartment 5* (the order was made in October 2021).

House No 6 on the Soviet Army Street

This house is part of the elite residential complex ‘Barkli-Park’ located in the district Maryina Roscha, near the Ekaterininsky Park. On the whole, there are 130 apartments in this complex, including several penthouses on last floors. Almost in each apartment are planned ‘master bedrooms’ which are provided with personal wardrobe and bathroom (in each apartment there are 3 or 4 lavatories). Square floors here vary from 55 up to 270 square meters, and the cost of one square meter amounts to about 1 million rubles.

Extract from the Registry EGRN of the apartment 5* in the house No 6 on Soviet Army Street

The floor space of the apartment from which Sasha (Alexandra) made the order in the servicing firm ‘Yandex Food’ is 126.7 square meters. According to the extract from the Registry EGRN, from 2014 to 2024 this apartment belonged to a physical person. In May 2024, this elite housing space – under a gift agreement – moves to personal property of another physical entity. Taking into account that the former prime minister just in the spring of 2024 rewrote all his firms to the name of his younger daughter, it is highly likely that the first owner of the apartment in the housing complex ‘Barkli Park’ was Mikhail Kasyanov himself, and now the owner of it is 19-year old Alexandra. Perhaps, at the beginning, the former Russian prime minister used this apartment for his secret romantic episodes. You remember the interior of the ‘master bedroom’ in which, in 2016, a sexual scandal erupted when a hidden camera had recorded a sexual intercourse between the president of the oppositional party ‘PARNAS’ and his press-secretary Natalya Pelevina?

Sexual intercourse between Mikhail Kasyanov and Natalya Pelevina in the ‘master bedroom’ in the residential complex ‘Barkli Park’


Representatives of the civil movement ‘Veterans of Russia’, approaching recently the Office of the Prosecutor General, demanded to ‘withdraw’ the posh apartment of Mikhail Kasyanov on Rochdelskaya Street, and they also pointed out the political side of this ‘housing question’ of the former prime minister: ‘Mikhail Kasyanov* is a member of ‘The Anti-War Committee of Russia’ ***, a structure whose activities in directed to sabotaging of national interests and discrediting of the Russian Federation. He regularly addresses at foreign information platforms provided by foreign structures, where he disseminates false information about our country’.

Members of the ‘Anti-War Committee of Russia’ – a crown of foreign agents and collaborationists

On the website of the ‘Anti-War Committee’, in the section ‘Participants…’ there is a photo of Mikhail Kasyanov, signed as ‘former prime minister of Russia’, neighbors upon the visit card of the creator and sponsor of this extremist organization Mikhail Khodorkovsky*.  ‘For real’, the latter should be presented not as a ‘public person’, but as a big oil swindler and thief. These persons, these kindred souls, met as early as a quarter of the century ago, in the first years of 2000s. Then a young premier of the Russian government colluded with the oligarchs Boris Beresovsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky and were secretly preparing a coup against Vladimir Putin. That is why Mikhail Kasyanov sat relatively not so long in the chair of prime minister, and in 2004 flew out from the Russian White House with the so-called ‘wolf’s passport’ given to unreliable persons.

Mikhail Kasyanov and Mikhail Khodorkovsky (2022)

In that situation ‘Misha Two Percent’ chose the most slippery way lining up in the colorful rows of future foreign agents and extremists. In 2006, he headed ‘The People’s-Democratic Union’, and in 2007 became president of the dwarfish party ‘People for Democracy and Justice’. He put forward himself as a presidential nominee during the elections in 2008, but the Central Election Committee refused to register him as a candidate, because signatures in his support turned out to be false.

In 2010, Mikhail Kasyanov together with the late Boris Nemtsov created the ‘Party of People’s Freedom (PARNAS). According to the results of the elections, the party received less than 1% of popular vote.

In 2017, Forbes called Mikhail Kasyanov ‘one of the most effective prime ministers in the history of modern Russia’. And just at that moment it seemed that there would be efforts to reanimate Mikhail Kasyanov as a representative of ‘Systematic liberals’ with participation of the collective West. However, scandalous information about the schemes connected with his name forced the CIA to go back on this ‘reanimation’. In 2022 Mikhail Kasyanov immigrated to the West and now lives in Latvia, in the little resort town Jurmala. He constantly messes around with foreign agents, extremists and terrorists who professionally work in order to topple the legal power in Russia and dismember his former motherland.

In fact, a third of his conscious life the former Russian prime minister has whole heartedly devoted to destruction of Russia. Moreover, for all these years Mikhail Kasyanov with his family has been receiving edibles by means of immovables and assets ‘pressed out and stolen inside Russia. Being aware that the destiny is undeservingly favorable to him, he has reregistered all this property on his daughter. But will this ingenuous trick save the undeserved fortune of Mikhail Kasyanov?

‘The court took the apartment of Nevsorov’s mother-in-law which the family wanted to hide from…’

There is a case in precedent leaving not a stone standing of all real estate entities of Mikhail Kasyanov. For instance, in February 2025, the Petrograd District Court of Sankt-Petersburg fulfilled the demand of city’s Office of the Prosecutor General towards the mother-in-law of another famous foreign agent Alexander Nevzorov*, who, before living the country had also not managed to sell his family’s square meters. The deal of selling the apartment to the mother-in-law of the former TV presenter and bigmouth of the program ‘600 seconds’ was proclaimed null and void, and these residential square meters to be handed over to the benefit of the state. If the authorities will take into account this case in precedent, than ‘Kasyanov’s billion’ will end up in the budget of the Russian Federation and will be spent on good purposes.

Author: Alexey Chelnokov

See the Russian version at: «Спасти миллиард иноагента Касьянова»*

*Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich, born 08.12.1957, Identification Number of a Taxpayer (INN) 773603230821, Individual Insurance Account Number (SNILS) 001-140-924 68, included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 724;
*Khodorkovsky Mikhail Borisovich, born 26.06.1963 – on 20.05.2022 was acknowledged by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as physical person fulfilling function of a foreign agent. Included in the Registry of foreign agents with No 389. In 2015, Russia included Khodorkovsky in an international wanted list in connection with the case of his involvement in the murder of the mayor of the town Nefteyugansk Vladimir Petukhov and attempted murder of the entrepreneur Yevgeny Rybin;
**‘Anti-War Committee’ (Russia Antiwar) by the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation of 11.01.2024 this extremist and terrorist organization was acknowledged as undesirable organization in Russia.

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